I need to move on to a company that’s open for hire
! A company that’s looking to fill the position that I feel life’s experiences have qualified me to fill! I can't keep sitting around waiting for this company to get rid of its managerial issues so that it can
then be ready to start hiring!
And because this guy isn’t hiring or doesn’t want to hire me, it doesn’t make him a bad person. Nor does my inability to make him want to hire me despite his non-need of an employee at this time make me a bad person. That doesn’t lessen my qualifications. On paper I’m still the bomb. He just ain’t hiring!![/SIZE][/FONT]
Further more when a man is ready to start hiring, like any company, HE will put out there that he is seeking to fill a position! I (women) won't have to "figure out" if he is hiring nor will we have to wait.--- Ooo I'm preachin'!