I knew I was a hair addict when... (oldie with new spin)


New Member
Okay ladies... I know this has been done a gazillion plus one times but I wanna put a spin on it.

I know most of us LHCF subscribers are Hair Addicts.. and we love joking around with one another about how 'addicted' we are to our hair and how we're product junkies.. BUT...

Have you have had an incident take place that takes the cake when it comes to hair addiction? An incident even a fellow LHCF lady may go..:lachen: at first then :ohwell:... :perplexed to eventually this --> :nono: ?


Here's my story: I have been on vacation for the past 7 days (no comp no hair forums no nothing).. I went on a trip to Florida... Disney World to be exact =) [yay]. Although disney was great and all... why is it the only event that is sticking out in my mind is the moment I found the Denman brush at the Florida Mall:blush:. It was pretty expensive so I decided not to purchase it because I was still going to Universal and wanted to be sure I had money for food..souvenirs..etc. The day we were leaving I finally decided to purchase the denman... I BEGGED my father to go to florida mall so I could run in and buy it.. which he did:yep:.. i kept it in my purse as a carry-on.. something inside told me not to put it in my suitcase. When we finally arrived back home in Toronto, my luggage was nowhere to be found.. after speaking to Customer Service and a little investigation... they found my luggage somewhere in Minneapolis (can someone say random?) But here's the embarassing part. Before they found my bag.. 1,000,000,000,000 things were running through my head.. 'what if i don't get my luggage back?'..'my clothes...beauty products prescriptions are in there.. what if i never get it again?'... but the one thing that calm me down?... I could buy all that back... at LEAST I have my DENMAN in my purse... the thought of this put my mind at ease I was :spinning: giddy all the way home sans luggage and as soon as I settled in my house I went straight upstairs to wash and detangle my hair with my denman brush (which I love)

BTW... my luggage is expected to arrive tonight... but I could care less *looks to my right to see the denman resting on the ledge*:rolleyes: I've got everything I need riiight here
Well I'm glad you have your denman! LOL! I knew I was a hair addict when my sister sprayed some ish in my hair that she wanted to try out and I ran like my head was on fire to the sink. If I don't approve, it's not going on my hair. Once upon a time, I didn't give a care what I put on my hair. She looked at me like I was crazy...
I knew I was a hair addict when I tied a fake silk scarf around the headrest of my car so that my hair would be resting on something smooth when I was in the car. :look:

It's black, so it definitely matches...
When I decided to stop going out to lunch and instead use my lunch budget money/ break to buy/scope out hair products....I am now sitting here at work trying not to pass out from hunger till I can get home:lachen:.
When I decided to stop going out to lunch and instead use my lunch budget money/ break to buy/scope out hair products....I am now sitting here at work trying not to pass out from hunger till I can get home:lachen:.

LMAO that is so me!:lachen:During my lunch when looking at the menu and it says $6.99.. i think to my self... "that's a bottle of glycerin right there... no no nooo... I'm passing on lunch today"
I knew I became a hair addict when I started hiding my hair purchases in my car. I wait till everybody is sleeping and then I sneak it in. Sometimes I get caught anyway and I get all defensive. :lachen:
i knew I was a hair addict when...my friends looked through my digital camera and found 50-11 pictures of the back of my head:grin:...the kicker is that i wasn't even embarassed:nono:
i knew I was a hair addict when...my friends looked through my digital camera and found 50-11 pictures of the back of my head:grin:...the kicker is that i wasn't even embarassed:nono:

OMG I thought I was the only one! Ahahaha My kids just roll their eyes
i knew I was a hair addict when...my friends looked through my digital camera and found 50-11 pictures of the back of my head:grin:...the kicker is that i wasn't even embarassed:nono:
Yessss. My brother wanted to borrow my digital camera for prom/graduation and I told him hell no because my hair pics are on there and I need to see i my hair is improving. I felt kinda bad and told him that I would buy a new memory card for my camera or get him a disposable one instead....he just gave me the :rolleyes: "this **** is crazy" look and let it go.

I also have a picture of my bun as the wallpaper on my cell phone. A few people in my family have asked if I lost my mind.:look:
Yessss. My brother wanted to borrow my digital camera for prom/graduation and I told him hell no because my hair pics are on there and I need to see i my hair is improving. I felt kinda bad and told him that I would buy a new memory card for my camera or get him a disposable one instead....he just gave me the :rolleyes: "this **** is crazy" look and let it go.

I also have a picture of my bun as the wallpaper on my cell phone. A few people in my family have asked if I lost my mind.:look:
Too cute!:grin:
I knew I became a hair addict when I started hiding my hair purchases in my car. I wait till everybody is sleeping and then I sneak it in. Sometimes I get caught anyway and I get all defensive. :lachen:
Me too!

This is why I cant stand living at home with my parents. Whenever I buy a new deep conditioner my mom is ready to have a fit. I usually just make sure I come home first so I can sneak all my stuff into my room.

PLS BELIEVE.. it was actually my dad who was looking at brushes.. i wanted go when I turned my head and saw the brush I was like "ok contain yourself girl... breeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttthhhhhhhhhh" LMAO:drunk:
Well pretty much since I was a little girl. 4 years old and asking my mother for a relaxer:ohwell:

But i really knew I was an addict when I had 200+ photos of my hair in my digi cam. :look:
i knew i was a hair addict when my sister was about to look through my phone i told her i had nasty photos on there so she wouldnt see all my hair photos and think "this **** is crazy".:look:
i knew i was a hair addict when my sister was about to look through my phone i told her i had nasty photos on there so she wouldnt see all my hair photos and think "this **** is crazy".:look:



So you rather her think you sending naughty pics to somebody - you just fresh, not crazy, aiight, aiight. :lachen:
I first used/discovered glycerin last week and was so impressed at how baby soft it made my hair that I rang my sister at 12 in the night to tell her about it. I witheld my number just in case she sounded like she was sleeping (I was planning to hang up if she was) or if she did not answer (she did not) and decide to cuss me out the next day if she saw my number come up.

I would save the first MT/OCT thread where I had read upto so I would know where to start from the next time I logged on. When I came to the post that said it was closed by dontspeakdefeat I nearly had a panic attack. My DH heard me swearing and asked what was the matter and I was too embarrassed to tell him as he would think I am even more crazy than what he already think I am. I was sooooo happy and relieved to see the new thread!!

My DH asked me if I was planning to open a beauty suuply store on ebay (he was serious) becuase I had so many products (I have cut down now that I have found my staples).
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WEll the other day I was driving and saw this lady w/gorgeous natural hair (she was driving too). We stopped at the light and I was leaning and staring trying to see her hair. I think she thought I was trying to "Hollah" at her and she put her hand up to cover her face and turned around. I was almost embarrassed but I figured I would never see her again!
WEll the other day I was driving and saw this lady w/gorgeous natural hair (she was driving too). We stopped at the light and I was leaning and staring trying to see her hair. I think she thought I was trying to "Hollah" at her and she put her hand up to cover her face and turned around. I was almost embarrassed but I figured I would never see her again!

Oooh, yeah, I do that all the time too!! :blush:

I wonder if sistas think I'm hating or hitting on them, because I'm staring HARD sometimes. :lachen:
This is a great thread.

Since joining LHCF, I have joined the CoWashing, and DC challenges and have started using MN. So, I Co-wash 3 times a week and DC 2 times a week, while using MN every other day.

For the whole month of May and June, the night before the day that I co-wash, DC or use MN when I go to bed, I lie in bed and think to myself ~"OMG , :yay::yay:okay, tomorrow I'm going to co-wash with HE Hello hydration; I cannot wait:yay:". So, I go to bed all excited and can't wait until morning so that I can co-wash or dc or use MN. I'm like a kid who goes to bed all giddy the night before Christmas. That's when I KNEW I was a hair addict. :grin:
I knew I was a hair (and cosmetic) addict back in high school when I had more hair care products, lipstick, and nail polish than clothes.
great thread!

i knew i was a hair addict when i started narrating my hair growing adventures to evvveryone around me. no one cares, but i just can't stop myself! i love talking about all the recipes and products and plans i have for my hair.
that and when i dropped 70 dollars in ulta on the entire joico line without a second thought :spinning: ...that was probably my worst moment hahah!
i knew i was a hair addict when i started 2 funds one for savings and one for hair products:ohwell:
Oh My gosh, that sounds like a great idea!

I knew I became a hair addict when I started hiding my hair purchases in my car. I wait till everybody is sleeping and then I sneak it in. Sometimes I get caught anyway and I get all defensive. :lachen:
I hide mine in my big purse till I get in the house. :lachen:

i knew I was a hair addict when...my friends looked through my digital camera and found 50-11 pictures of the back of my head:grin:...the kicker is that i wasn't even embarassed:nono:
I do this too. I usually keep them on a save card and take it out when my family wants to see my pictures...lol
Okay I thought of a new one... My luggage arrived BTW =D so I did a DCW on my hair and detangled with my denman... and I HONESTLY BELIEVE...

That if my house caught fire *god forbid* I'd run upstairs and grab that brush before exiting the house :look:

LMAO I have pics of the back of my head on my cell too.. I just don't let people browse my album.. my phone is complex so 99 percent of the time they can't find my album in the first place. I'm always behind them though watching them.. they think I'm afraid that they'll steal my phone.. when really I just dont want them to see the pics.. heh heh

BTW is it only my computer or are not all of the responses showing up.. is this the new layout of the posted forums or something? TIA