I have to tell you this story!


Well-Known Member
Today I was suppose to get my hair braided for my cruise, but it did not happen. I called the friend of a friend last night to confirm the time for Sunday for her to come over to my house. She answered one time and said to call her back in two hours with the directions to my house. I did what she said and called her back to give her the directions and it when straight to the anserwing machine. So I said fine let me leave her a message and wait a hour to call her back. I call her back an hour later still no answer. I just left the directions on her phone.

Later that night after I got off work...I deep conditioned my hair ( you know to prep the hair for braiding and give it strenght) I called my boyfriend and he was like..." Teneice if I were you I would start on my hair tonight." He knew the girl....it was his befriends exgirlfriend/baby's mom...One of those. I was already getting a bad vibe about it so I said yeah maybe I should start my hair and in the morning she can finish braiding it.

Guys all I can tell you is that it was a good thing I started my hair. I never got a call back from this girl until 12:45pm this afternoon. And if any of you braided your hair before you know you got to start early. She was like...oh the baby is sick can we reshedule until later this week. I was like, " Oh I hope the baby feels better and no I already started my hair and I will finish it." She knew she just lost money right there, because she is not working right now.

The reason why I felt something funny was going on. Is because 1 she wanted me to go to her baby's dad house without asking him...She was like, " Oh he is not going to have a problem with it." I called my boyfriend up and told him what she said and he laughed. Because she acts as if she still live in the man's house and she broke up with him. He told me to ask her ex to see if it was ok....I asked and he did not want her back in his house. So maybe she was using me to get back into is house...Which I thought was funny and then that's when I got the bad vibe.

Long story short....I braided my own hair and just finished...Took me 12 hours...But at least I saved some money to spend on the cruise...

Thought I would share..Oh I did not proof read this leter...Just posted as is ...so sorry for the grammar and misspelling..I usually check, but not tonight. I have to take my midterms early because of the cruise..

See ya. I will post my hair pic later
HT, it's such a blessing to be able to braid your own hair. I would have been stuck between a rock and a hard place. And it is ALWAYS GREAT to save a lil cash *wink* Have fun on your cruise :)
HT, I agree with AudraChanell.. I would have just been SOL! That's why I need to learn how to braid myself. I'm glad you saved your money, if she would have done it, it probably would have been one thing after another the whole time she was doing your hair (I've been in that situation).

Have a great time on your cruise!!!!