I have a confession to make.


Well-Known Member
I have not been the best to my hair over the last month and I really haven't had he desire to. I am usually on top of my weekly wash/condish etc and lately, I just haven't had the motivation. Today, I had top make myself do it today. I've gotten kinda discouraged since I had to do a lil trimming last month (this always happens once I get close to APL. Help me get out of this slump!
Why don't you try out a new style? Or maybe play dress up and wear something that makes you want to do your hair and make it pretty.

You don't even have to leave the house just get dressed up and start taking some pics.
Thanks for the idea! I think it's this rotten weather we've been having that makes matters worse!
I know, it's soooo cold. I'm actually enjoying the winter, I feel like it's going to make the Spring feel so much better.

I'm in cocoon mode right now with my hair and my body. I can't wait to feel free in the Spring and let loose. I must stay focused.

Also when you don't feel like doing your hair you can always go look at some hair pics of styles that you would like to do one day, that should be motivation enough for you.
I'm here, its Me Leesh, LOL! I am with yall, and You know what I do when i get like this, I braid it up and purchase a Wig, cause We all know, in all of reality, Low to No, Manipulation is always a safe haven,and most of the time, the best Medicine, and when You rise outta that funk and do Your Doo, Most of theTime its a nice surprise waiting for You. :yep:
Nope...I do too! I went to get some porosity control and I'm going to do my hair tomorrow.

I have really fallen off my regimen but new products always perk me up. I think that I get bored with having to bun all the time. I'm wearing sew ins for rest of the year to grow my hair out and wear my hair down.
With braid extensions, I always felt like my hair was getting a rest but looked "done" at the same time. It always made me feel better when I was in one of those moods.
I'm here, its Me Leesh, LOL! I am with yall, and You know what I do when i get like this, I braid it up and purchase a Wig, cause We all know, in all of reality, Low to No, Manipulation is always a safe haven,and most of the time, the best Medicine, and when You rise outta that funk and do Your Doo, Most of theTime its a nice surprise waiting for You. :yep:

Oh yes, I think I need to get into wigs. I saw some nice reviews on Youtube of some cute Model Model wigs.

Maybe I'll try to find some tomorrow.
Oh yes, I think I need to get into wigs. I saw some nice reviews on Youtube of some cute Model Model wigs.

Maybe I'll try to find some tomorrow.

Here You are Dear, Its kinds hard to find them in stores, You can email the folks at the Blackhairspray site and they will let You know who in Your area carries them. Here are a couple of Sites to Paruse, who carries them:

1. http://www.hairsisters.com/ver2/

2. http://www.blackhairspray.com/Default.asp?Redirected=Y

I purchased My Model Model from Black Hair Spray, and I must say, I Love it! HTH!