I made an Android app! called The Hair diary

How exciting, fantastic job!! i'm downloading now, I have a twa so a long journey ahead. I would definitely pay for add ons :grin:
I woke up thinking about how I can completely organize my new hair journey using this app..I despise using paper journals, calendars and such. I'm so geeked!

Sent from my SM-N900V using LHCF
I woke up thinking about how I can completely organize my new hair journey using this app..I despise using paper journals, calendars and such. I'm so geeked!

Sent from my SM-N900V using LHCF


Awesome!! I know its so difficult to keep up with writing everything down on paper! For me at least.
I uploaded a new version to fix some of the bugs I didn't notice before.

Notifications were not firing after system reboot and there was an error when updating a measurement that didn't have all spaces filled in.


Should be available in a few hours.
Love this app! Ive added all my info. Created a challenge for myself. Good job girly! I also find it hilarious that "Unicorn Length" is an option!
Please make a new thread when it's avail on Iphone. I can't wait to use it.


Sweetg Thank you!! And I definitely will and I will tag everyone who commented on this thread with an iPhone as well! :yep:

Love this app! Ive added all my info. Created a challenge for myself. Good job girly! I also find it hilarious that "Unicorn Length" is an option!

kupenda :lachen::lachen::lachen:
I was waiting for someone to comment on that!!! Of course I had to throw that in there!! :lol::lol::grin:
Iphone app!!! Impatiently waiting. :-)

This isn't fair all the android users get to play while us iPhone people can't :-(


Im sorry iPhone people!!!!

Apple makes it really difficult for developers, especially independent developers. Google is so much better in so many ways. Coding for Apple sucks!!! Not to mention the difference in terms of cost.

To put an app on Android its a $25 one time fee.
iPhone is $100/year!! Not to mention the cost of the products itself. I got an iPod touch specifically so I can test the app and I can't even test it without dropping that c-note first! (which makes absolutely no sense to me, but Im glade I didn't get a damn iPad!!)

Luckily I already have a Macbook pro because if I didn't the iPhone version would not be getting made!

I actually tweeted about this yesterday out of frustration. They make it difficult because they don't want just anyone putting apps out.

Im working on it and I will have it out as soon as I can!!!:yep:
Great app Marand13. I just added an entry to the diary regarding the Inversion Method and I will go and post it to that thread as well. Hopefully, you will get more subscribers as more people learn about your app. Keep up the good work.
Marand13 can you add a wish list? Tools, products, supplements, accessories...online and/or local purchase. Local or online store name, price (sale and/or original) I have wish wish lists everywhere and having one in app would simplify life even more!

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Marand13 can you add a wish list? Tools, products, supplements, accessories...online and/or local purchase. Local or online store name, price (sale and/or original) I have wish wish lists everywhere and having one in app would simplify life even more!

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KiWiStyle Thats a great idea!! Can definitely do that. Why didn't I think of that?? :lol:
Your app is really great, I am still discovering new ways it is useful to me.

I'm not sure if this is already a function but maybe a to-do hair dairy bit via the calendar, where you can book yourself in for a wash day or rollerset/flat iron etc and enter what products you intend to use and techniques, hair tools. It may be useful to people who's washday involves lots of steps and products, to help them remember steps or just to do it at all.

Just a suggestion, your app is brilliant already though.
KiWiStyle Thats a great idea!! Can definitely do that. Why didn't I think of that?? :lol:

I'm sure you would have thought of it eventually...usually the beta phase takes care of these little details but you jumped right on in!!! What better way to perfect your app then to ask for suggestions from uses.

Sent from my SM-N900V using LHCF
Your app is really great, I am still discovering new ways it is useful to me.

I'm not sure if this is already a function but maybe a to-do hair dairy bit via the calendar, where you can book yourself in for a wash day or rollerset/flat iron etc and enter what products you intend to use and techniques, hair tools. It may be useful to people who's washday involves lots of steps and products, to help them remember steps or just to do it at all.

Just a suggestion, your app is brilliant already though.

Have you updated the app? I added a feature where you can create an event with a notification on said date and time. I only added fields for a title and description so far. I will most likely expand on it in later versions.
Thanks!! I definitely appreciate every idea!

I'm sure you would have thought of it eventually...usually the beta phase takes care of these little details but you jumped right on in!!! What better way to perfect your app then to ask for suggestions from uses.

Sent from my SM-N900V using LHCF

My thoughts exactly!! I had my own ideas about what exactly I would want to be able to do with an app like this but there is nothing better than input from users first hand! I did a ton of testing before putting it out to make sure everything was working perfectly and now its all about how to make it better for everyone!:yep::yep::yep:
oh no I haven't downloaded it yet, that's great :yep:

edit: the update lol I don't have my app updates on auto :lol:
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