I made an Android app! called The Hair diary

This is great. Just downloaded to my tablet. Cant wait for the iphone version!!!

Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using LHCF
About to download, BUT do you plan to charge for this app after the initial reviews? I'll purchase it when you do.

I can't help but think this way. I want to see black women make money dangit! :grin:

Sent from my SCH-I545 using LHCF
Awesome, I was looking into buying a specific journal for my hair but this is awesome. Like said up thread if you do plan on charging I will definitely purchase. So please notify me when you make an app available for Windows Phone

#makethatmoneygirl and #BlackGirlsRock.

I am going to check out the coding website. I remember I took a class in high school on coding and learned how to build my own website :) I want to learn again :)
Nice app. I did a touch up today and added the entry. I'm almost finished with my profile and regimen.

I like! :yep:
Very niicce! Thanks for creating this app OP! It's another great way for us to stick to our hair goals.
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Downloaded it and using. I love it so far. Maybe in an update you can add the ability to include a picture option with length check. I've recommended it to a few women already.
coolsista-paris I was in the same place, I thought of this app and a few others, over a year ago but had no clue where to start. Was thinking about hiring someone to do it for me but the initial cost as well as upkeep is too much for me. I had some time over the past few months to learn so I dedicated myself to it completely! Google is your friend! Thats where I started and there is no time like the present! :yep:

thank you so much! you are waking me up! lol
i also thought of hiring someone.... but then ive always been interested in computing and technologie so id love to learn myself too.
it does seem to take looooots of time. but i guess once you are into it.... you start to enjoy .
imngonna look into all this.
thanks sooo much
Awesome, I was looking into buying a specific journal for my hair but this is awesome. Like said up thread if you do plan on charging I will definitely purchase. So please notify me when you make an app available for Windows Phone

#makethatmoneygirl and #BlackGirlsRock.

I am going to check out the coding website. I remember I took a class in high school on coding and learned how to build my own website :) I want to learn again :)

About to download, BUT do you plan to charge for this app after the initial reviews? I'll purchase it when you do.

I can't help but think this way. I want to see black women make money dangit! :grin:

Sent from my SCH-I545 using LHCF

I figured I would start off with the free version and later on do an upgrade version without ads and a few extra features. :yep:
Please tag me when the iPhone version is available.

ronie definitely will do!

Downloaded it and using. I love it so far. Maybe in an update you can add the ability to include a picture option with length check. I've recommended it to a few women already.

disgtgyal I was going to add images to that part but It was already cluttered and a little complicated. I am actually going to be completely redesigning the length check section to include images in the future, and to be a little cleaner. :drunk:
thank you so much! you are waking me up! lol
i also thought of hiring someone.... but then ive always been interested in computing and technologie so id love to learn myself too.
it does seem to take looooots of time. but i guess once you are into it.... you start to enjoy .
imngonna look into all this.
thanks sooo much

coolsista-paris I would definitely say it is enjoyable. Especially if you like problem solving. My fam looked at me like I was crazy when I got really excited after I figured out something that took a good month to do! Jumped out my chair, shouted, danced a little... :lachen::lol::grin:
This is great, thanks sooo much! I was thinking of paying for another app but I'll use this one!

I'm not sure if it's just me, but when I searched for it on play it doesn't come up, I had to use the link you provided.
I didnt come in the search for me either.

This is great and its amazing that you learned to do this on your own and worked on it. I am downloading now and will give a thorough review. The more feedback we give you, the better this app will be. I agree that once the app gets to a certain level, you should make money from it some how, with all the work you have put into it.
I can't find it and I am using an Android phone.

I tried to find it with the search function. I guess I will have to go on LHCF with my phone. Will let you know what I think. :yep:
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This is great, thanks sooo much! I was thinking of paying for another app but I'll use this one!

I'm not sure if it's just me, but when I searched for it on play it doesn't come up, I had to use the link you provided.

I didnt come in the search for me either.

This is great and its amazing that you learned to do this on your own and worked on it. I am downloading now and will give a thorough review. The more feedback we give you, the better this app will be. I agree that once the app gets to a certain level, you should make money from it some how, with all the work you have put into it.

I can't find it and I am using an Android phone.

I tried to find it with the search function. I guess I will have to go on LHCF with my phone. Will let you know what I think. :yep:


Thats google for you. If its new and has fairly common key words its not going to come up in search at all. If you search "MarleynaA" it will come up.

It has to gain some popularity, # of downloads, good reviews, and such for it to even be on the list, let alone at the top... :nono:
But I am trying to get it there so people can find it! :yep:

Thats google for you. If its new and has fairly common key words its not going to come up in search at all. If you search "MarleynaA" it will come up.

It has to gain some popularity, # of downloads, good reviews, and such for it to even be on the list, let alone at the top... :nono:
But I am trying to get it there so people can find it! :yep:

I like it. Can't believe you learned on your own and was able to do this. That's awesome. My only criticism so far is that you left out the twa. :lol: great work. Like someone said before, if you make an app that has to be paid for, I will support you. Keep up the good work, you may have stumbled on beginning of an awesome career. If you get really good, you can make great money. Java is a great language to be proficient in.

Thats google for you. If its new and has fairly common key words its not going to come up in search at all. If you search "MarleynaA" it will come up.

It has to gain some popularity, # of downloads, good reviews, and such for it to even be on the list, let alone at the top... :nono:
But I am trying to get it there so people can find it! :yep:

No worries, that's annoying! There are way too many craptastic apps with 2 stars that show up! I hope yours gains the needed views, it so great you were able to learn everything to make this!
I like it. Can't believe you learned on your own and was able to do this. That's awesome. My only criticism so far is that you left out the twa. :lol: great work. Like someone said before, if you make an app that has to be paid for, I will support you. Keep up the good work, you may have stumbled on beginning of an awesome career. If you get really good, you can make great money. Java is a great language to be proficient in.


Dammit I can't believe I forgot TWA!!! :lachen::lachen:

Don't worry it will be in the next update version.

Thanks so much!! I am super excited to see what the future of this will bring! :yay:

No worries, that's annoying! There are way too many craptastic apps with 2 stars that show up! I hope yours gains the needed views, it so great you were able to learn everything to make this!


I agree!! There is only 1 other app similar to this on android and from the looks of it it is horrible! I figured someone who is obsessed with hair care would be the perfect person to capture what an app like this should be. :look: :grin:
Well purple is my favorite color, so you've got me there! Off to download. Looks good so far!!