I made a tutorial and need your input!


Whisper "bleep boop" to yourself when you're sad.
The other day someone asked about making a tutorial for wet bunning, so I made one :grin: I need you guys' opinions and input. Let me know if something is unclear, if there's a step you don't understand, any typos I missed, anything! I wanna make it as clear and understandable as possible. Here's the link:

TIA!!! :drunk:
I think it looks great! I love your hair! ur color and length reminds me of mine!
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Tiff how you do all dis on a cellphone????

You make me want to by Hawaiian Silky! I think i'll get some tomorrow after chu'ch. Your hair is growing so nicely. Love the bun!
i wanted a video tutorial :rolleyes: lol jk.

you really did good and it was nice to see a step by step tutorial i enjoyed it
Its great Tiff,

Im going to start doing that myself more often.

Let me guess you used the Dash Cam?
Your tutorial is great I will have to try that hawaiian silky 14 in one moisturizer always looking for moisture.
Thanks Tiffers! this is just what I needed.

I was wondering if I bun my hair the correct way and by judging from your tutorial, I'm not.

I need to try the twist/ bantu knot bun things you do. APL here I come with bunning...............:thankyou:
It was very helpful to me. All of this time, I thought people were wet bunning with bun formers. I was having a hard time getting my wet hair to cover the entire bun former and on top of that, the bobby pins would sometimes pull at my wet hair. :pullhair: Now I see I had it all wrong. Thanks for the tutorial.
Great tutorial Tiffers, I always wondered how people bunned with out a pony tail holder. The tutorial is very clear. Your hair is looking so good too.
Great tutorial! I have the 14 n 1 and will be trying this. This came right on time since i just relaxed.
I have a question.
Your not sealing at all?
Thank you so much for your input, ladies!! And I'm ecstatic to see that I've helped some of you! :yay:

PuffyBrown: I'm on a cell phone, so I can't make the pics bigger :( Are they really that small? They look big on my phone! :lol:

IntoMyHair: Nope, I don't seal. My hair doesn't like oils too much. Plus I've found that Hawaiian Silky could keep my hair moisturized for at least two days without having to reapply. If you find a moisturizer that is quality and actually moisturizes like it's supposed to, there's no need to seal it in. Just my .02 :D
Tiff how you do all dis on a cellphone????

You make me want to by Hawaiian Silky! I think i'll get some tomorrow after chu'ch. Your hair is growing so nicely. Love the bun!

Girl, like Tim Gunn says, you gotta make it work! :lol: It also helps that I have a cool phone. A touch screen Wing from T-Mobile. So now I can copy and paste stuff!!! :yahoo: :grin:If you pick up that Hawaiian Silky, let me know how you like it. This stuff is the truf in my dd's natural 4a hair :yep:
Very helpful tutorial. My hair is not long enough to do buns yet:ohwell:, maybe I'll try a modified version with phony ponies and under my wigs. Thanks.
Nice tutorial! This made me crack up!

" Spray the crap outta your nape and show it who's boss!!! :-D"
