I know I have been MIA for a long while but I have updates!!


Hair Coach
Hey Ladies! :wave:

I know that I am not very active on the board any longer and I know that you all haven't seen any pics or updates from me in a while so here I go.

I cut all of my hair off. I think I did it because I needed the change. I think I did it because so many huge things have happened in my life I just wanted to start fresh and new! So many reasons.:drunk::drunk:

The pics are in my fotki and here is the link.


You all know that I won't keep it short for long. I don't know what in the world to do with a little bit of hair. Plus I keep feeling for something that is obviously not there! LOL:grin:
:hiya:Welcome back! =) I can't believe you cut it! It's a sharp cut though, it's looks very nice on you!
Glad to see you girlie!!!!

That cut looks so sexy on you!!!! I love it.

I can't believe you cut all of that hair, but I love the new look!!!
Great to have you back! I also agree that your hair cut looks very nice. I'm off to chek out you fotki...after the Eagles game goes off :grin:
Your hair cut looks really good!

But I'm still mad. :mad: I'm mad at anyone who cuts their hair for reasons not pertaining to its health :lol:
Welcome back DSD! Going to check out the updates right now. looks sharp in the avatar though. :) Some times a change with the hair gives you an extra boost, so do your thing. :)
DSD, you have always been one of my hair inspirations! Your new cut is too cute! Ill bet its nice to know that you can easily grow it back whenever you want since you know so much about hair growth now!
Thanks everyone! I am feeling the love.

Hmmm, I know the cut is cute and all but when it boils down to the truth, I don't know what to do with it. I am not really a big fan of the whole 'marcel 5 million little curls all over the place' look. I like it sort of messy and wild!!

It is good to know that I can cut off all of my hair and have it back to shoulder length in little or no time. Thanks to this wonderful forum I know exactly what to do and how to do plus being a stylist helps too! ;)
I love your new haircut. Not only are you pretty, (your skin is flawless!)but the style is beautiful on you. :up:
I love the cut!!! It's been said before but I say it again you are so pretty and have very striking features dontspeakdefeat. :yep: