I have a crush..


New Member
Okay ya'll this incredibly sexy black dude at my school...!! Im totally crushing on him.. And I thinkhe might like me too?

Actually he was brought to my attention by a white girl in my class who only dates black dudes... She already has a bf but she was talking about how hot this other dude was at school lol.. I had already met him a couple of times at that point..

Whenever i see him in the halls he is always winking and doing his best to get my attention.. but im not making the first move if he wants to ask me out he will..

But yeah... I think i kinda like him.. Im blushing and gushing when i see/think of him...

/end rant :lachen:
Yes, stick to your guns and let him make the first move. He could just be a huge flirt or he may really like you. I hope it's the latter. Good luck.
No we are just in the same school

Oh okay. At first I thought you were talking about college because that's another ball game! :lol: But if you're talking about high school, then that's cute. :grin:

I agree with everyone else, let him come to you! I don't care how much winkin' and grinnin' he's doing...let HIM make the first move. :yep: But definitely try to appear approachable. Try to find out by observation or by casually bringing it up from other friends whether or not he has a gf right now. Sometimes guys will flirt w/you, but they're either taken already, or aren't serious. They just like to flirt. ykwim?

So, smile...look approachable, and I think eventually if he's available he'll make a move. :yep:
Oh, I really hope it works out for you! :yep:

Yes, you should let him come to you, but be sure to let yourself be approachable. Smile, be cheerful and in a good mood, always make sure you are dressed nice and your hair looks good. Be friendly & the best of yourself. Make sure you are making the most doing your own thing at school too - that's really attractive to guys. Good luck to you!!
Oh okay. At first I thought you were talking about college because that's another ball game! :lol: But if you're talking about high school, then that's cute. :grin:

I agree with everyone else, let him come to you! I don't care how much winkin' and grinnin' he's doing...let HIM make the first move. :yep: But definitely try to appear approachable. Try to find out by observation or by casually bringing it up from other friends whether or not he has a gf right now. Sometimes guys will flirt w/you, but they're either taken already, or aren't serious. They just like to flirt. ykwim?

So, smile...look approachable, and I think eventually if he's available he'll make a move. :yep:

she's at uni.
Good luck, OP. I agree with the suggestion to smile back when he looks/winks but I wouldn't approach either. If there's a setting where you could potentially strike up a light convo (like if you're both waiting for something etc), I would possibly chance that.

a little OT but not: High school (secondary school) ends at 16. The schooling system here means you need certain qualifications before you move onto university. This is where college typically comes in here for us (usually for 2 years).
I agree with the advice and your decision to not make the first move. I hope he asks you out! Best of luck!
Man I love that crush feeling. It's like butterflies and everyday is so exciting. It is one of the reasons I can't stop running Fantasia's "When I see you". I ran it to death. Still do LOL. Good luck. I hope he's everything you want and more.

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