I know this was posted before, but LAWD have MERCY...

*cleans chair# I think i just had a hairgasm.:blush:

Her hair is so uniform and healthy and thick and swangin and...lawd I can't take it. I need a moment...
Wow! She really knows how to wrap her hair. I've never seen hair wrapped before, now I know what my friends were talking about years ago. That's what I call some serious wrapping with a rat tail comb at that. It certainly can be called "hair porn." :perplexed
They need to know what awaits! :giggle: Shoooot, on here, there'll be so much hair porn left and right, they won't know to do. Consider this initiation. :eyebrows2
I do not need to be watching this. It's the reason why I got rid of most of the relaxed heads from my fotki. She has some lovely lovely hair.
I saw this a while back and I think of it every so often, its even more unbelievable than I recall lol. She really has amazing hair! Very pretty girl too