'i love you'


Well-Known Member
in your current (or past) relationship, how long until you said those words to each other? who said it first? how long did it take for the other person to say it? how did it change your relationship?
With DH, I think it took almost a year for me to say those words. He used to get on my nerves a lot in the beginning. I said it first; he said it back right away, and it made me feel a lot closer to him. It's been 7 years, and we're still together. :yep:
we've been talking for about 3 months when he said it. i still haven't said it back. i care about him a lot/have a lot of feelings for him. but i haven't seen him in 2 months (he lives in jersey, we go to the same university), and im studying abroad in the fall. he's the first guy to say it to me, & im still skeptical (i guess) or maybe just cautious. but the change i notice is that he is more open/understanding/patient with me (our personalities clash a bit) & im more open about voicing my feelings for him to him.
It had been maybe 2.5 to 3 months before he said it first. He thought I was sleeping but I had turned over while laying on the couch with him and he whispered it. Of course I turned right back around like, huh? What did you say? And he said it again. I said it right back and he said, I know. You've already shown me that :grin:
I've never been the one to say it first. When I first started dating my SO he told me that he has never told a girl I love you and he definitely wouldn't be the one to say it first. He said I love after 1 1/2....:lol: I think I said "oh that's nice, thanks" after he said it :lachen: We've been together 6 years.
He said it first after a month of serious dating....I was feeling it but Im gangsta so I didnt say it. LOL.

Once he said it, it was on and popping and we say it all day everyday now.
It took him about 2 months and he said it first, I was a little taking back, but he is a very forward man, and later on I said it back to him, we are still together today. We just celebrated 5 years. We are two people who believe in love ; so we are lways telling each other that we love the other. We are at a point in our lives where it does not matter who says it first.
It took my current SO 2 months. When he first said it I gave him the stale face (looked at him like, "yeah...riiight...sure:rolleyes:". But we've been together for a year now...and he still tells me almost on a regular basis.:yep:

I got comfortable saying it back after about 6 or 7 months.:yep:
It had been maybe 2.5 to 3 months before he said it first. He thought I was sleeping but I had turned over while laying on the couch with him and he whispered it. Of course I turned right back around like, huh? What did you say? And he said it again. I said it right back and he said, I know. You've already shown me that :grin:

Ahh.. I'm teary eyed..
I said it first after we met in person. 4 days I guess?

I'm not the type to say them to anybody so it was a big suprise to both of us:lachen: I guess you know when you know. Next year makes 10 years. IMO its not about just saying the words but also feeling them too.

We said it after 5 months. I felt it wayyyy before though, probably around month 3 or 4.

I said it first, then I got embarassed he grabbed my hand from over my eyes and said I love you more. Ha! I almost passed out. It really changed the dynamics of our relationship. It was now like, meet my girl (....) whom I love.

Haha. :heart: it.
the first guy i dated said it after 2 weeks.


my first love told me after about a year and a half, when he was drunk. he told me again when he was sober a few months later, but we weren't together, and i'd already moved on. the feeling was mutual, though.

i've never said i love you to a guy first. and i wouldn't.
it took me about 2 months to say it but before that he was hinting around all the time like "baby, i think i am falling in love with you"...lol
the fastest i had was with this dear bf of mine i had who said it after 2 weeks i was really shocked lol but we went on to have a wonderful relationship until i emigrated, actually come to think of it bfs say it to me quite quickly cause 2 long term bfs have said it within the first month
I've had a guy friend tell me those words but we weren't in a relationship...and we had been friends for about 2 months...It was weird hearing that from a guy friend...but I have more guy friends overall...it takes me a while to say those words in a relationship though