I have something ELSE to share, and I don't want anybody getting excited... :)


New Member
But remember I mentioned that the MTG was drying out my back? Well, I have some scratches on my upper back, right below the end of my neck... I don't know how they got there. I think I scratch in my sleep, but whatever.

Guess what...? They're FADING! Omigod!

Can MTG not only grow HAIR but clear up SCARS? Lawd ha'am mercy! :grin:
Blossssom said:
But remember I mentioned that the MTG was drying out my back? Well, I have some scratches on my upper back, right below the end of my neck... I don't know how they got there. I think I scratch in my sleep, but whatever.

Guess what...? They're FADING! Omigod!

Can MTG not only grow HAIR but clear up SCARS? Lawd ha'am mercy! :grin:

Hehehh, this mess better come on Wednesday or I might faint from being overly excited :lol:
LOL! Okay!

You're going to be very pleased, Candy.

I don't know what people are waiting for.

Interestingly, I don't hear people RAVING about Surge the way they RAVE about MTG!
Blossssom said:
LOL! Okay!

You're going to be very pleased, Candy.

I don't know what people are waiting for.

Interestingly, I don't hear people RAVING about Surge the way they RAVE about MTG!

cuz the surge rave died down a while ago lol...

it works...i'll tell u that...but the burning and dryness...but i have an old bottle....:ohwell:

im sure that mtg works too cuz of the sulphur...it's juss a matter of choice and availability...;)
i think it may be working for me, just this morning I noticed my braid looks like it's getting longer (wear my hair in a braided bun for work)
Blossssom said:
But remember I mentioned that the MTG was drying out my back? Well, I have some scratches on my upper back, right below the end of my neck... I don't know how they got there. I think I scratch in my sleep, but whatever.

Guess what...? They're FADING! Omigod!

Can MTG not only grow HAIR but clear up SCARS? Lawd ha'am mercy! :grin:

Girl you know you are crazy :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
On the Shapeley's web site it says that the MTG is for skin and hair. There are raves on there about how the MTG helped heal all of these skin problems that people were having on their horses, like fungus, scratches, rashes, rot, and other things. They even have some before and after photos.

I have noticed that my scars on the side of my face seem to be clearing up really fast!

Well my hair had been shedding for the longest (since my last relaxer in June BAD :mad: ) since I started using MTG regularly (2-3x a week) it has gotten 98% better. I was pulling hair out of my head--now I have some hair that falls but it is a far cry from what I was going thru before. I think it's the MTG. I really do.
Softresses said:
On the Shapeley's web site it says that the MTG is for skin and hair. There are raves on there about how the MTG helped heal all of these skin problems that people were having on their horses, like fungus, scratches, rashes, rot, and other things. They even have some before and after photos.

I have noticed that my scars on the side of my face seem to be clearing up really fast!


:eek: Ladies!!! Wednesday needs to come on!
Blossssom said:
LOL! Okay!

You're going to be very pleased, Candy.

I don't know what people are waiting for.

Interestingly, I don't hear people RAVING about Surge the way they RAVE about MTG!

hmm.. i'd rave about Surge but i just forget... it still works very well for me and i use it daily with no ill effects... i like it so much that i bought two more bottles although i still have over half of the first one left...

i also like mtg though.. i use it, surge and black castor oil daily (the mtg and the castor oil are my only moisturizers).. and i try to use the mtg at least 2 night a week alone...

hmm.. if it's that great on scars, think it could do good things for stretch marks w/out making it hairy?? ***just wondering*** :D
First of all LMAO at stratching in your sleep. I have a tendancy to visualize everything.

But wow, my MTG is on the way. I have heard too many good things about this to wait any longer. I just don't want to grow any sideburns or thick eyebrows running around looking like black beauty...kinda scared :ohwell: .

Quick question--Do you saturate your hair with the MTG applying it like a leave in conditioner, based on how much you need?
There was a poster on another board who said she had a wart on her finger, I believe, and that it went away after she started applying MTG to her hair. So maybe it "cures" other stuff too....

Now if somebody figures out how to get that bottle to fry some chicken then that will be all she wrote :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:

Blossssom said:
But remember I mentioned that the MTG was drying out my back? Well, I have some scratches on my upper back, right below the end of my neck... I don't know how they got there. I think I scratch in my sleep, but whatever.

Guess what...? They're FADING! Omigod!

Can MTG not only grow HAIR but clear up SCARS? Lawd ha'am mercy! :grin:
This is funny. lol.

ETA: I have been using MTG for a week and a half now. I won't say anything more about it until at least a month or even until my next relaxer when I can prove/disprove its effects with progress pics. This way skeptics, including myself, can have real proof.
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Softresses said:
On the Shapeley's web site it says that the MTG is for skin and hair. There are raves on there about how the MTG helped heal all of these skin problems that people were having on their horses, like fungus, scratches, rashes, rot, and other things. They even have some before and after photos.

I have noticed that my scars on the side of my face seem to be clearing up really fast!


WHOA! So there is something to this, huh? I'm going to start using MTG all over my body! LOL!

I better order some more before everybody else buys it up ;)

Thanks for the other responses, too, ladies... :lol:
Suri said:
First of all LMAO at stratching in your sleep. I have a tendancy to visualize everything.

But wow, my MTG is on the way. I have heard too many good things about this to wait any longer. I just don't want to grow any sideburns or thick eyebrows running around looking like black beauty...kinda scared :ohwell: .

Quick question--Do you saturate your hair with the MTG applying it like a leave in conditioner, based on how much you need?

I'll admit, I do tend to saturate, but I don't believe you need that much.

I'm still using a spray bottle to apply it because I can't remember to get the color applicator bottle.

Nevertheless, my hair is definitely growing. I can't wait to inform the members at the white people's hair board.

But then again, maybe I'll just keep it our little secret, ladies *ssshh* :cheers:
Okay I guess I should know what MTG is but I don't:( I know it has something to do with horses??? but I am not getting the connection as to why we would want to use horse products on ourselves:confused:

Now I figured it must be something good because I know you ladies wouldn't put any old thing on your hair but....if someone could fill me in on what it is your using? is it a shampoo? a conditioner? some type of oil :perplexed by the way you all are raving about it I want to get some for me but I really won't unless I know a little more about it.

Blossssom said:
WHOA! So there is something to this, huh? I'm going to start using MTG all over my body! LOL!

I better order some more before everybody else buys it up ;)

Thanks for the other responses, too, ladies... :lol:

I'm gonna laugh if you come out looking like Sasquatch :lol:
dhill830 said:
Okay I guess I should know what MTG is but I don't:( I know it has something to do with horses??? but I am not getting the connection as to why we would want to use horse products on ourselves:confused:

Now I figured it must be something good because I know you ladies wouldn't put any old thing on your hair but....if someone could fill me in on what it is your using? is it a shampoo? a conditioner? some type of oil :perplexed by the way you all are raving about it I want to get some for me but I really won't unless I know a little more about it.


run a search on here, specifying the hair care tips & products review forum, and a ton of threads will come up regarding MTG ;)
BLESSED1 said:
I'm gonna laugh if you come out looking like Sasquatch :lol:

Can you see the headlines on all the TV stations and in the newspapers:

"Woman Uses MTG to Grow Long Hair, but Decides to Use MTG All Over Her Body and Turns Into A HORSE!"

Wouldn't that be something? Heehee! :)
BLESSED1 said:
run a search on here, specifying the hair care tips & products review forum, and a ton of threads will come up regarding MTG ;)

Good idea! There have to be about 20 active threads on MTG'ing! :)
Blossssom said:
I'll admit, I do tend to saturate, but I don't believe you need that much.

I'm still using a spray bottle to apply it because I can't remember to get the color applicator bottle.

Nevertheless, my hair is definitely growing. I can't wait to inform the members at the white people's hair board.

But then again, maybe I'll just keep it our little secret, ladies *ssshh* :cheers:

Keep it a secret, so they don't buy it up! :lol:
Blossssom said:
Okay! I'm going to place an order today for 4 more bottles ;)

That should hold me until January. Haha!

With how good you guys say this stuff is, I might just buy a life time supply :lol: I think I would freak my roommates out even more than they already are.
I had MTG just sitting on my self for a couple of months I just started using it with my braids I am hoping for good results just have to be consistent.
The smell is not as bad as I thought.
LABETT said:
I had MTG just sitting on my self for a couple of months I just started using it with my braids I am hoping for good results just have to be consistent.
The smell is not as bad as I thought.

Nope! Considering all the good MTG is doing, the smell is almost pleasant :lol:
Blossssom said:
Can you see the headlines on all the TV stations and in the newspapers:

"Woman Uses MTG to Grow Long Hair, but Decides to Use MTG All Over Her Body and Turns Into A HORSE!"

Wouldn't that be something? Heehee! :)

:lol: :lol: :lol: .
That is too funny! I don't think it will make long hair grow where it is not natural to grow. The hairs on our heads that grow long are a completely different type of hair than regular body hair, which in turn, are a completely different type of hair from hair in our (ahem:Blush2: ) personal regions.

Softresses said:
That is too funny! I don't think it will make long hair grow where it is not natural to grow. The hairs on our heads that grow long are a completely different type of hair than regular body hair, which in turn, are a completely different type of hair from hair in our (ahem:Blush2: ) personal regions.


Um hmmm... I was thinking about body hair last night.

Maybe it's just my imagination but my underarm hair seems to grow faster, and my "down be low" hair seems thicker...

Again, it's probably in my mind! :lol:

Hair, hair, hair all over the place! NOT!