I know its the truth but it hurts when it came from your mouth. . .


Active Member
"What you wont do someone else will" . . . I'm mad like seriously doe. . . I told you what it was before we got together. . im not having innercourse till im married. as time passes it makes me even more mad like. . keeps running through my mind. . . i know its true its the fact that you said it.

i had to rant. . .

"What you wont do someone else will" . . . I'm mad like seriously doe. . . I told you what it was before we got together. . im not having innercourse till im married. as time passes it makes me even more mad like. . keeps running through my mind. . . i know its true its the fact that you said it.

i had to rant. . .
Its good to get that rant outta your system. Now you can move on from that loser. He was only waiting for the panties to drop; and now that he sees that you're serious, he'll move on too (someone who he thinks he can get around). You deserve better, remember that!
Kindly let this idiot know that contrary to what's been reported we're not totally out of the recession in terms of economic recovery. As such due to inflation and other factors that you will not be giving your milk away for free. In fact no cow worth her weight in gold is stupid enough to allow every Tom, especially Dick, and Harry to milk her. It's time for you to let him 'MOO've on to some stupid Heifer cuz he's not deserving of regular let alone chocolate, strawberry, banana, or any other flavoured milk.
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He can go somewhere with that nonsense.

A woman's decision to (not to) have sex shouldn't be some kind of weapon used as a threat or a tactic used in negotiations.
Well, just know that these days, when a woman over 18 says she's not having sex until she's married, most men are not going to believe her. That's why he keeps bringing it up even though you've already made it plain.

So, you can either stay and keep being bugged about it or leave. Rather simple if you ask me.

Dang, you made SURE you quoted it, huh? LOL

OP, I'm waiting for marriage as well...and NO I would NOT tolerate a man I was with, who KNEW...KNEW from the beginning where I stood...and then would have the AUDACITY to THREATEN to step out to get sex because "I won't?"

Rant away, but when it's over, KNOW that he TOLD YOU HIS PLANS. And if YOU STAY and he STEPS OUT, don't act shocked, don't cry and ask "HOW? WHY?" because he TOLD YOU. Straight up. TOLD YOU. Some guys sneak around and it's a shock, some drop hints they aren't happy.

This one was bold with it that he's gonna get his. Don't give in. Even IF you said you weren't going to wait anymore, PLEASE, he OR his situation is NOT WORTHY!!
"What you wont do someone else will" . . . I'm mad like seriously doe. . . I told you what it was before we got together. . im not having innercourse till im married. as time passes it makes me even more mad like. . keeps running through my mind. . . i know its true its the fact that you said it.

i had to rant. . .

Let him go find the person who is willing to do it. Stay true to your values. He can keep stepping with his BS. He is not worthy, hun.
I just think that there's a trade-off. The next one will and will also give you add'l "gifts" you didn't bargain for.
You should turn his quote right back on him. He won't wait for you until marriage but someone else will. What one won't do someone else will...right? Isn't that what he believes? So he can believe it when it applies in the other direction too.

Drop him now, because he has told you plain as day that he plans to cheat. Get rid of him.
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You should turn his quote right back on him. He won't wait for you until marriage but someone else will. What one won't do someone else will...right? Isn't that what he believes? So he can believe it applies in the other direction too.

Drop him now, because he has told you plain as day that he plans to cheat. Get rid of him.
I love this because it goes both ways. What he won't do....some other will. And
he just proved he's the wrong guy.

I'm waiting till marriage and my fiance respects that (I'm sure he's counting down) but he's never pressured me.

And btw the whole "I know its true"...that maybe your problem. You need to know it's NOT true "that what you won't do someone else will". That may be true for him but not everyone. But really you should thank him for revealing he's the wrong guy so you can move on becauseall you need is the right guy not just any guy anyways...
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Btw I have something I think might help:

Him: What you won't do someone else will....

You: Well then go find her.

Him: (Crickets and silence)

You: (nothing as you walk away)....
He's just not the right one for you... be thankful he showed his true colors! Stick to your plan... don't change for anyone. You deserve better and the RIGHT one will wait patiently until you two are married.