I have a question for ladies w/albums


Well-Known Member
Does it ever disturb you when ppl visit your fotki, let don't leave comments? It never really bothered me b4 b/c I'm not looking for compliments, but I've had my fotki for months now and there have even been visitors today . . . yet not one comment :think:

I've heard the stories of ppl leaving rude comments, so maybe it's better not to have any. I just wanted to know it anyone else thought about this
your problem is you need to adjust your album properties to allow comments see sweety we luv you we just cant say it in your album

you might want to turn off anon or just allow fotki members though you know some people have hate in their blood
I just checked out your albumn and your hair is pretty. I love the layers and the thickness of it. There was no option to leave comments on your photos. Did you disable the feature?
msportugal said:
your problem is you need to adjust your album properties to allow comments see sweety we luv you we just cant say it in your album

you might want to turn off anon or just allow fotki members though you know some people have hate in their blood

Oh :blush:
Sorry to highjack the theread,

But could someone post how to allow comments to be accepted on fotki? I have searched all over that site--but can not find it.

TIA ladies!
chellee said:
I just checked out your albumn and your hair is pretty. I love the layers and the thickness of it. There was no option to leave comments on your photos. Did you disable the feature?

Thanks for the compliment. I didn't know you had to enable it, but thanks to Ms. Portugal I have fixed it.
ayoung1981 said:
Sorry to highjack the theread,

But could someone post how to allow comments to be accepted on fotki? I have searched all over that site--but can not find it.

TIA ladies!

Go to the Go to box at the top of your fotki page and then scroll down to My account. In the setting click change in the Albums section. Then you can change it in there. It's the second line I believe.
nslewis said:
Does it ever disturb you when ppl visit your fotki, let don't leave comments?

No, not at all. I've left maybe one comment in all my years of viewing hair albums, and I've seen numerous heads of hair that I thought were very nice. No correlation between beauty of the hair and number of comments.
It doesn't bother me at all. :) Also, you may want to make your album link "clickable" in your siggy. You have to copy and paste it, plus look for the password. This will make it a little easier for visitors. :)

Your hair looks very healthy and is growing nicely. I really like the layers.
Don't worry about the comments... I've never left a comment... not to be mean, but b/c everyone would say what I wanted to say OR I would just say them here in a thread.
Yeah I usually look in people's siggys for album links whenever I see a post, but since yours wasn't "clickable", maybe a lot of people (like me) over looked it. Anyways, your hair is beautiful, the color and fullness is really impressive, and I love the layers too.
OshunCurls said:
No, not at all. I've left maybe one comment in all my years of viewing hair albums, and I've seen numerous heads of hair that I thought were very nice. No correlation between beauty of the hair and number of comments.

This is exactly how I feel.

I also think it is sad that people would feel the need to leave nasty comments. Oh well...
I usually don't bother trying to leave comments as people always have that annoying 'fotki members only' thing on.
I'm not signing up to that just to leave a comment.
No it doesn't bother me at all. I just like to share like everyone else, but I do/would like to leave comments in other people fotki's but their comments section are disable or maybe just restricted to fotki friends.
I used to feel let down, not by lack of comments in the fotki (especially since I almost never update), but by the fact that I was not one of the "popular" ones who seemed to come by praises whenever the wind blew.

But I really had to step back and reevaluate my presence on the boards and on the net. In real life, I get my fair share of compliments and I give them as well. But what is most important is how I FEEL about the way I look or am progressing. So I really do care less now.

Still, I understand how a gal might feel that puts alot of effort into something she wants to share and gets little feedback. It is sometimes frustrating. Just make sure the frustrations are minor, and that your real life accomplishments bring you so much joy that you don't get crushed by those minor dissapointments.;)
nslewis said:
Does it ever disturb you when ppl visit your fotki, let don't leave comments? It never really bothered me b4 b/c I'm not looking for compliments, but I've had my fotki for months now and there have even been visitors today . . . yet not one comment :think:

I've heard the stories of ppl leaving rude comments, so maybe it's better not to have any. I just wanted to know it anyone else thought about this
I have been wondering the same thing only because I just started with the whole album thing.
I am not one to comment, personally. Most times I am trying to fit in a little time to check out the boards and photos in between work, studies, laundry, whatever.

Also, I don't need them for myself. This is my own journey, but I don't mind sharing it. :)
I never realized comments meant that much to people.

I am not sure if there is anything appropriate to always say, but I guess I can start making comments then. :look: :ohwell:
Umm Id hae to say yes. When you see that you have over 1000 hits a NO comments its like people are just staring at you for no reason. It doesnt bother me when I dont update but if I put in new pictures and get xxxx amount of hits and no comments I start to get paranoid. Liek when I first cut my hair I got NO comments and I thought the cut looked bad but then like a month later the comments poured in.
nslewis said:

LOL!!! :lol: The funny thing is, I've looked at your album before and I wanted to leave a comment, but you had the option turned off, so I couldn't do it. I guess I'll go back and place my comments for ya.
No it does not disturb me if I don't get comments on pictures in my fotki album.

nslewis, don't worry about not getting comments. The purpose of a fotki album relating to hair is to track your hair progress and just for your enjoyment mainly. Don't let not getting comments discourage you from your hair journey or having a fotki album available.
I don't have any comments. I'm not bothered, my account is set like that. I don't want people to feel as if they HAVE to leave me a comment when they visit or that I NEED validation of some sort, but comments can make you feel good. I feel good when I get them, but I don't depend on other people opinions either. Sometimes I get that feeling from others.