I knew I was a hair addict when... (oldie with new spin)

I knew I became a hair addict when I started hiding my hair purchases in my car. I wait till everybody is sleeping and then I sneak it in. Sometimes I get caught anyway and I get all defensive. :lachen:

I first used/discovered glycerin last week and was so impressed at how baby soft it made my hair that I rang my sister at 12 in the night to tell her about it. I witheld my number just in case she sounded like she was sleeping (I was planning to hang up if she was) or if she did not answer (she did not) and decide to cuss me out the next day if she saw my number come up.

I would save the first MT/OCT thread where I had read upto so I would know where to start from the next time I logged on. When I came to the post that said it was closed by dontspeakdefeat I nearly had a panic attack. My DH heard me swearing and asked what was the matter and I was too embarrassed to tell him as he would think I am even more crazy than what he already think I am. I was sooooo happy and relieved to see the new thread!!

My DH asked me if I was planning to open a beauty suuply store on ebay (he was serious) becuase I had so many products (I have cut down now that I have found my staples).

This is a great thread.

Since joining LHCF, I have joined the CoWashing, and DC challenges and have started using MN. So, I Co-wash 3 times a week and DC 2 times a week, while using MN every other day.

For the whole month of May and June, the night before the day that I co-wash, DC or use MN when I go to bed, I lie in bed and think to myself ~"OMG , :yay::yay:okay, tomorrow I'm going to co-wash with HE Hello hydration; I cannot wait:yay:". So, I go to bed all excited and can't wait until morning so that I can co-wash or dc or use MN. I'm like a kid who goes to bed all giddy the night before Christmas. That's when I KNEW I was a hair addict. :grin:

All of the above have me :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:!!!

Great thread !!
Hmm.. i knew i was a hair addict when
1) my first 8 page paper in grammar school was about hair.. and yes i did glue 2 kankelon braids on the girl that i drew on the front( have i no shame?:ohwell:

2) umm.. when i go to the beaty supply with people i make sure to try to check out either first or while they are distracted so they cant see my bill detective:

3) there is probably not one product in my cabinet that is still in the same form from whence it came.. every jar, bottle ,and tub has some nextness mixed in there:ninja:
I knew when....

Whenever I go to the supermarket or CVS my kids BAN ME from the hair product aisle. If I try to go they say "Mommy NO" Ahahahaha!!! My husband has no idea. I hide my addiction like if it were another man :lachen:

Oh and my sister and I (she's a member here as well) will spend hours on the phone talking about hair and products.
But i really knew I was an addict when I had 200+ photos of my hair in my digi cam. :look:[/quote]

Me too...I deleted most b/c they are already on my computer, but i keep like 50 pictures from the begining to now. Cuz i like to have my progress pictures with me at all times. My blankie...:drunk:
When you:

-buy a case of any cheapie hair product.
-get a whiff of someone's hair and knows what product they used.
-can pretty much guess someone's regime on sight or know recommendations for their situation.
-are always on the lookout for a new pin-up style or cute hair accessory.
-are in a line at a fast food restaurant and you wonder if the chick with the silky hair on rollers in front of you is a hur-cuzzin'.
I knew I became a hair addict when I started hiding my hair purchases in my car. I wait till everybody is sleeping and then I sneak it in. Sometimes I get caught anyway and I get all defensive. :lachen:

:lachen::lachen::lachen:LMAO That is me too, sometimes I would even hide hair products in my baby's diaper bag. I always say this is the last thing for this month, but I'll start "jonesing" for more products when I see something I have been wanting to try. My hubby thinks I have it bad, but he has no idea on how bad it really is. Hopefully I don't fail the Buy nothing for July 2008, Good thing it doesn't start until the 6th!:lachen:
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:lachen::lachen::lachen:LMAO That is me too, sometimes I would even hide hair products in my baby's diaper bag. I always say this is the last thing for this month, but I'll start "jonesing" for more products when I see something I have been wanting to try. My hubby thinks I have it bad, but he has no idea on how bad it really is. Hopefully I don't fail the Buy nothing for July 2008, Good thing it doesn't start until the 6th!:lachen:
Me too, I hope he doesn't ever look at my digital camera...:lachen::lachen:I once told my husband we had to stop at Macy's to get a baby shower present but I already had the present but needed to go to trade secret to check out their sale....I hid the items in my purse and he was like, "That purse holds everything huh" ....if he only knew....:lachen:
One more,

I have been trying to keep a journal for years, never worked but now I have a "hair journal" and it's my new best friend, of course after LHCF
I knew I was a hair addict-I actually call myself a hair whore but whatever-when I was a kid most of the girls I played with had long pretty hair. (I had long pretty hair too so I was not trying to live through them). As an teen and adult most of the guys-and girls-I was attracted to had pretty hair. I may not remember your name but if you had/have long pretty hair I will remember that!! Yeah, vain but at least I'm honest about it!!

Waaa...I want my past BSL hair back!!!
When I made my husband create a line item called "Anita's Hair" in our household budget each month :spinning:.
Well I'm glad you have your denman! LOL! I knew I was a hair addict when my sister sprayed some ish in my hair that she wanted to try out and I ran like my head was on fire to the sink. If I don't approve, it's not going on my hair. Once upon a time, I didn't give a care what I put on my hair. She looked at me like I was crazy...
oh my goodness that image was toooo funny!!:lachen::lachen::lachen:
...I bought a four drawer plastic bin for all of my hair products and they didn't fit.

...my Mother called looking for me and I had to confess I was in the hair products aisle at National Wholesale Liquidators.

...after counseling my friend through a period of bad breakage I was so sad when she informed me she got a weave, a GLUE IN. All of my hard work, wasted.
I knew I was a hair addict when I would tell my coworkers that I was running errands for lunch, but I would really just be going to the Indian shop for some Ayurvedics!

And I also notice that when I am driving around, running real errands, I'm thinking, "what hair care products could I find today?" and know good and durn well I don't need NOTHIN'! :lachen:

Cute thread!
I knew I was addicted when I moved all of my "monthly necessities" for THAT time of month to another bathroom because I needed more space for Hair care product.
I knew I was a hair addict when I tied a fake silk scarf around the headrest of my car so that my hair would be resting on something smooth when I was in the car. :look:

It's black, so it definitely matches...

That's practical not an addiction :yep: Off to my car.......
hmmm so I had been using Surge for a while and I had heard horror stories about how surge literally burns out some people's scalp. One day after Surging, i put on my satin cap .. only to feel this awful sharp pain by my nape. I immediately thought something bit me so I threw off my scarf but found nothing .. then I thought it was the Surge and I was REALLY sad because I had so many bottles that i didn't want to stop. But the next day my coworker checked my scalp for me and told me it looked like a centipede bite ... I was SOOO HAPPY ... i preferred to be bitten by a centipede than to have to stop using my Surge .. and that day my dear ladies was when I realised I was addicted
But i really knew I was an addict when I had 200+ photos of my hair in my digi cam. :look:

Me too...I deleted most b/c they are already on my computer, but i keep like 50 pictures from the begining to now. Cuz i like to have my progress pictures with me at all times. My blankie...:drunk:[/quote]

:lachen: Same here! if I think I see some growth I go to my cam and verify!
I can't remember when I first realized it but I was reminded recently when watching MTV Made. A girl wanted to be made into a pagent queen from a tom boy.. by the end of the episode I figured out her whole hair regimen...... not sure if I should :lachen: or :nono:
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I knew when....

Whenever I go to the supermarket or CVS my kids BAN ME from the hair product aisle. If I try to go they say "Mommy NO" Ahahahaha!!! My husband has no idea. I hide my addiction like if it were another man :lachen:

Oh and my sister and I (she's a member here as well) will spend hours on the phone talking about hair and products.

You are so LUCKY to have someone to talk to about hair who understands you!!!
When BSS have literally become my number one store above all including clothing stores, jewelry stores, and (gasp) 4 star restaurants:rolleyes::lachen:!
[/b] You are so LUCKY to have someone to talk to about hair who understands you!!!

I agree. My mother thinks that washing her hair too much will make it fall out. My husband think just using shampoo is OK -- and he's fine with generic store brand shampoo as all my other in-laws are. :nono:
Knew i was a hair addict when I chose to have my hair wrapped up nice and neatly and go to bed or watch tv RATHER than have sex w/ my ex knowing that i'd have to untie my hair and let him run his hands through it while doing the deed and risk breakage, drying out, tangles, knots, etc.:nono:

I'd just rather go without the lovin' that night. As long as my hair looks good then i got my "fix"!
The first day someone told me I was obsessed with hair talk. Recently when I was in Sallys with a scarf over my cornrows and sadly realized there was nothing I needed to spend money on there:spinning:...like I needed to add to my 50-11 containers of poos, cons already at home! I also realized it when I wanted to release my cornrows just so I could really shampoo and condition my hair:nono:.
Knew i was a hair addict when I chose to have my hair wrapped up nice and neatly and go to bed or watch tv RATHER than have sex w/ my ex knowing that i'd have to untie my hair and let him run his hands through it while doing the deed and risk breakage, drying out, tangles, knots, etc.:nono:

I'd just rather go without the lovin' that night. As long as my hair looks good then i got my "fix"!


I would tell my ex that we could only do it after I just got my hair done if:

- he SWORE he wouldnt touch my pincurled hair

- would let me turn the AC on high

If it were later on in my relaxer stretch then I wouldnt care but for some reason for the most part when I saw him my hair would always be freshly done so we had to act accordingly :lachen: