I have a date tomorrow . . .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
The dude from the mall called me. We tentatively have a date for tomorrow night. Internally, I was like, "I don't wanna go! I don't wanna go!" But externally, I know that I need to go . . . all in the name of getting experience and having adventures . . . and, besides, you never know!
Yes, get it in girl! What are you wearing? Hair? We need to get the outfit together and on point!

Fashion show plz!!! :grin:
Oh lawd, if I had a dollar for every time I read you saying you don't wanna go somewhere!

You better go and be sure to give us an update.
Dear GG,
I say this with much love... :grin:
Now go get your cute on and have a nice time with this man. Its just a date and you are not trying to marry him tomorrow. If nothing else, you can get a free meal.
daydreem :spinning:
You're going to have a good time.:yep: Try and psych yourself up so you can enjoy the anticipation of going out instead of dreading it. You're not marrying the dude, just going out for a nice evening. You are going to be fine.
That's great Glib! Can't wait to hear all about it! You are definitely motivating me to get out more in 2011!
Oh lawd, if I had a dollar for every time I read you saying you don't wanna go somewhere!

ROFL - you are so right! That is enough to help me get my mind right . . . .

Dear GG,
I say this with much love... :grin:
Now go get your cute on and have a nice time with this man. Its just a date and you are not trying to marry him tomorrow. If nothing else, you can get a free meal.
daydreem :spinning:

I am :lachen: at the bold because one of my good friends says this to me all the time when I'm being overly dramatic about stuff. Don't worry, I receive it . . . in love :kiss:
Dear GG,
I say this with much love... :grin:
Now go get your cute on and have a nice time with this man. Its just a date and you are not trying to marry him tomorrow. If nothing else, you can get a free meal.
daydreem :spinning:

I co-sign 1000% percent on getting a free meal:lachen:
Have y'all been talking on da phone? Is this the guy you smiled at? Where is he taking you? What kinda car does he drive lolol *whispers* hope it ain't a pt cruiser............lolol
I co-sign 1000% percent on getting a free meal:lachen:

YEP! That's why I suggested we meet at my favorite restaurant (which is in the same mall where we met).

Have y'all been talking on da phone? Is this the guy you smiled at? Where is he taking you? What kinda car does he drive lolol *whispers* hope it ain't a pt cruiser............lolol

I am just planning on meeting him there . . . I feel safer that way :yep:
Have fun! Dont worry about if he will call or ask you out again just enjoy yourself and have a good time! Let us know how it goes.
Well, after all of that, he called and has a "previous engagement" this evening :eyeroll: He'll call back when his schedule frees up :lol: Either way, I'm cool . . . what's that saying? Keep a pair and a spare? :lachen:
Well, after all of that, he called and has a "previous engagement" this evening :eyeroll: He'll call back when his schedule frees up :lol: Either way, I'm cool . . . what's that saying? Keep a pair and a spare? :lachen:

see, das dat bu'shyt ri der. a previous engagement? what? was he stuck up jersey somewhere in da snow? at the airport in jersey in da snow? yea, okie dokey smokey.

and da very next time he calls, which by the way will be next year, he'll say sumfin like.... "sorry about that, but i had a previous engagement blah blah blah. cut him short like fart n be like (be sweet as pie now when u say this)...hey, listen, i really would like to talk to you right now, but i'm a little busy. I'll have to talk to you some otha time, OK?...thank you for calling and take care. then hang up. say it all in one breath. will fcuk his head up cuz he won't expecting that.

dc men be killin me wif dis bull.....a previous engagement.
No way. I am sorry glib but that is flakey behavior. You mean he doesn't even know his schedule that he plans dates without even considering what he has going on? Move on girlfriend and align yourself to meet other guys. If he wants to date you he really needs to show himself in a better light. Go out and enjoy yourself for new years and forget that loser.
Wow, ok I notice he said 'previous' engagement and not an 'emegency' came up etc, where do they do that bull at :nono: