I just realized that I have split ends and I couldn't be happier!


Well-Known Member
Ok give me a chance to explain. I'm not totally crazy.:grin:

I have been apl for I can't tell you how long. After changing up my bits and pieces of my regimen to no avail I was beginning to think that I have reached terminal length. Now I just couldn't believe that my terminal length could be so short compared to other ladies that have reached terminal length. But after all I decided that maybe it was time I come to grips with it.

Well for the first time in a while I straightened my natural hair. A week later (while it was still straight) I took a closer look at my hair and realized that my hair was full of split ends. :perplexed

And then I heard the hallelujah chorus. :fallenang It finally made sense to me why my hair hasn't gotten past APL. APL isn't my terminal length! :yep: Now I'm still not sure why my hair is all split but atleast I can now take measures to fix it. Perhaps it was the way I straightened my hair or lack of protein or too much moisture or a combination of the three. Either way I plan to dedicate my weekend to a search and destroy and figure out the cause of the problem.

I will soon be back on track my journey to long healthy hair!:grin:
I love having hair discovery moments like this. I'm glad you identified your issue and are taking it as a call to action rather than a discouragement. :clap:
Hahaha. I'm glad you found this out!
I felt the same exact way when I got my first single strand knot.
I definitely learned what NOT to do with a WNG AND it made me feel like I was "legitimately" a natural head.
thanks. Now I just gotta figured out what caused it. On to do my deep conditioners... I'm really at a loss though. hopefully I figure it out soon.