I BC'D!!! Come see!!!!

I tried to record it but couldn't. I hope these will do. I'm SO excited! I LOVE IT!!! I LOVE IT!!

oh, and sorry for the big pics. I'm too in a hurry to drop these off) :look:

I loved seeing my hair so much that I got scissor happy, making sure to get rid of relaxed and texlaxed ends. I'm in the process of twisting my hair and cutting off any long pieces I may find. I'm taking a break to update. But let me say, I absolutely LOVE my natural hair. I do!
So, I officially BC'd at 17 months post and am glad that I did. Do you love it?! :yay:

Gorgeous hair!!! your curl pattern looks so loose! all this time I thought you were a 4b like me! lol
I can't believe I'm just now seeing this thread! Congratz on your BC NJoy, you have been doing some serious transitioning. Go NJoy it's your birthday!!!!lol
Beautiful! Your curl pattern looks loser than I thought during your stretch. So are you a 3 something?


IDK. I'm not really good with typing. Maybe 4a with some 3c in the back and behind the ears and 4b up front. But, don't quote me. I'm guessing.
just gorgeous!
You sound like you're going to have fun styling your "new" hair


Yeah. I've tried to cut that playing around down because I was having so much fun. I wore it out for about a week and then put it up. I do have it out now because I'm about to wash and DC and I'm loving it all over again. :drunk:
NJoy You know I'm late, but Congrats!! I love it! Girl you took the term "stretching" to a whole 'notha level :grin: You must be constantly playing in your hair now (that's when I did when I became 100% natural).