I know this was posted before, but LAWD have MERCY...

She makes it look so easy. Shame on her! I've tried this for years and still can't perfect it. She has beautiful hair.
Chile, don't it just make ya wanna do some thangs to your hair? It's all thick and long and just a'swangin'...
WOWZA, Thats a beautiful head of hair. Just the kind that a natural like me needs to avoid looking at:look:

And I am not mad that she can use a fine tooth comb and still have hair that gorgeous:rolleyes: My ain't fair, if I tried that, I would be bold!:nono:

Oh and the swang!!!!!:yep:
WOWZA, Thats a beautiful head of hair. Just the kind that a natural like me needs to avoid looking at:look:

And I am not mad that she can use a fine tooth comb and still have hair that gorgeous:rolleyes: My ain't fair, if I tried that, I would be bold!:nono:

Oh and the swang!!!!!:yep:

Girl, I know how you feel. When I was relaxed, I was like... "damn." Can I get me somma that?

And now that I'm natural, I'm like, "Thank the lawd I don't have enough hair to relax." And I'm holding out hope I can get a thick, shiny blowout and get similiar results.
How dare she do this!! I had to cover my eyes and not allow my bf to look at this video! Mine eyes are burning with envy, ooooh the shine and the length. Hmph, who she think she is showing us all her hair glory :lol:

WOWZA, Thats a beautiful head of hair. Just the kind that a natural like me needs to avoid looking at

As a transitioner, I share that SAME sentiment! Wow!!!
How cute is she? I love how she just showed us what she does and didn't talk, talk, talk, talk like a lot of others do. That was very helpful (when I'm done with my curly stage, I'll give it a try.)
Oh yeah, and YES her hair is definitely droolworthy!!!!
:love: Her hair was beautiful. I don't think I blinked once. :lachen:

Even though I have no desire to relax my hair ever again, I wish when I was relaxed I took care of it so it would have looked like that. I would have been swingin' and swangin' my hair all over the place.
Why in the world my hair can't ever look like that? I'm just gonna give up, cut off all my hair, and buy a wig.:cry2:
yooooooooooooo is she natural? she has swangnicity for days! and she is ripping that fine toothed comb through like it doesn't even matter! UGH how i long for hair like that!
Wow!!!! :love: :drool:

Is she natural? Her hair looks natural in her "before" video.
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:drool: oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh my. yeah I REALLY shouldn't be watching this...makes me want to relax again....*jealous* her hair is just.... AH! :notworthy:
yooooooooooooo is she natural? she has swangnicity for days! and she is ripping that fine toothed comb through like it doesn't even matter! UGH how i long for hair like that!

Relaxed. I really wish she would update soon, though!