I inspired someone to go natural!


Well-Known Member
***typing fr cell ph***Well she's seriously contemplating it! I think its so cool. Its one of my coworkers & she just stopped me right now & asked me about my hair & how I "just did it...up & went natural". She wanted to know if it was hard to t/c my hair. I told her I find it easier than being relaxed. She wanted to know if I had to braid or twist my hair to get the look I'm sporting (my hair is out & loose after cw'ing & bunning overnight). I told her she could if she wanted more of a wavy or defined big curly look but I honestly don't have that kinda time right now. I told her I usually cowash every other day& just bun it. I wash & dc once a week. I told her I just use regular conditioner as my leave in & a little gel sometimes & avocado butter.I was really excited for her & encouraged her to go for it! She was concerned about her ends being straight while the rest is wavy-ish. I explained that she needs to grow out the relaxer but I just CUT mine after 5 months! She was worried about her "big head" lol & I told her she could do wigs & braids... I did! I referred her to this site b/c this is where I got all the support, encouragement & info! I hope she checks it out!.