I just don't know how to love the lame guy


Simply Komplex
I've been in a relationship for 5/6 months with a very wonderful man. We have a lot in common, he is educated, has a great job, is attentive, caring, affectionate, takes me out of dates, has extended invitations for me to meet his parents/friends, and he has met my friends.

All my friends love him. They've been through the bumpy road of my relationships and they are so happy I have finally found a man that loves me for me, doesn't take me for granted, and is 100% into me.

Now here's the kicker. The problem is me. I criticize everything he does. He's a million times better than the losers I'm accustomed too but I've told him to his face he's lame, he's boring, he's an oddball, he needs more friends, and he's sheltered. It seems like if he doesn't fit my mold of what I do and what I like...I criticize him kind of like a middle school bully. Weirdly this is the lifestyle I said I always wanted. I said I didn't want to ever have to wonder where my man was. I said I wanted a man who spent a lot of time with me and was very affectionate. I got that but when he does it...I take it as "weak".

He's the type that has grown up with strict parents and in a rural area. Because of this he is very career focused but he doesn't have many friends. Especially NO friends that are males and since he is now in a relationship he doesn't hang with his female friends. He is the type that likes anime, comic con, drawing, bowling, that gothic nerdy type stuff and I HATE it since I'm the type that is totally fashion, girly, likes GQ men blah blah blah

I come down on him for little stuff for instance I feel like he doesn't speak up for himself and I wonder if he would speak up for me. For instance, we had a date where our service was horrible. It took an hour just to get our food and then he forgot silverware. I asked my bf to go tell the waiter we were unsatisfied. My bf looked like a 7 year old going to get a switch. He walked soooo slowly like he is unable to address problems to other people. He just lets everything slide. That makes me think if someone disrespect me he would let it "slide". He told me I was just complaining and he was reared in a way not to complain about stuff a restaurant cannot control. And he wasn't bothered by the fact our food was late. I told him it's not the fact of me being bothered by my food being late per se, it more the fact I am PAYING for a service that I expect to be given to me. I will let you know if I feel like I've been treated unfairly.

I criticize him on little things that I guess don't matter much...but in my head they are big. For instance: He told me he's only mowed the grass twice in his life, his dad has always done it. He told me he doesn't do his own laundry his mom does it. When something breaks down on his car he is so quick to call his dad and ask what's wrong. He knows nothing about cars or even how to grill...I think those are manly attributes. I hate how he "thinks" he eats healthy and his mom is great at planning meals but before he met me he never ate wheat bread and they eat fried foods a lot. I hate the fact he's slightly messy. (You see my point I just criticize EVERYTHING)

I really do love our time together, and want to work on our relationship, but I need help loving him for who he is instead of somebody I'm trying to change him into the person I want him to be. I am tired of the bad guys and thugs that treat me as some sideline and don't value my worth...but I just don't act like it. What to do?
I don't have any advice. I just wanted to say that I empathize with being one who always seems to find fault and I'm working to learn how to just be easy . . . .

I don't have any advice. I just wanted to say that I empathize with being one who always seems to find fault and I'm working to learn how to just be easy . . . .


I don't know what has made me into this person. I was telling my friend the situation and she was like...really he could critisize you. Maybe he doesn't like it how you dress semi-professional all the time but don't have that type of job. Or maybe he doesn't like it that your body is not perfect, or that you're loud, or that you're clumsy, or that you selfish. How can you judge another person when you have flaws yourself. I took her out on a date with us and she told me that I pick apart little things. I get annoyed to easily and just PISSED OFF after it like a lil B****. For instance...we went to the restaurant and it was a semi nice one. He picked up two forks and said, "HEY!!! THEY gave me two forks. Did they give yall two forks too?"

I blew up. :blush: That's so embarrassing and uncultured. Who the hell doesn't know the difference in a dinner fork and a dessert fork. Ugh.

My other friend told me she things I am more focused on how my friends may thing of him rather than him getting on my actual nerves. I just don't know what the heck I am doing. And he's totally confused. You can tell I'm pushing him away and he is wanting to leave
honestly if you treat him that way/view him that away, just end it. calling him lame and saying he's not what you want is a huge red flag that you aren't well matched.

i'm super critical of people (i never like anyone :lol:) but to call him lame/bully him/etc is just not okay to me. it's mean. find someone who is a better fit for what you are looking for. i don't think wanting someone who is assertive/masculine/dominant necessarily means he has to be a thug/bad guy. you can find that guy and clearly this guy isn't it.
I don't know what has made me into this person. I was telling my friend the situation and she was like...really he could critisize you. Maybe he doesn't like it how you dress semi-professional all the time but don't have that type of job. Or maybe he doesn't like it that your body is not perfect, or that you're loud, or that you're clumsy, or that you selfish. How can you judge another person when you have flaws yourself. I took her out on a date with us and she told me that I pick apart little things. I get annoyed to easily and just PISSED OFF after it like a lil B****. For instance...we went to the restaurant and it was a semi nice one. He picked up two forks and said, "HEY!!! THEY gave me two forks. Did they give yall two forks too?"

I blew up. :blush: That's so embarrassing and uncultured. Who the hell doesn't know the difference in a dinner fork and a dessert fork. Ugh.

My other friend told me she things I am more focused on how my friends may thing of him rather than him getting on my actual nerves. I just don't know what the heck I am doing. And he's totally confused. You can tell I'm pushing him away and he is wanting to leave

Do you even like him? Or do you just think you should like him and trying to convince yourself?

Even if you get to a point where you don't criticize him and maybe even like him somewhat, I think the relationship will fizzle because it's just not a good match.
It seems like ur with him cuz he is better than the past. However....u dont share common interests...ideas...etc. which can be a problem. It's like the woman who dates a man cuz he has a nice car and house...but doesn't find him interesting so she is kinda miserable. I think u should sit down with urself and figure out if this guy who is the anti alpha male is someone u really want. Personality and all. I don't think its right to belittle him like that. All that energy stems from u WANTING him to be someone he is not.
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Sounds like an ex of mine that still had the umbilical cord at nearly 30. Yep, an EX. For me, it wasn't about being lame, but not being able to stand on his own feet at all. I can't trust, admire, look up to someone like that. Ideally, I would like my man to take care of me, and that was not the vibe I got from him after the romance.

ETA: The criticizing won't make him change to be what you would like. It's time to let it go.
No offense, but I hope he wises up and get the heck away from you. He is not what you want, which is ok but to insult and hen peck him is not ok.
You sound like you don't like him. He doesn't have the same interests you do so you should just let him go. It sounds like your irritated by him, and I'm sure he doesn't enjoy being criticized all the time. This just doesn't sound like a happy relationship. Also he seems pretty soft and sheltered, so it sounds like you're taking advantage of his demeanor so that you could be mean to him. Sorry OP just calling it how I see it. You mentioned yourself that you were a bully. People who like to bring others down usually suffer from self-esteem and security issues. Take this time to reevaluate yourself and what you want in a man. Have you been hurt in the past? You mentioned that you dated a lot of losers. Maybe those losers had an effect on your self-confidence and now you feel the need to criticize and hurt your current boyfriend. I may be reaching, but from someone looking on the outside I don't think it’s normal that you're getting upset over such miniscule things.
i concur--it seems mentally/verbally abusive--and you shouldnt be doing that to anyone...let alone someoen who is treating you well!:ohwell:

move on to someone your more evenly yoked with...

honestly if you treat him that way/view him that away, just end it. calling him lame and saying he's not what you want is a huge red flag that you aren't well matched.

i'm super critical of people (i never like anyone :lol:) but to call him lame/bully him/etc is just not okay to me. it's mean. find someone who is a better fit for what you are looking for. i don't think wanting someone who is assertive/masculine/dominant necessarily means he has to be a thug/bad guy. you can find that guy and clearly this guy isn't it.
Wow, I don't really know what to say. It sounds like you decided to go with what you're not used to dating and you see how different it is.

I feel you on wanting the man to do the manly things. The only thing I disagree about is demanding that he complain at the restaurant. If he's not that type of person then he probably never will be and you making him do it will make him resent you for making him so uncomfortable. A lot of men really don't like confrontations and will just say they won't frequent the establishment anymore instead. Men are famous for not complaining about stuff like prices being incorrect or whatever because it's not big deal to them. Not to us though of course.

Bottom line, I think you don't respect him and that's a problem. He probably won't change as far as being passive so you will have to accept that if you stay with him. If you're calling him lame now then I'm sure down the road you will be blowing up at him and calling him names in front of his face.
No offense op but it doesn't seem like you want or are ready for a good relationship. For you to treat him so plays into why a lot of good men go bad, and honestly for him to stay says something about him as well. You need to look inside yourself and ask why you won't let a good man love you.
being a good guy - respectful, accountable, interested, and present - doesnt have to mean lame. you need to disentangle the two and learn how to find guys with these three qualities:

a.) with their life together
b.) lacking emotional issues and bitterness about women
c.) interested in a committed relationship

who also have these three qualities:

a.) interesting,
b.) fulfilled, and
c.) have a life of their own.

if you are going at it thinking a guy needs to be lame (aka the stereotypical definition of "nice") in order to treat you well, this is going to happen to you again and again. guys who hold your interest dont have to be player types who could pick any woman.
Girl, let him go before he gets too messed up to be useful to the right woman :perplexed.

..and before he starts dating white girls :look:
You know OP, it does not have to be either black or white: a thug or a mommy's boy. There are many men who embody the alpha male traits you want while still being responsible, decent men.
Your current guy clearly irritates you and it's best you walk away and give him and you the chance to be with more suitable people. Don't settle for a man you don't even like (yes, its obvious) because the differences will only aggravate you as time goes on plus, eventually he may react badly to your nagging. For all you know he already resents the way you treat him; he may be unassertive type but I doubt he is as clueless as you seem to think.
Bottom line is you're incompatible and reciting his 'good' traits in an attempt to force yourself to hang onto him is a recipe for future disaster.

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Dump him. You don't really like him you just think you should. He sounds like an alrite guy that some woman would love...just not you.

Berating him and wasting his time (and yours)isn't nice at all. If he is this annoying to you now....you know a marriage wouldn't work.
:perplexed OP, I think you should do both of you a favor a let him go, and then seek counseling for your issues before you get into a relationship with anyone else (I mean that in the nicest way possible).
you are going to ruin him. you have a good man and that seems to be too much for you. please break up with him, so he can find a woman that will appreciate him.
not every good guy is good for you. You both have different interest. There is no chemistry. Just move on.

Now if you do this to every good guy you meet then I would say you are the problem
No offense op but it doesn't seem like you want or are ready for a good relationship. For you to treat him so plays into why a lot of good men go bad, and honestly for him to stay says something about him as well. You need to look inside yourself and ask why you won't let a good man love you.

I agree with everything you said...but I dont necessarily think the bolded applies. She just doesnt like him. And just because someone looks good on paper doesnt mean they are relationship material.

With that said I agree yes OP please take time to evaluate what you really wants from a relationship. Sometimes you dont know what you want until you see what you DONT want if that makes sense.

I once dated a guy who was constantly criticizing me because I wasn't conservative and wife-like enough for him. I listened to that ish for a while and all it did was make me resentful towards him. If you know hes not what you want do yourself both a favor and move on, its not fair.
this false dichotomy irritates me, because it seems like people use this as a justification for dating clearly about-nothing kangy womanizing type of men. being a good dude isnt about being a lame. yet people think the key to no longer dating men who will dog them is dating men that nobody else wants. this means they arent a "good" man for the reasons that make a relationship a good relationship, they are a "good" man because they are too weak or otherwise unappealing to most other women so any woman they do date they dont exhibit any of the doggish behavior of players because they just dont date enough women.

i can see how it gets confusing - looking for "guy that treats women well" can easily take a detour into "guy that doesn't know how to treat women wrong." but thats the backwards end of the telescope solution. the real answer is to be the type of woman the type of man you want would date. and if you want an interesting, exciting man you can learn from and grow with, you have to offer the same things and (SURPRISE) he will want to be with you too.

(thats also not to be confused with your love being strong enough to make a bad man good :rolleyes: :lol: because i know its hard to disentangle things like this.)
Hmmmm.... A lot of bad advice (or moreso rude/unhelpful comments) in this thread IMHO. I believe OP just doesn't like his personality. And like a couple of other posters said, she embraces the fact that he is nothing like her EXes and WANTS it to work but has found herself in a situation where she wants it sooo bad that it just isn't going to happen. And it isn't going to happen because she's a meanie or anything. They just have no chemistry. OP realizes he's a good guy. I also feel like she didn't necessarily mean he's literally a "lame" guy. Just boring, to HER.

OP I completely understand your situation. I do think you should let him go.... like ASAP because chemistry isn't going to just show up. It's a lost cause IMHO. At least you realize now that there are other types of men out there. Personalities that you are not used to dating but are open to. Your next step is to find someone you have more chemistry with. If you are looking to marry, I would suggest you date multiple guys at a time. That way it won't be so hard to move on when you find a "good guy" not necessarily for you but for someone else.

Hope everything works out! And don't let rude comments keep you from posting because I know how the comments can deter some people from posting "the whole truth and nothing but the truth"
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lol @ 2 forks! 2 forks! I think I would have self combust

I criticize him on little things that I guess don't matter much...but in my head they are big. For instance: He told me he's only mowed the grass twice in his life, his dad has always done it. He told me he doesn't do his own laundry his mom does it. When something breaks down on his car he is so quick to call his dad and ask what's wrong.

This is also gross

with that said, you might want to break up with him and NOT date for a while. find out the type of man you want. doesnt have to be man-child nor does it have to be player..give your self some time on your own before getting into another relationship so this doesnt become a pattern
OP, I think that you're trying to convince yourself that its OK to be with him because he's a 'good guy'. Unfortunately, you're not compatible with him.

Its ok to let this one go because the reality is this; if you respect someone you don't blow up at them over 2 forks. My husband has said or done some hella goofy **** before, which for the most part cracks me up if he's not putting himself or anyone else in any type of danger.

We went to a Fondue place. Thats not his gig really. he took pieces of meat and bread and dipped in with his hands. Then talk about oh wow that sauce sure is hot. No duh? :lol: I couldn't help but laugh, because he's so silly sometimes. I showed him how to use the forks and told him to stop contaminating our food.:lachen:

As far as cars, lots of young guys these days know nothing about cars. Most of that stuff isn't even recognizable anymore on new cars.The only people I bother about my car is the shop. My husband also not a bbq master. He knows how to turn the grill on and how to cook chicken. his grilling temp is 600 or higher:lol: I'm the one that grills because I know how to actually use it properly. When I had to have eye surgery all my girlfriends cooked and made sure he didn't have to do anything but take care of me. They also know that aside from scorched chicken on the grill, the man can only cook oatmeal and scrambled eggs:lol:

So yes you're being a bit hard on him because you don't respect him which is evident, and without respect, its hard to even pretend you even like someone.

So basically you're not good for him, and he isn't good for you. Its ok, it happens.

That inner voice is trying to tell you something, and I think you should take some time and listen to it.:yep:

preciouslove0x said:
Hmmmm.... A lot of bad advice (or moreso rude/unhelpful comments) in this thread IMHO. I believe OP just doesn't like his personality. And like a couple of other posters said, she embraces the fact that he is nothing like her EXes and WANTS it to work but has found herself in a situation where she wants it sooo bad that it just isn't going to happen. And it isn't going to happen because she's a meanie or anything. They just have no chemistry. OP realizes he's a good guy. I also feel like she didn't necessarily mean he's literally a "lame" guy. Just boring, to HER.

OP I completely understand your situation. I do think you should let him go.... like ASAP because chemistry isn't going to just show up. It's a lost cause IMHO. At least you realize now that there are other types of men out there. Personalities that you are not used to dating but are open to. Your next step is to find someone you have more chemistry with. If you are looking to marry, I would suggest you date multiple guys at a time. That way it won't be so hard to move on when you find a "good guy" not necessarily for you but for someone else.

Hope everything works out! And don't let rude comments keep you from posting because I know how the comments can deter some people from posting "the whole truth and nothing but the truth"

I know all is well in Internet land. Lol. Yes I am not saying he is lame....just lame to me. We don't have that many interests that intertwines but he genuinely likes me and thinks we have a "connection". I really want us to work if it can but I think I've been hurt so much in the past I'm not allowing a good guy to love me and me love him back. I want it to work sooo bad but I don't know the direction I need to go in order to allow us time to see if it will work. I told him I was going to work on lifting him up instead criticizing him and I was going to block my ex's number Who has been harassing me so I won't be so stressed out. I committed to spending more time together just us nothing else and embracing each other. I just don't know if it's enough.

OAN my bf claims he is assertive but I don't let him be assertive. He knows my ex is harassing me and he asked did I want him to speak to him about it. I said no instead of letting him handle it