I kinda BC'd


New Member
Well after my 11.5 month transitional journal I BC'd kinda on Saturday.
Ive been on my LHCF journey since about 2003 starting relaxed, growing to MBL and for the past year I have been slowly chopping off my relaxed ends.
Me on the FAR RIGHT hair straight

ME in the middle relaxed wash and go

AND that's obviously me in my siggy....

THis is me pretty much all natural now.


THe back is pretty much all natural but my stylist wanted to leave the sides long for the whole asymmetric look. I mean its cute when its straight but when its not:nono:. Those straight ends are not cute. I was tempted to cut them off myself last night and I chickened out.
I have no idea how to style my hair natural and I never do. Im wearing my hair straight on most days!

Oh if someone could help me TYPE my hair ( I know y'all hate that) and how to pull off the perfect now NATURAL wash and go, I'll love you fo' life!
Your hair is beautiful. You look like 3c to me; hope they can chime in and give you some tips for wash and go. Kinky curly might be all you need to define your curls when you wash and go but since I am a 4a, can't say for sure.
Congrats on your (mostly) BC!! :) It's hard to type your hair with the relaxed ends still there, but I would guess 3c.

As far as the wash n' go advice: the best thing I can tell you is to style your hair as much as possible while you're shampooing and conditioning it (i.e. where you want your part to be, if you have one). Then once you wash out the conditioner, apply your products gently (do not comb or brush at this point--it will only kill your curls and resurrect frizz). Once you've applied your product, don't touch your hair anymore til it's dry. You can fluff and reposition then.
I think you might be a 3C. You'll know for sure when you BC.
I say go for it.. grab the scissors and cut off the last pieces holding you back! Congratulations! And good luck on whatever you decide to do.

Not good at typing hair and not natural yet so can't give you advice.

Your hair's gorgeous, HHG!
I LOVE the cut!!! :kewlpics: Girl, you make me wanna go ahead and do the same thing! I've been so tempted lately. Next month will mark my two year anniversary and I am seriously contemplating chopping the rest of the relaxer out.
Very nice. You should have a lot of styling options since you have a good amount of length.

Go girl!
Congrats on your semiBC! Your hair cut is cute. I agree with the others, it is hard to type hair when it is wet and without cutting all of the relaxed ends.
Congrats on making the initial BC! I think once you cut off the rest and take a pic with your hair fully dry it would be easier to provide info regarding your hair type. It's hard to do when wet and with those relaxed ends pulling down your natural hair.
Thanks for all the comments! I really do hate the straight ends! I went in on Saturday for the bc and kinda got talked into keeping some length. My stylist bless her heart, was trying to ease me into it by transitioning longer. I wish I could have transitioned two years like some of you ladies but it was becoming too much work! I'll probably go ahead and cut the rest in another month.