I have something ELSE to share, and I don't want anybody getting excited... :)

Blossssom said:
Um hmmm... I was thinking about body hair last night.

Maybe it's just my imagination but my underarm hair seems to grow faster, and my "down be low" hair seems thicker...
Again, it's probably in my mind! :lol:

Hair, hair, hair all over the place! NOT!

o-kay, is this the same chick who accused me of divulging too much info last week :lol:
Originally Posted by Blossssom
Um hmmm... I was thinking about body hair last night.

Maybe it's just my imagination but my underarm hair seems to grow faster, and my "down be low" hair seems thicker...
Again, it's probably in my mind! :lol:

Hair, hair, hair all over the place! NOT!

Note to self:

BE VERY CAREFUL WITH MTG, Remember Blossom is smuggleing MY LITTLE PONY dolls in her underpants!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Note to self:

BE VERY CAREFUL WITH MTG, Remember Blossom is smuggleing MY LITTLE PONY dolls in her underpants!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:


Okay! The mind is FAR too powerful! :lol: :lol:

"What are those super long NOSE hairs?" Heehee! :grin:
i have been using it for a week now and one thing i notice is that it makes my very dry 4a hair have a silky feel to it. i only put a little on my scalp and massage it in, but somehow this stuff travels down my strands, and it does not feel overly oily. it's a keeper even if it don't make my hair grow faster
Now I have to say that I was watching some of those hair transplant things they do on extreme makeover, and they take hair that is growing in one place and put it on another place to fill in. So hair bulbs is hair bulbs and all hair grows. Who is to say what the "maximum potential of growth is". It is different for different people. Like who checks????...Blossom put the bottle away...you are too happy tonite. smile. Bonjour
I put some Lemongrass EO and Eucalyptus EO into my MTG applicator bottle. I took my hair down and shook it out this a.m. as I was rushing to get my girls to school, and my daughter says, "What is that wonderful smell" my youngest told her it was "Mommy's hair". Who knew?
belleza said:
I put some Lemongrass EO and Eucalyptus EO into my MTG applicator bottle. I took my hair down and shook it out this a.m. as I was rushing to get my girls to school, and my daughter says, "What is that wonderful smell" my youngest told her it was "Mommy's hair". Who knew?

Where do you get the Lemongrass and Eucalyptus oils from?
Mahalialee4 said:
Now I have to say that I was watching some of those hair transplant things they do on extreme makeover, and they take hair that is growing in one place and put it on another place to fill in. So hair bulbs is hair bulbs and all hair grows. Who is to say what the "maximum potential of growth is". It is different for different people. Like who checks????...Blossom put the bottle away...you are too happy tonite. smile. Bonjour

Haha! And that would definitely explain why our pubic hair; underarm hair; leg hair only grows a certain length and stops :)
Well Blossom: I thought I had made a huge scientific point there but I guess I was up too far past my bedtime....lol. But that is a good point you raised about the difference. It could definitely raise other significant issues if it had no boundaries. But thank God we do not grow waistlength body hair all over. Before I cross any boundaries,... I will let the moment pass. When someone figures it out, let me know...lol. Really....That would just be too cousinitish!!!! and we would probably have a hard time getting a date. Bonjour
Mahalialee4 said:
Well Blossom: I thought I had made a huge scientific point there but I guess I was up too far past my bedtime....lol. But that is a good point you raised about the difference. It could definitely raise other significant issues if it had no boundaries. But thank God we do not grow waistlength body hair all over. Before I cross any boundaries,... I will let the moment pass. When someone figures it out, let me know...lol. Really....That would just be too cousinitish!!!! and we would probably have a hard time getting a date. Bonjour

Could you imagine something like that? Especially considering body hair is the most un-manipulated hair on us. It would be everywhere! :lol: :lol:

Yes, there has to be something to how long/fast hair grows depending on the *cough* area :look:

:lol: :lol:
Blossom, you said MTG dried up your neck area? Why do you think that happened? Is that all better now?
sprungonhairboards said:
Blossom I hope you're practicing protective coochie styling. I suggest alternating between a baggie in the panties and bun.

Well seeing how she's celibate, I guess it is "protectively styled" :lol:
sprungonhairboards said:
Blossom I hope you're practicing protective coochie styling. I suggest alternating between a baggie in the panties and bun.

LOL! I can't even think of a funny yet CLEAN response! LOL! :)

I guess I'll just keeping laughing ;)