I just want to testify...


New Member
That God has been good to me!!!

Yes, I said it.

Ladies, my life has been in a slow meltdown state this year which is why you haven't heard from me in ages.

First I began making less and less in my business ventures, to the point that the expenses became too much, and I had to look for outside job. I had no savings, because I enjoyed spending every cent of what I had. My rent was very high and I got behind in my bills. Every month, I worried myself to death wondering how I was going to get by, but somehow I always did (God's work). I could not find gainful employment and jumped at the chance to work at the new "Swedish home furnishings retailer" here in Atlanta because I loved that store. Nevermind that is was a very demeaning cashier position that only paid $7.96 an hour part-time. Got that job (wanted it, got it - God's work again), hoping to move up to a higher position or transfer to another department.

Started in March, it was pretty fun for a while (I loved the environment, $2 lunches, and other perks), until things went sour. Met someone on the job, we started dating, and he turned out to be a psycho, abusive, possessive jack***. I feared my life. Had to face the embarrassment of going to HR to tell them about this coworker, and seeking protection from the people in Loss Prevention, as well as having my managers find out, when I had to leave early on many occasions after having run-ins. Even went to the courthouse to inquire about filing a protective order - it was that bad. As far as it went with expenses, I was getting by somehow (God's work), and I transferred to a cheaper apt. at another property to reduce some expenses. Despite that, I still had problems paying my bills and was starting to get behind, so I just focused on keeping a roof over my head.

Aside from that issue, new problems arose at this job. There was a serious problem with favoritism and cliques. I was the hardest working, most articulate, and intelligent of the cashiers (never received any complaints), but they treated me like garbage. Instead they rewarded the Ebonics speaking, ignorant baby-mama coworkers who never did their jobs (stayed off their registers and gossiped all day) by giving them customer service awards, allowing them to not do any work, giving them plenty of hours (and me less and less), and opportunities to work on other jobs/projects. Basically some very corrupt, Wal-Martish crap. I also discovered that there was no way that I could cancel the health insurance that ate $80 out my already tiny paycheck. $80 out of every paycheck while receiving less and less hours was killing me. I was working very hard all day and coming home physically and mentally exhausted - very stressed out. I was about to apply for food stamp benefits to help get by (and I've never been on any type of public assistance in my life!) Wanted to do things on the side to make more money (like sell on eBay) but the job was killing my spirit and I was unable to do so, since I came home so worn out every day. It was also difficult to find a new job, because they kept me there during all the possible times I could interview and job search.

In the past two months, I had become very unhappy at work. Everyone had turned against me, because I went to the managers and complained about everyone goofing off and not working, so being the social outcast really made things miserable. I also had some scary health moments (head pain and dizziness, worried about having an aneurysm or something). I prayed and prayed and asked for guidance. Last week, things came to a head, and after getting into an argument with one of my ghetto coworkers I decided to take a leap of faith and quit because things were no longer working for me. I looked at the amount of hours I'd be working the rest of the month, and saw that I would be very broke at the end of this month if kept working (What's the point of working and not getting by?). I also weighed the option of the fact that my 6 months was up and that I was able to transfer to another dept. --- But then I realized that it might be months before I found a job elsewhere in the store that I'd like. So I just bit the bullet and did it, with no clue as to where my money would be coming from. I couldn't do any worse. I've been taking the week to de-stress and detox. Yesterday I went to church with my new man (more on that in a minute).

Last night, I said a prayer, and I told God that I was going to let go, and let him do the work. I told him that I would put all of my faith in him, and I trust that he would take care of me like he has been doing all this time.
I had been sitting on a shipment of weaving hair imported from India, so I decided to sell it. Today alone, I made a week's pay (God's work), so I was feeling great all day, but then tonight it got better - I got a call from the biggest and hottest new attraction in Atlanta, and they want to hire me for a 3 month contract position - and the pay is much much much better. Now I can pay all my bills! And it ends exactly when my lease does, at which time, I am going to move to an even cheaper apt., where no matter if I am employed or hustlin' from home, I'll never have to worry about making the rent. In the past month, my mom also found a job (God's work), she had been looking for roughly a year. Now she is in a position to help us get back on our feet.

And about that new man... Believe it or not, I met him through the abusive ex (God and karma). He was also working at my job. I was very sad and through with relationships after I broke it off with this person, but I confided in the other coworker, and things just blossomed from there. He's younger than me, but he's a minister, and he's in love with me - He think's I'm the one, and I think he's the one. We've got a lot in common, and we've been talking seriously about marriage. I've already met his family and we go to church together on Sundays (up until now, I hadn't been to church since I was about 16 and I'm 24 now). I'm so happy, 'cause he's the ONE that I had been praying for.

Well let me stop, I'm gushing and blushing, but let this thread serve as an example for anyone in doubt about how God does what he does.
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Praise God. God is good all the time. If the enemy comes back to discourage you or you get another down season remember what He had done yesterday to help you with your tommrrows. He can make the best of lives in every way whether it is a good, bad or ugly situations. :grin:
Praise God. I am happy for your many blessing. Continue to pray and believe. Stay strong and trust that God will not give you more than you can bear.
Praise the Lord, He is so gracious and living. I am glad that your life is coming together and pray God's blessing on your finance and your relationship.
virtuasis your story is really moving. God bless you for staying strong in the Lord through all seasons. By his grace you will have a bright and prosperous future. And I wish you all the best with your new man too.
Thanks for sharing your story. GOD will continue to bless you and there is more in store than you can ever imagine!!! Q
It's nice to "see" you again virtuasis, you ran across my mind a few times..I see that God is still good...Congrats, sounds like things will be looking up for you in the New Year...
this was such a great, uplifting thread for me! thank you SO much for sharing! im happy everything is oging well for you :)
Hallelujah!!!! God is awesome!!! What an awesome testimony and such an inspiration! One day I'll have to share my testimony, God isn't through just yet!!!

God continues to amaze me and His faithfulness towards me even when I'm not always faithful to Him me blows my mind! :)

Thanks so much for sharing your testimony!