I just had a revelation!


New Member
I just had a revelation! This may be something that should have been obvious to me, but sometimes you need to hear/read things in a certain way to get it.

So the SO and I have been off and on for three and a half years. Initially me and the SO were just friends; PLATONIC true friends. Now, like the emotional creature that I am, I got attached to this attractive, financially stable young man who is always around me because he considers me his “best friend”. So what do I do??? Start “coloring” with him and the “coloring” had the nerve to be GREAT:nono:! So what do I do in result??? Start professing my love like a freakin’ idiot:nono:! This was three and half years ago. When I met him he told me that he was not the relationship type and could not see himself settling down. I took that for what it was and THOUGHT that I was not trying to change him. Of course as I stuck around playing both the “best friend” and “coloring” role, we got closer and though he would claim me as his “girl” or “SO” it was never really there for me. The intimacy and the emotion were always missing. Though I was not ready at that specific moment to walk down the aisle, he knows that I am not one to be in a relationship with someone for umpteen years, so he knew if he wanted to continue with me any further, marriage was in order eventually. So he went from “not being ready for a relationship” to talking about getting married next year, but still, something is missing. And here is where the revelation took place:drunk:! I have been in the How Long Is Too Long thread and that’s when it hit me! I have been trying to fill a position that was never hiring in the first place. I use a supervisor/employee analogy because that best helps me understand where I went terribly wrong. Now here I am ready and willing to fill a position. Though I am not ready for marriage right now this minute, I am ready to start actively working towards that. So I have been looking to fill the “girlfriend” position. But for the past three and a half years I have been submitting my application to a negroid that ain’t hiring! But because I have so many qualifications of a great employee, he allowed me to do volunteer work. This satisfied him greatly because he was able to get the benefits of an employee without having to hire one on paper, but I was terribly unsatisified because I was looking for full-time work along with benefits. But as a volunteer worker there is no benefits. No 401K, no health insurance, no dental, none of that!

I need to move on to a company that’s open for hire:yep:! A company that’s looking to fill the position that I feel life’s experiences have qualified me to fill! I can't keep sitting around waiting for this company to get rid of its managerial issues so that it can then be ready to start hiring! And because this guy isn’t hiring or doesn’t want to hire me, it doesn’t make him a bad person. Nor does my inability to make him want to hire me despite his non-need of an employee at this time make me a bad person. That doesn’t lessen my qualifications. On paper I’m still the bomb. He just ain’t hiring!

Further more when a man is ready to start hiring, like any company, HE will put out there that he is seeking to fill a position! I (women) won't have to "figure out" if he is hiring nor will we have to wait.--- Ooo I'm preachin'!

What kind of employee are you?

I was thinking about my OP all weekend when this descripiton of relationships came to me in relation to my analogy. So here we go!:

Volunteer: The volunteer provides services free of charge. Many men seek only volunteer services. Though the volunteer or volunteer seeker may be gaining practice for knowledge in future employement, the volunteer seeks or requires no pay or benefits. This is your "buss-down" or "hoar". Baby mamas can fit into this catagory because mistakes do happen during sex.

Part-Time Employee: A part-time relationship is your off and on relationship. Pay and benefits are gained and/or given, but not as much as full-time employment. Again, baby mamas can fit into this catagory because mistakes do happen during sex.

The TEMP: The temp is the category that many women fall into. The temp provides all services required by the "company"; "coloring", supportive, loving, caring, cooks, cleans....These services are rendered because the company is not hiring but gives the temp the notion that when upon hiring, she will be hired. In many instances, the temp is bombarded by an applicant that comes out of no where and takes her full-time position. Also in many cases the temp gets tired of waiting for the company to start hiring, so she then seeks and gains employment from another company.

Again, baby mamas can fit into this catagory because mistakes do happen during sex.

FULL-TIME Employment/Partnership: This is girlfriend/SO/marriage relationship level. All pay and benefits are reflected that of a full-time employee or partnership. Full-time relationships are on a consistent incline to partnership (marriage) status.

Again, baby mamas can fit into this catagory because mistakes do happen during sex. But in this position, you are not called a "baby mama", you are his "girlfriend" or "wife".

Which employee are you?
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Great analogy! I love how the "volunteer" statement too. Its so true. You're volunteering for a position and he doesnt have to pay you one penny to keep you around.

I'm glad you've had your revalation. Now I just hope you stick to it. :yep:
Great analogy! The reference to coloring had me in stitches. Leave that non hiring kneegrow alone if you are seeking solid employment.
Good analogy and makes alot of sense. I too have put in applications at the wrong place. Even when they say position isn't open sometimes we feel our "resume" will make them change their mind but if they aren't hiring...they AREN'T hiring. I will keep this in mind definitely!
Further more when a man is ready to start hiring, like any company, HE will put out there that he is seeking to fill a position! I (women) won't have to "figure out" if he is hiring nor will we have to wait.--- Ooo I'm preachin'!:lachen:
Yay!!! Glad you finally see the light.

If you don't mind me asking is this the same guy that stood you up on Christmas?
Yay!!! Glad you finally see the light.

If you don't mind me asking is this the same guy that stood you up on Christmas?

Yep! We had a big break from then until February. He made up big for it. He was slowly getting into the groove, but I need consistency.
Yep! We had a big break from then until February. He made up big for it. He was slowly getting into the groove, but I need consistency.

Oh ok! Now that you have let him go you have allowed for a real man to come into your life. :yep:Good luck.
Oh ok! Now that you have let him go you have allowed for a real man to come into your life. :yep:Good luck.

My new siggy is going to be: Dear Employer, I am no longer seeking temporary, part-time, or volunteer positions. Please notify me when you start hiring for full-time ....Thank you.
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Further more when a man is ready to start hiring, like any company, HE will put out there that he is seeking to fill a position! I (women) won't have to "figure out" if he is hiring nor will we have to wait.--- Ooo I'm preachin'!:lachen:

How are you going to go about telling him that your volunteer hours are no more with him? Do you forsee it being tough for you to stop coloring with him?
How are you going to go about telling him that your volunteer hours are no more with him? Do you forsee it being tough for you to stop coloring with him?

Heeeeeeeeeckie yea it will be tough! I am not even going to front like it won't be. I said the coloring was GREAT didn't I? Its off chain...fantastic...ubber delicious...make me wanna smack my mama....then her mama....Okay okay okay, but I have gotten to a point where I am so unhappy with the situation that I am not even turned on by him anymore. I am over the "coloring" and even the whole fantasy of him. I am simply ready for something real, with no limitations, with emotions, and intimacy. Period. At this point in my life, only something with all of those qualifications will turn me on enough to color effectively.

Its not that he isn't a great guy. For what he offers, he is great. But I am ready for more. Therefore no matter what he does, I will not be happy until I am fullfilled. But he is not hiring in the intimacy, emotions, or focusing on me department. I'm over it.

But to answer your question, I already told him:yep:. What I said was the majority of the OP; analogy included:lachen:. It felt great! I have been skipping all day. It will be sad to lose a friend but it feels gooood to finally understand my situation so that I can act accordingly.
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girllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll honey chileeeeeeeeeee i know whatchu mean about dat colorin...or whateva yall callin it these days. lemme tell u....i had some good stuff like that recently my dayum self, and it was so addictive, i think i had crackhead moments...i was fiendin for it.... but like you, when i dummied up n realized what i was doin...i had to put an end to it. i ain't gonna lie....i had MAJOR withdrawals...i'm tawkin da kind where i everytime i had a missed call on my cell, i knew it was from him, but it wasn't....i had da shakes, swattin imaginary flies....(well, not dat bad, but u get the picture) but thank *wipes forehead* goodness i'm over it and him now. but lemme tell u...dat good dy-- will getcha caught up!:perplexed

so, no more auditionin for da role of girlfriend-to-wife, and definitely no more "broadway shows" in da bedroom....
My new siggy is going to be: Dear Employer, I am no longer seeking temporary, part-time, or volunteer positions. Please notify me when you start hiring for full-time ....Thank you.
LOVE IT! You'll get what you're looking for with the direct approach. God Bless.
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Heeeeeeeeeckie yea it will be tough! I am not even going to front like it won't be. I said the coloring was GREAT didn't I? Its off chain...fantastic...ubber delicious...make me wanna smack my mama....then her mama....Okay okay okay, but I have gotten to a point where I am so unhappy with the situation that I am not even turned on by him anymore. I am over the "coloring" and even the whole fantasy of him. I am simply ready for something real, with no limitations, with emotions, and intimacy. Period. At this point in my life, only something with all of those qualifications will turn me on enough to color effectively.

Its not that he isn't a great guy. For what he offers, he is great. But I am ready for more. Therefore no matter what he does, I will not be happy until I am fullfilled. But he is not hiring in the intimacy, emotions, or focusing on me department. I'm over it.

But to answer your question, I already told him:yep:. What I said was the majority of the OP; analogy included:lachen:. It felt great! I have been skipping all day. It will be sad to lose a friend but it feels gooood to finally understand my situation so that I can act accordingly.

I really liked your analogy, and I appreciate your realness. I'm sure it will be difficult to relinquish the physical aspect of your relationship but it will be priceless to be giving that to someone who is hiring, whose position you fill to a perfect tee! :)
Im happy you posted this because it opened my eyes:yep:

It really opened my eyes too! Though I have probably been told the same thing in different words, this analogy really helped me grasp hold to reality and let go of my situation without the feeling of saddens. I miss what we had but if ain't hirin', he ain't hirin'!

I am about to post my idea on what kind of employer/employee are you?...:lachen:This has been on my mind all weekend!
I love this it's a lesson all women should learn. Some of us learn it through experience but it's good that you wrote this to help other women who haven't gotten there so they can recognize the signs.