I have thin ends from a weave or do I?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies I have a problem.I have been wearing a sewn-in weave since January in twelve week intervals.I have been washing my hair and deep conditioning once a week with the weave.I have also been using surge like every other day and I take vitamins.My hair grew alot its past my shoulders when I could only get it to grow neck length then I always got it cut off because I hate straggy ends.So i took out my last install this week and Its really thin.I haven't had a relaxer since November 2006 so my new growth and my old relaxer is about half and half.I know I have to give my hair a break now from the sew-ins but my question is,should I cut off the old relaxer and start with the natural or try to fix what I have?I'm not trying to go natural I just didn't see a point in getting a relaxer if I was getting sew-ins.
You're ends probably aren't thin. Once you relax the other portion of your hair (after a few weeks of DC) it'll blend better. And it take a while after you come out of a weave for you hair to thicken back up to normal (after you've relaxed it).
You're ends probably aren't thin. Once you relax the other portion of your hair (after a few weeks of DC) it'll blend better. And it take a while after you come out of a weave for you hair to thicken back up to normal (after you've relaxed it).
Ok thank you for your inputs ladies.I will try what you suggested.
Hi ladies I have a problem.I have been wearing a sewn-in weave since January in twelve week intervals.I have been washing my hair and deep conditioning once a week with the weave.I have also been using surge like every other day and I take vitamins.My hair grew alot its past my shoulders when I could only get it to grow neck length then I always got it cut off because I hate straggy ends.So i took out my last install this week and Its really thin.I haven't had a relaxer since November 2006 so my new growth and my old relaxer is about half and half.I know I have to give my hair a break now from the sew-ins but my question is,should I cut off the old relaxer and start with the natural or try to fix what I have?I'm not trying to go natural I just didn't see a point in getting a relaxer if I was getting sew-ins.

Your ends might look like that because of the shrinkage from your new growth.
ITA! Don't do anything rash. Get your relaxer and you'll be pleasantly surprised.