I know I have been MIA for a long while but I have updates!!

WOW! I cant believe it! Your fotki is a big deal i used to always be in there learning some stuff, i found it before longhaircareforum! But anyway, your hair is cute now:yep:--i bet if feels really refreshing--no damage or anything, just a fresh start. How long was it before you cut it?

Congrats on being a hair stylist now also! (ETA, did you learn anything special we dont already know?)
How long has your duaghters hair got?

(sorry if these have been aksed already, i didnt read the other posts yet)
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WOW! I cant believe it! Your fotki is a big deal i used to always be in there learning some stuff, i found it before longhaircareforum! But anyway, your hair is cute now:yep:--i bet if feels really refreshing--no damage or anything, just a fresh start. How long was it before you cut it?

Congrats on being a hair stylist now also! (ETA, did you learn anything special we dont already know?)
How long has your duaghters hair got?

(sorry if these have been aksed already, i didnt read the other posts yet)

My hair cut came in many steps over the past year. Before my initial cut last November my hair was about 3 inches above my brastrap. I cut it to shoulder length and then let it grow to armpit length. I then cut it to collar bone length. Sometime in May 07 I cut it to chin length and kept it there for a while. Now I am here. No hair, but I like it.

As far as learning anything special. I think not. I learned the technical aspects of hairstyling but they teach you some bad things in hair school that if you don't know better....well, you know how the story goes.

My daughter's hair is now relaxed and colored and I haven't let it grow that long. It's about shoulder length now. I try to keep it simple for me so I keep it at that length. It's funny you asked because she told me just this evening that she wants to grow her hair to waistlength. I asked her if she was really up to the challenge and she said yes. She's gonna have to give up a few things to help herself get there. We will see!!
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Hey! Shocking but very chic. Girl you were my first inspiration when I first starting lurking around this board. The cut looks really cute on you.
DSD you have such lovely features, you are so pretty:yep:. I just keep thinking when you grow your hair out again it is really going to be spectacular! I'm so happy you are enjoying your cute new cut :).
Where've you been girlie!!!!! Love the cut but I wanna see you grow it back. I remember when I first joined the site your fotki was on my list of favorites....matter of fact it still is.....so grow that hair back and continue to inspire!!!!
I know what it's like to want a change! :yep: Your cut is very flattering on you. You and your hair and very pretty. Thanks for sharing the updates! :drunk:
Hey Ladies! :wave:

I know that I am not very active on the board any longer and I know that you all haven't seen any pics or updates from me in a while so here I go.

I cut all of my hair off. I think I did it because I needed the change. I think I did it because so many huge things have happened in my life I just wanted to start fresh and new! So many reasons.:drunk::drunk:

The pics are in my fotki and here is the link.


You all know that I won't keep it short for long. I don't know what in the world to do with a little bit of hair. Plus I keep feeling for something that is obviously not there! LOL:grin:

woww Dontspeakdeafeat!!! change is good too i love u with both short and long hair! that haircut fits u nice!:yep: