I have a confession to make.....


New Member
I am lazy when it comes to trying new styles and actually styling my hair. Thats one of the reasons i came to LHCF was to learn and TRY new styles. i've read about plenty....but when it comes to trying them out... i get a big fat "F"
I hardly EVER practice any of the styles that you all talk about (rollersets, doobies, braidouts (i use to do these a long time ago but now for a while now), and a lot of other stuff that's not bad on the hair or causes minimum manipulation and would have my hair looking cute. All these girls with shoulder length hair and below yesterday were sporting wraps and rollersets and braidouts and i felt like SUCH the ugly duckling yesterday in my scrunchie bun
Is anyone else this way??? Should we ladies that need to get out and join life challenge ourselves??? Maybe we could try out one new hairstyle every week with the only condition being that we have to do the style ourselves.... Does anyone else deal with that and if so what do you think you will do about it?? -- jainygirl
A "get off your butt and actually style your hair" challenge?

Sounds like one I could use. What haven't you done yet? I've done braidouts, bantu knot-outs and cornrows. I haven't done a braidout in awhile though. After I get done all that braiding I just want to leave it in until its time to wash again.
I can't get all of my hair in a bun anymore after my stylist fiasco--some of the front pieces slip out and hang next to my face. Right now I'm in cornrows until I relax again--another 2 weeks or so. After that I wouldn't mind trying a rollerset, and trying a bantu knot-out again. What other styles do you have in mind?
i agree Umsumayyah a "Get off your butt and style your hair challenge" sounds good
i have done a braidout before (but i didnt braid my own hair....my mom did it for me
i tried the bantu set 2 times i think but i need to try it again. i've never done a rollerset or a doobie ever. Cornrows is almost like achieving the impossible since i cant cornrow (but i would love to learn
) I think we should also include some cute updo's using different hair accessories(like maybe doing a style with hairsticks one week). There are so many styles i dont even know about....i'm tempted to start wearing my wigs again but hubby isnt having that (says it makes no sense) plus it's getting hot. But i'm SOOOO up for this challenge
-- jainygirl
LOL..Yesterday I blowdried my hair and my girl was tryin to flat iron it..of course I told her no I told her I was gonna wear a pony..and she got mad and said, "WE DON'T WEAR PONYTAILS ANYMORE!"
I know exactly how you feel. Although the protective styles are meant to be beneficial, I dont feel as good with them as I do with my hair out. The main problem is that, after I get my hair relaxed, I leave it out for a maximum of 2 weeks, however, its so silly because everyone tells me that now that I finally have the length, all I do is wear it down with a hair band like my name is 'Jane or Katie'. I have so many hair accessories but I just dont use them, Id like to try new styles, (not like bantu knots, braid outs or cainrows, I have these all the time), styles that show off the relaxed texture.
Its like having another full time job to do all these styles all the time though...thats why the ponytail always gets my vote lol
UmSumayyah said:
A "get off your butt and actually style your hair" challenge?

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I would love this challenge! : D I'm already starting, experimenting right now with half updos. I have a pic in my album of one (I'll replace it with a more clear one) and I would like to include more pics of different styles. I have a few accessories that I would like to experiment with too.
I want to keep it simple though, nothing fancy or time consuming.
I have a few accessories that I would like to experiment with too.
I want to keep it simple though, nothing fancy or time consuming.

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Same here. i would definitely like to keep it simple so that us "first timers" don't get too discouraged right away
I tend not to do much with my hair either. Its in a bun or pony tail. I have to admit its mostly because I am too tired to rollerset or sit and style my hair. Now that school is out, I can invest more time in styling.
I recently started wearing my hair down. I used the Neutrogena Triple Moisture line and it made my hair so soft, shiny and bouncy that it would have been a crime to put it up. I have been wearing my hair down for the past 3 weeks for the first time in my life and I love it. Now I even use the Motions Color Return to give me a lil omph! hehehe
I have to make a concerted effort to wear my hair in a "style". Yesterday being mother's day and all I did a braid out and it was lovely! I felt so pretty all day!!!!!!!!