New Member
Okay ladies, I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, I but I had to let you ladies know......I have fallen in love Sephora. For some of the ladies who don't know it's a like a 360 degree of Ulta......they have so much makeup, perfume, goodies, I was already mentally making my list, if I was to add everything up, I probably will spend 200 in that place. I love it. I found some great mascara, lots of lip gloss and eye shadow. I found a perfume, that I have fallen madly in love's just unbelieveable......they don't have much hair products however, but they do carry PhytoSpecifics ladies whenever you are in Charlotte, North Carolina, go to that store.....My girl friends and I were in there for hours trying on lip gloss and makeup and trying perfume......What a wonderful place and the recovering product junkies, I'm sorry I had to do this