I know this is LHCF, but does anyone like short hair??


Active Member
I am relaxed, and I had to get my hair cut from nearly APL to NL...setback! At first I was mad, but now I'm digging having a "style" for a change, its been 3 years! I was wondering if anyone here has shorter hair, by choice, or maybe they want to grow it out at some point, but are happily rocking a cute cut?

I had planned to immediately start growing my hair out, but now have decided to flaunt some style through the summer. I'm going to keep my hair cut and maybe start to grow it out in the Fall, we shall see.

The cut right now is very blunt, but I am considering getting it layered up in the next few months to give it some add'l flair. My pic is in my siggy...anyone else w/short hair pics??
ME, ME, ME i looooove relaxed (straight) short hair. I had short by choice for my whole teen years. Unfortunaly i dont have pictures of myself but one and is not very good (i was not that interested in hair before)
But anyway, here it is.

I'm really loving shoulder length hair (this season at least)...ever since rhianna brought short hair back. Zoe Saldana (Avatar) and Tyra both have short (SL hair is short to me) and look great!
I love a chin/NL bob!! I wore my hair like that for years. I think its super stylish and flattering. But I now want to explore long hair. I can always wig it if I want to go short again.
No, not on me. My hair doesn't know how to behave, so I need the length to weigh it down. I used to spend so much time on my hair when it was short.
you know be rockin a bad A$$ short cut?, betty boob. uh huh, yup:yep:

nobody else rocked it better, so no i dont see myself ever having short hair:look:
Yes, on Halle Berry. Been there done that but my hair starts to far up on my neck for a short hair cut and my face is to wide. I'm more in the Queen Latifah family of face structure. My hair looks better longer and away from my face. I think you should have the facial structure to carry off a short cut but work with what you've got.You can always buy what you don't.
I love short hair. I wore my hair short for the last two years I was relaxed. When my hair would start growing back I would get it cut again, and I loved changing colors every few months. Women would come up to me and tell me how much they loved my haircut and were thinking of cutting their own. Short hair is bold and beautiful when worn with confidence. :)
I love STYLE when it comes to hair over length. People have long hair with no "style" to it and its just like "blah". But you can have some fierce short do's that can have your spirit screaming "girl you better work it!" and vice versa.

I'm one that has shorter hair by choice. I've been on hair boards for YEARS and have rocked my hair various lengths both relaxed and natural...I've let go the focus on "long hair" and it's been all about "health" regardless of length and it's been a much more fun journey. I haven't rocked a longer style in a while, so at the moment, I'm growing it out some, at least until I get bored again and decided to go shorter lol.
I love short cute styles. So when I want a change I wig it up (not that it is long yet anyhow). SOmetimes I miss my assymetrical bob....only sometimes tho :D
I have two friends with short hair and they are members of this forum. Their hair always looks GOOD. (yea Meka I am talking about you).
I LOVE short hair, but it is a MF to maintain. I usually wear short weaves and wigs--I can't stand the way most women look with longer weaves--I will grow my hair and cut my weave in a minute.

If my weave is cut wrong, we can cut more or sewin more hair. If my hair is cut wrong, well I have to deal with it and grow it out.

When you have a pretty face and a slim jawline, short hair is AMAZING.
I Do! I love short hair. I've cut my hair to Halle Berry length at least 4 times that I can think of. I also luuuurrrrve cute little bob cuts. Right now I just want to see how long it will grow with proper care.
I love bobs! Esp. longer bobs. and my mommy who has gorgy hair refuses to grow her hair past collar bone length. Everytime I get a phone call from her she seems to always tell me she just got a haircut. I'm always like didn't you just get one last wk and she laughs. But I guess since she had long hair for such a long time she just likes to keep it short now.
I Love Short Hair! I had worn my Hair Short for Years.:grin:

In a "Variety" of BAAAD Short Cuts! I Rocked Them:lachen:

But Right Now, I just want HEALTHY HAIR.:blush: Be it Short or Long.:sad:
I don't have the face or head for it but it looks really good on some women. I say rock it if you like it. I look much better w/hair atleast shoulder length stretched.
I love short hair. I have a chin length bob now but I used to wear short cuts like Halle, Toni Braxton, and Nia Long. I want to go back to that look but I need to find a good stylist that cuts hair.
before I joined this board I had to get my hair cut to ear/chin length and have it be highly layered b/c of damage. But honestly that was one of my favorite hairstyles on me. I loved it! It always looked different and it was so easy to take care of. *sigh*
I love short hair, and I have short hair right now. I haven't been able to grow my hair past chin length in the past six years because I'm always finding a new way to cut it. Now, I just want healthy hair.
I loves it in weaves on wigs. I can't do crap with my own hair when it's short. I loved a fierce short cut. I already know what weave I am getting for Spring.
On others yes
On myself... NO!

I love the look and feel of a hair cut. Once I reach my neck and feel SKIN and not hair I start getting all anxious and wanna cry LOL
I absolutely L:love:VE short hair! When I see ladies rockin their TWA's and baldies 95% of the time I'm like this:lick: I love t see thick healthy hair thats been cut really well with cute layers with swang and shine...its really cute to me.

I ADORE Michelle Obama's new bob cut and I think she has never looked better.

Different styles and cuts compliment different facial features so I think as long as it brings out your best features then its the right look for you.

I wouldn't cut my own hair to get the look though. When you cut your real hair you have no choice but to start all over from that point if you want long hair again and you may have to wait years to get back where you were or reach your goals depending on your rate of growth. For me, if I ever wanted to rock a fierce short look I would do it with a lacefront, a weave or some kind of extension style where my real hair is resting and growing underneath........that way you have the most versatility:yep:
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Me! I especially love it on certain people, ie Halle, Nia, Rhianna.

I also think I look best with shorter hair. (but NOT super short like the folks I mentioned above). I would be very happy with healthy, thick, shoulder length hair with a cute layered cut. This is actually my hair goal.

I have had long weaves before and did not like the way they looked on me, I think i might just be one of those people that doesn't look cute with really long hair. I've also had other people tell me this as well. I'm not sure why, something about face/body shape I guess and the fact that I'm petite.
I love a sexy bob cut and have rocked one variation or another over the years. Every time I see a cute bob I get that urge to make an appt. with my stylist...
I rocked a short Halle Berry/ Nia Longish-cut for years and I LOVED it! It suited my small face very well. I even got a few "You kinda look like Halle Berry" comments during my short hair cut phase. I like short hair. But I LOVE long hair.
I love short hair!!! asymetrical bobs never go outta style in my eyes lol. I also really like short boyish cuts on women....
I was drooling over some cute short haircuts I saw in a mag at the Dr. office just yesterday! I saw this one style that had me thinking about about ripping the page out and running to my old sytlist for a relax/cut&style

But right when I was bout to yank the page out and pray for forgiveness the Dr. walked in :( oh well maybe next time
I LOVE short hair, but it is a MF to maintain. I usually wear short weaves and wigs--I can't stand the way most women look with longer weaves--I will grow my hair and cut my weave in a minute.

If my weave is cut wrong, we can cut more or sewin more hair. If my hair is cut wrong, well I have to deal with it and grow it out.

When you have a pretty face and a slim jawline, short hair is AMAZING.

I agree with all of that!