I have a Bone to Pick with You


New Member
Now I put my book out there so you guys could read it and make suggestions on it. I had one person who did what she was suppose to do. :look: When I was in college my major was Industrial Technology and Computer Science not English. I need all of the help I can get. :blush: :lachen:

I could not afford a professional person to proof read it so I am counting on you. 800 of you looked at it only one gave me a critique. I need to :spank: but I am not because I need you to help with my Blog. Which is my book broken down. Please read it and send me a pm on ANYTHING that is not correct. Blogging is new to me so again I need all of the help I can get. :bighug:
I was one of those 800 that view and did not say anything. After reading your initial post, I thought your book was done and ready for sale. I saw the $20 price on it, so I didn't know you need critique and proofreading. You just said:

Missigirl said:
Hi Ladies,

It is mostly a pamphlet and you can look at it for free. If you want a hard copy just buy it from the site.

Fix My Broken Hair - Relaxed Hair Care Guide | by rjdeanreed | Biography book

Fix My Broken Hair
by rjdeanreed
Published on: Dec-28-2010

So is it not published yet or ready for sale? What's up? :confused:
So are you offering us a percentage of the profit if we proof read it since you cannot afford a professional ?
My hair care journey.

I was one of those 800 that view and did not say anything. After reading your initial post, I thought your book was done and ready for sale. I saw the $20 price on it, so I didn't know you need critique and proofreading. You just said:

So is it not published yet or ready for sale? What's up? :confused:

So what is this book about?

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It has been published but I decided to transition and add it to the book so I am going to re-publish.

I tried to multiquote but it did not work so I will try to answer everyone at one time.

Whats the link so we can read it?
It is broken down in my blog while I make changes to the book.

So are you offering us a percentage of the profit if we proof read it since you cannot afford a professional ? If it becomes a best seller sure.

How honest do you want us to be? Please PM me so you can be completely honest.

Keep in mind this book would be of very little help to you all because it is the same things we discuss here on a daily basis. I had some family members asking me what I was doing to get my hair to grow and I wanted to explain it to them.
This is going to take a while. I will let you all know as I add new post. I added another post today. Please check out my blog just click on link below.
I read the two post I can see on your blog, and my one suggestion would be to make it a story, give us some background, ie what was your wake up call? how did you feel when you first started researching healthy hair journey? when you first reached a major goal?

Most hair books are going to talk about the same things. What determines whether it's a buy or not is often the story behind it. People need some way to relate to you, feel your emotion as you went through various steps in your journey. Simply stating facts just doesn't cut it. Also, if you are serious about getting this published, you will need a professional, not just pinions from the forum. Good luck!
The layout of your blog kind of throws me off a bit...the way the sentences are separated on different lines makes it hard to follow. I wouldn't purchase it, as it seems to be just you sharing your story and it doesn't seem to read like a book. But I would however follow your blog as to keep up with your hair progress.
I haven't seen the other thread you talked about but I have some suggestions.

First if you really want to be taken seriously, you're going to need to get the book edited by someone qualified to do so. If you can find a way to raise money for a professional, do so even if it means publishing the book later than you initially planned.

If you are a college student (undergrad/grad) your college might have a writing center that can help. Even if you are not enrolled, try the English department of your local college. You might find undergrads/grad students who will do the work for much cheaper. Speak to a professor and see if they can recommend one of their good students.

Try to find out if your local area has a writer's club or something related to creative writing where you might get tips from other authors.

Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. Good luck.
I only see two blog posts...nothing close to long enough to be a book. And I don't think that people are going to go poking and prodding to find something that should be easy to locate. Good luck in your book venture.
I read the two post I can see on your blog, and my one suggestion would be to make it a story, give us some background, ie what was your wake up call? how did you feel when you first started researching healthy hair journey? when you first reached a major goal?

Most hair books are going to talk about the same things. What determines whether it's a buy or not is often the story behind it. People need some way to relate to you, feel your emotion as you went through various steps in your journey. Simply stating facts just doesn't cut it. Also, if you are serious about getting this published, you will need a professional, not just pinions from the forum. Good luck!

Okay that makes a lot of sense. Great information.
I didn't see any misspellings but I will go through it again specifically looking for errors and pm you if I see any.
I haven't checked it out yet, but you may want to tread very carefully on promising to share profits with random proofreaders on a forum if your book becomes a hit.

There are plenty of freelance websites out there where copy editors and professionally trained people can bid on a job to help you proofread for grammar and content.

Best of luck on your book, OP!
All I see are two posts, both of which are difficult to read due to formatting issues. Is there a link somewhere that I am missing which will lead to the rest of your book?
The layout of your blog kind of throws me off a bit...the way the sentences are separated on different lines makes it hard to follow. I wouldn't purchase it, as it seems to be just you sharing your story and it doesn't seem to read like a book. But I would however follow your blog as to keep up with your hair progress.

Sorry about that still working on my blog setup.:spinning: I made some changes hope that helped.
All I see are two posts, both of which are difficult to read due to formatting issues. Is there a link somewhere that I am missing which will lead to the rest of your book?

I am in process of getting the whole thing moved. There are only 2 post so far I had to repair some computers, I will get is moved as quickly as possible. I did make some changes to the format I will keep working on that to make it easir to read.
Thank you soooooo much!!!
Okay...it's been a while, but I recall reading your book online. I would have to read it again to offer a good critique, but I do recall that it was kind of sparse...not enough information to purchase it. Are you looking to share information or really make a profit?

Some really popular hair books are pretty inexpensive and they are chock-full of information and pictures (some in color). I thought you were just being helpful by sharing since the whole thing was free online. I actually do proofread and edit for my friends - usually their websites, resumes, and professional bios. There's also a difference between editing for errors versus critiquing for content. It might be worth it for you to pay someone $20/hour or so to help you out if you really want quality feedback...

I'll PM you the errors I saw on your blog just now.
I haven't seen the other thread you talked about but I have some suggestions.

First if you really want to be taken seriously, you're going to need to get the book edited by someone qualified to do so. If you can find a way to raise money for a professional, do so even if it means publishing the book later than you initially planned.

If you are a college student (undergrad/grad) your college might have a writing center that can help. Even if you are not enrolled, try the English department of your local college. You might find undergrads/grad students who will do the work for much cheaper. Speak to a professor and see if they can recommend one of their good students.

Try to find out if your local area has a writer's club or something related to creative writing where you might get tips from other authors.

Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. Good luck.

Thank you for this! I design books for a living and I cringe at self published books. They typically seem to have a "look." Someone earlier on mentioned that you need to find a way to make your book stand out--one of those ways is by simply publishing a professional product.
Okay...it's been a while, but I recall reading your book online. I would have to read it again to offer a good critique, but I do recall that it was kind of sparse...not enough information to purchase it. Are you looking to share information or really make a profit?

Some really popular hair books are pretty inexpensive and they are chock-full of information and pictures (some in color). I thought you were just being helpful by sharing since the whole thing was free online. I actually do proofread and edit for my friends - usually their websites, resumes, and professional bios. There's also a difference between editing for errors versus critiquing for content. It might be worth it for you to pay someone $20/hour or so to help you out if you really want quality feedback...

I'll PM you the errors I saw on your blog just now.

It was really written to give it to family and friends. But I would not refuse money if someone wanted to buy one. I read your PM before reading your post. Thank you so much. I am considering paying someone so that it would be worth selling to the general public.