I have a date tomorrow . . .

Well, after all of that, he called and has a "previous engagement" this evening :eyeroll: He'll call back when his schedule frees up :lol: Either way, I'm cool . . . what's that saying? Keep a pair and a spare? :lachen:

I hope you don't give him another chance... or accept his call. :look:
see, das dat bu'shyt ri der. a previous engagement? what? was he stuck up jersey somewhere in da snow? at the airport in jersey in da snow? yea, okie dokey smokey.

and da very next time he calls, which by the way will be next year, he'll say sumfin like.... "sorry about that, but i had a previous engagement blah blah blah. cut him short like fart n be like (be sweet as pie now when u say this)...hey, listen, i really would like to talk to you right now, but i'm a little busy. I'll have to talk to you some otha time, OK?...thank you for calling and take care. then hang up. say it all in one breath. will fcuk his head up cuz he won't expecting that.

dc men be killin me wif dis bull.....a previous engagement.

No, don't accept the call at all. Glib tends to give men too many chances. If this guy comes up with a good story, she might buy it...
I would not even answer any of his calls in the future. I would be done. I don't do flaky well....especially if I was forcing myself to go out with you in the first place.
Damn. Sorry, GG.

I agree with MissJ, though. I've definitely gained a new appreciation for clowns who show their *** at the very beginning. Less of my time wasted.
see, das dat bu'shyt ri der. a previous engagement? what? was he stuck up jersey somewhere in da snow? at the airport in jersey in da snow? yea, okie dokey smokey.

and da very next time he calls, which by the way will be next year, he'll say sumfin like.... "sorry about that, but i had a previous engagement blah blah blah. cut him short like fart n be like (be sweet as pie now when u say this)...hey, listen, i really would like to talk to you right now, but i'm a little busy. I'll have to talk to you some otha time, OK?...thank you for calling and take care. then hang up. say it all in one breath. will fcuk his head up cuz he won't expecting that.

dc men be killin me wif dis bull.....a previous engagement.

ya know, there should be an "Ask ThatJerseyGirl" thread. i absolutely looooooooooooooooooooooooove your posts!! especially the ones where you light up your newport one hunnit's!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
see, das dat bu'shyt ri der. a previous engagement? what? was he stuck up jersey somewhere in da snow? at the airport in jersey in da snow? yea, okie dokey smokey.

and da very next time he calls, which by the way will be next year, he'll say sumfin like.... "sorry about that, but i had a previous engagement blah blah blah. cut him short like fart n be like (be sweet as pie now when u say this)...hey, listen, i really would like to talk to you right now, but i'm a little busy. I'll have to talk to you some otha time, OK?...thank you for calling and take care. then hang up. say it all in one breath. will fcuk his head up cuz he won't expecting that.

dc men be killin me wif dis bull.....a previous engagement.

Yep, this is what I was thinking too. There would be NO waiting of his schedule to free up. That was his one and only chance!

ETA: GG don't worry. You didn't really want to go out with him anyway and if this is how he acts now, you wouldn't have wanted to deal with this later. So don't even look back. If you tend to fall for the okie-doke, just don't answer the calls. Whatev.....as Jay-Z would say, "..on to the next one."

That's my new motto for the New Year, BTW.
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Were those his words?

yes *lol*

No way. I am sorry glib but that is flakey behavior. You mean he doesn't even know his schedule that he plans dates without even considering what he has going on? Move on girlfriend and align yourself to meet other guys. If he wants to date you he really needs to show himself in a better light. Go out and enjoy yourself for new years and forget that loser.

Yeah, when he called me the other day he wanted to go out THAT NIGHT :look: I was like, "Uh, no . . . what about tomorrow night?" And he was like, "Well, let me check my schedule . . . ." :rolleyes: And then he called back with that BS. Because, like someone else said, he probably already had plans with a "sure thing" . . . plus he didn't want to have to actually spend money. (The restaurant I wanted to go to is moderately to highly priced, depending on what you order.)

MissJ, I am going to follow your advice and NOT accept his phone calls. If he doesn't take the hint and keeps blowing up my phone I will initiate the
JerseyGirl method *lol*

In any event, I am not upset - this is fun and I'm learning a lot . . . thanks ladies!
oooooooooooooooooh i git it now..... ok.

he broke. plain n simple. he can't afford to take u to da restaurant u suggested. he prolly use to dem apple bees or outback type women ....

he sounds a lil young..bout how old was he?
He cancelled because of a "previous engagement" after he checked his schedule to plan the date with you. What the hell ever...NEXT.
I'm glad you're a good sport about it. :yep: In the grand scheme of things it's not that serious (as you have already noted) But he's still a lame and it's sad that we as women have to endure this foolishness from flaky dudes.
Wait, Glib are you saying the date wasn't set? You suggested the next night and he said let me check my schedule, then he called you back and let you know the day you suggested didn't work. I still wouldn't go out with him because of the waiting till his schedule frees up comment and the asking you to go out with so little notice, but otherwise he did follow up. My point is that from what you wrote he didn't cancel on you.

yes *lol*

Yeah, when he called me the other day he wanted to go out THAT NIGHT :look: I was like, "Uh, no . . . what about tomorrow night?" And he was like, "Well, let me check my schedule . . . ." :rolleyes: And then he called back with that BS. Because, like someone else said, he probably already had plans with a "sure thing" . . . plus he didn't want to have to actually spend money. (The restaurant I wanted to go to is moderately to highly priced, depending on what you order.)

MissJ, I am going to follow your advice and NOT accept his phone calls. If he doesn't take the hint and keeps blowing up my phone I will initiate the
JerseyGirl method *lol*

In any event, I am not upset - this is fun and I'm learning a lot . . . thanks ladies!
^^^I thought they had a date, he tried to change it to that night. She insisted on it being the former time, and he had to "check his schedule" and wasn't free?
Wait, Glib are you saying the date wasn't set? You suggested the next night and he said let me check my schedule, then he called you back and let you know the day you suggested didn't work. I still wouldn't go out with him because of the waiting till his schedule frees up comment and the asking you to go out with so little notice, but otherwise he did follow up. My point is that from what you wrote he didn't cancel on you.

I caught that too. So now I'm confused.

Glib, was a date ever set before he told you about his previous engagement?
Yep, this is what I was thinking too. There would be NO waiting of his schedule to free up. That was his one and only chance!

ETA: GG don't worry. You didn't really want to go out with him anyway and if this is how he acts now, you wouldn't have wanted to deal with this later. So don't even look back. If you tend to fall for the okie-doke, just don't answer the calls. Whatev.....as Jay-Z would say, "..on to the next one."

That's my new motto for the New Year, BTW.

Cosign. I love this.