I know this was posted before, but LAWD have MERCY...

*sniff* I'm on mobile & my phone is bout to die so I can seeeeeeee *cries*

I'm subbing so I can come back when I'm on my laptop.
Everytime I see this video I get pissed. LOL.

I am SOOOOOOO jealous of her hair. It's GORGEOUS!
Simply stunning, I bet she doesn't do that much to her either, in terms of regimen!

yeah, them coarse hair girls :wallbash:

quiet as it's kept, thickness can be as important as length, if not moreso, as far as the desired effect.

I got some tracks put in once and the stylist cut it to the lengthh of my hair. The difference in male attention was noticeable.
Beautiful head of hair, she colors {black rinse}, relaxes but also stretches, flat irons but still keeps it healthy..good job she is doing.
:lachen: at soiling oneself, lighting cigs.... Y'all are crazy!

Gorgeous hair and she does make it look easy. She's so adorable too.
simply gorgeous...and right on time too, because after all this time natural i sure did forget how to wrap my hair. i've been struggling this weekend :lachen:
Silvergirl, I was just on your YT yesterday! You are so cute and sweet and your beautiful hair grows like a weed!
Lol I remember stumbling upon her yt quite a while ago (and then never finding it again since.

Her hair is perfection :oo

If a blowout and flat iron could look like THAT on my hair I don't think I'd care that much about length. (and then I'd probably break it all off enjorying it too much, lol.)

thanks for posting this :]
Man her hair is so nice. If I knew her reggie I would probably follow it to the letter lol. I can't believe she doesn't have more hair videos.
Thats not even right. Just gorgeous. I went and wrapped my hair after watching it twice. I was not expecting all that.