
New Member
OK, I have been on my healthy hair journey for over a year now. I must admit I have had a few set back _ some tree braids that RUINED MY HAIR LINE, grew out all the perm only to get it texlaxed in may 08( but i was making a stage debut and I had to be fierce) but all in all I think I am healthier now than before. It seems that though my hair is growing like a weed, its NOT getting any thicker. It was too the point I went and got a sewin weave a few months ago because i was simply tired! My hair is stronger than its ever been. Its as soft and when I get it pressed I am beyond fab! But i want my hair to be pretty and thick ..

and I don't want to get pregnant to have it.:nono::nono::nono:

and i don't want to necessarily HAVE to get a weave to do it.:nono::nono::nono:

Now i love my wigs ( thanks to LHCF )and since april well i love my weaves ( SHOUTOUT TO 3 GIRLS AND A NEEDLE)

I take 10000mc boitin and have started my silica intake as well. right now that the only vits i take. i drink water like its going out of style. What am i doing wrong??? Oh and I admit my routine has been throwed with play rehearsal and such.:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

What do you guys suggest?? I swear I 5 sec from shaving it off and going and getting one of those pretty lace fronts I see on this forum.
Since I am currently laid off ( yep i worked for INdymac bank) I have time to devote to a regemin. What do you guys suggest???

As you can see I am sooooo through!! and for all my New orleans people... yes im completely booted up about it!!!
Don't you dare shave your head girl!:lol: Most of my hair is thick, but my nape is more on the fine side. I sometimes wonder what it would be like if my entire head was that fine. Has your hair always been fine? If that is the case, at some point I think you will have to learn to love and accept it and make it has healthy and beautiful as you can. Hopefully some thinner head ladies will have some advice. Since you do have a little extra time you really should enjoy taking good care of your hair.
Don't shave it!!!! Some people just have fine hair. If you have the time to learn your hair, I suggest that you do it. Plus do you really have to shave your hair to get a LF? Can't you braid it up underneath? It will get better.
I have always had thin hair. It just seems thinner than usual. Over the last couple of years it has become ridicoulous. I get regular trims. but it seems it grows but its so thin you can as my husband say " see me thinking sometimes". It not alopecia thin BUT i just wanted thick pretty hair!!
girl you better be happy for what you have:yep: some people can't grow hair on their head. I don't think that you have a hair problem I just think you can get like anybody else including me who get frustrated from time to time with their hair. You will be alright.
Have you tried Henna, castor oil, or MT? You may need a major chop to removed a good deal of unhealthy hair, but I would nurture what could truly response to better care and vitamins and chop what is in fact dead.
have you ever considered not relaxing?

Not directed at you, but I always wondered why people with baby fine hair relax in the first place?:confused:
have you ever considered not relaxing?

Not directed at you, but I always wondered why people with baby fine hair relax in the first place?:confused:

When I relaxed, my hair was horribly thin, almost see-thru, now that I'm relaxed my hair is soo much thicker and looks soo much better.
i used to have horribly thin, see - through relaxed hair; and my natural texture is very very fine... and i have very thick hair, now. and i still relax. sure going natural is one answer, but it is possible to get thick, full hair, even when your strands are very fine (like mine).

OP, what is your weekly hair regimen? how often do you relax? are you brushing? you seem to be doing everything right, but maybe if you list your regimen, we may be able to pinpoint any specific problems.
Couple of questions:
  1. How often do you DC and for how long?
  2. Does your hair lose moisture everyday?
  3. How often do you brush and comb your hair?
I've had baby fine hair all my life and three things have thickened it.

Prayer (God gives his 'sheep' thick soft wooly hair) :lol: ------ Well He does. See, check it out:


Here's a black one:


He thickens the hair on a rabbit and a chinchilla and the minks.

So how much more will He not thicken and lenghten your hair. He will.

The other things are

MN (Miconanzole Nitrate 2%) - Monistat
Ovation Hair Care (www.ovationhair.com)
Mega Tek (from Eqyss) - This truly thickens the hair. :up:

Check out the Ovation / Mega Tek Challenge Thread.

Thin Hair is not a lifetime Verdict for anyone. Okay? :bighug:

Now, do not cut your hair. :pullhair: It's too beautiful to lose. You've come this far, go the rest of the jouney and reap the blessings that await you. Prayer will take you there...for sure. :yep: Afterall, it took me and I love the end results.
I'm so sorry you're frustrated with your hair. I used to have thin, see-through hair, and here is what I did to thicken it up:
  • transitioned from fully-relaxed to texlaxed
  • began to exercise regularly and eat healthier, including adding more protein, veggies and vitamins
  • low manipulation...I comb my hair once/week
I know you will find the solution you need for your hair.
Is your hair in a blunt cut or in layers?

Sometimes it just feels like your hair is really thin, when it actually is just a bit thinned out from layers. Sometimes it has nothing to do with the actual health of your hair... growing out the layers helps a lot!
I've had baby fine hair all my life and three things have thickened it.

Prayer (God gives his 'sheep' thick soft wooly hair) :lol: ------ Well He does. See, check it out:


Here's a black one:


He thickens the hair on a rabbit and a chinchilla and the minks.

So how much more will He not thicken and lenghten your hair. He will.

The other things are

Thin Hair is not a lifetime Verdict for anyone. Okay?
Thank you for reminding me who is my source.....in everything!! ......I'm praying as we speak:bighug:
I've had baby fine hair all my life and three things have thickened it.

Prayer (God gives his 'sheep' thick soft wooly hair) :lol: ------ Well He does. See, check it out:


Here's a black one:


He thickens the hair on a rabbit and a chinchilla and the minks.

So how much more will He not thicken and lenghten your hair. He will.

The other things are

MN (Miconanzole Nitrate 2%) - Monistat
Ovation Hair Care (www.ovationhair.com)
Mega Tek (from Eqyss) - This truly thickens the hair. :up:

Check out the Ovation / Mega Tek Challenge Thread.

Thin Hair is not a lifetime Verdict for anyone. Okay? :bighug:

Now, do not cut your hair. :pullhair: It's too beautiful to lose. You've come this far, go the rest of the jouney and reap the blessings that await you. Prayer will take you there...for sure. :yep: Afterall, it took me and I love the end results.

I know for a fact God blessed me when he grew back my half lost head of hair due to illness , even thicker and longer than it was pre-illness, way faster than I thought could even be possible

also a good nutrition regimen helps so much!

join the eggs, l-cysteine challenge also , for thicker nourished hair! :yep:
Honey, just slow down, and don't do anything crazy like shaving your head. It sounds like you might be under stress from other life issues, but that doesn't mean its time to start making drastic changes to your hair!! Use this time to think about how you're going to improve your job situation, your life, and your hair. Things may be looking bad for you right now, but believe me its only temporary. You have to be strong, and keep moving forward...Meanwhile, there's some temporary small changes you can make to your hair to make you feel better about it, like giving yourself a wonderful deep conditioning treatment at home, or experiment with different styles for your hair. Just play with it, pamper it and have fun with it!!!! Remember, neither bad times, nor good times last forever. Enjoy the hair you have, and do one small thing to make it better each day, and improve your outlook on life. You'll soon be feeling better about a lot of things, including your hair!!
I feel your pain OP! It sucks to have thin hair. For those who commented that they don't understand why people with thin hair relax in the first place, it's hard to figure out what to do with your thin hair, especially if your hair is not super long. Alot of natural styles (depending on your length) do not look right on thin hair. For me, they make my hair look shorter than more unhealhy than it really is. And I'm getting tired of my lf's. Right now I'm rockin a phony afro pony, but I'm scared that wearing it too often may start breaking off my hair. I can't find anyone that I trust to do a weave that won't be harmful to my hair, and I'm scared that braids might break my hair off ,too. I'm going to start using Mega-Tek as soon as I can get my hands on some, maybe you should try it too :yep:
I've had baby fine hair all my life and three things have thickened it.

Prayer (God gives his 'sheep' thick soft wooly hair) :lol: ------ Well He does. See, check it out:


Here's a black one:


He thickens the hair on a rabbit and a chinchilla and the minks.

So how much more will He not thicken and lenghten your hair. He will.

The other things are

Thin Hair is not a lifetime Verdict for anyone. Okay?

Thank you for reminding me who is my source.....in everything!! ......I'm praying as we speak:bighug:
Awwww, big hugs to you to angel. :bighug: :kiss:

Lemme' tell you. I've been here at this forum for over 2 years and I have more hair products than I can count...all in bins --- LARGE ones. Products that I will NEVER use. One day it 'hit' me... :thud:, why not ask God and stop making these BSS stores richer off of my desperation in the quest of longer, thicker, stronger hair.

As God says in His Word, committ our ways unto Him and He will direct our paths. I finally discovered what works for me. I still have 'band wagon' fever :lol: --- the PJ still rages wild within me... :lol: But I commit it to God first and it has surely grown my hair and my bank account. :lol:

Praise the Lawd! :yep: Praise Him forever more. For he asks wisdom of Him, God will give without hesitation and in full abundance. And HAIR in abundance too. Yes He will :yep: Yes HE will. :happydance.

God bless you angel.
I feel your pain as well. If I do not rollerset my hair with lots of rollers my hair will look so life less. Don't let my default pic fool you. It is paper thin ... thinner than paper actually. If there is such a thing. :ohwell: I also at times just want to give up ... I didn't see hope as well. However, as a few mentioned in this thread we just need to learn more about our hair. Patience is a virtue. We need to join in on some of the challenges mentioned and PRAY as Shimmie mentioned. Let's reap these blessings together!!! God always answered my prayers ... so I will trust Him with this.

PM me and we can keep tabs on one another and encourage each other cause I sure need it.

From this point on...let's love our hair and learn more about it!!!!:drunk: As LadyEsquire told me once during this growth process our hair tends to thin out before it fulls out. I hope I quoted that right. :clapping:
I know for a fact God blessed me when he grew back my half lost head of hair due to illness , even thicker and longer than it was pre-illness, way faster than I thought could even be possible

also a good nutrition regimen helps so much!

join the eggs, l-cysteine challenge also , for thicker nourished hair! :yep:
:amen: He found you too "Irresistible" to bless and He did bless you indeed. I'm so glad you are healed, Praise God for your total health and that you will never be ill again. For God promised us, 'None of these diseases (that were upon the Egyptians) will He put or allow upon us.

He gives us the wisdom for what's lacking in our diets. Mine was iron and I began eating Sea Veggies and Sea / Kelp / Blue-Green Algae Supplements (Spirilina); Chlorella, Kelp. I added more fruits and veggies and water to my diet; exercise and dancing daily and just being full of the joy of the Lord.

All of this gives life and food to our blood and other organs and bodily functions. Cod Liver Oil is another excellent source of iron, and other minerals that we need and it calms the nervous system. In this stress filled life, it can have an effect upon our hair growth, texture, and thickness.

Stay well "Irresistible" -- you are Royalty and your Hair is your crown.

To our precious OP of this thread..... Expect great things in your health and hair care. You will have the desires of your heart, and without regret from God above. Many of us have just prayed for you and we will continue upon your journey for longer, thicker fuller hair.

I feel your pain as well. If I do not rollerset my hair with lots of rollers my hair will look so life less. Don't let my default pic fool you. It is paper thin ... thinner than paper actually. If there is such a thing. :ohwell: I also at times just want to give up ... I didn't see hope as well. However, as a few mentioned in this thread we just need to learn more about our hair. Patience is a virtue. We need to join in on some of the challenges mentioned and PRAY as Shimmie mentioned. Let's reap these blessings together!!! God always answered my prayers ... so I will trust Him with this.

PM me and we can keep tabs on one another and encourage each other cause I sure need it.

From this point on...let's love our hair and learn more about it!!!!:drunk: As LadyEsquire told me once during this growth process our hair tends to thin out before it fulls out. I hope I quoted that right. :clapping:

This is so true. What we love , we nuture and it will respond and thrive, like healthy plants and lush green grass when it is attended with loving care. What we 'hate' cannot thrive around us for it's not receiving loving care.

And hair does thin out before it thickens; for it's pushing out the old making room for the new. :yep:

In nature, the birds shed their feathers, snakes shed their skin, a baby chick has fuzz, until the new growth comes in.


For our precious OP to this thread -- Happy, Healthy, Hair Dede ... and to everyone here. :yep: :love2:
:amen: He found you too "Irresistible" to bless and He did bless you indeed. I'm so glad you are healed, Praise God for your total health and that you will never be ill again. For God promised us, 'None of these diseases (that were upon the Egyptians) will He put or allow upon us.

He gives us the wisdom for what's lacking in our diets. Mine was iron and I began eating Sea Veggies and Sea / Kelp / Blue-Green Algae Supplements (Spirilina); Chlorella, Kelp. I added more fruits and veggies and water to my diet; exercise and dancing daily and just being full of the joy of the Lord.

All of this gives life and food to our blood and other organs and bodily functions. Cod Liver Oil is another excellent source of iron, and other minerals that we need and it calms the nervous system. In this stress filled life, it can have an effect upon our hair growth, texture, and thickness.

Stay well "Irresistible" -- you are Royalty and your Hair is your crown.

To our precious OP of this thread..... Expect great things in your health and hair care. You will have the desires of your heart, and without regret from God above. Many of us have just prayed for you and we will continue upon your journey for longer, thicker fuller hair.

OMG girl dont get me started on what I have seen God do and the miracles I HAVE SEEN! He is an awesome God! and you know what Shimmie Shimmie Coco Pop!? I needed this reminder for my soul right at this very minute, you are such a beautiful shining light of His to behold! Dont think it's going unnoticed! Ever!
OMG girl dont get me started on what I have seen God do and the miracles I HAVE SEEN! He is an awesome God! and you know what Shimmie Shimmie Coco Pop!?

I needed this reminder for my soul right at this very minute, you are such a beautiful shining light of His to behold! Dont think it's going unnoticed! Ever!
:kiss: :flowers: For you...precious sister.

Now I'm doing the Coco Pop --- :lachen:

:pulpdance: :woot: :happydance: :hula: :bdance: :lol:
Some people just do not have thick hair by nature. I had thin relaxed hair most of my life (I thought the relaxer was making it thin) and I thought by going natural it would thicken up but it didn't. No sense in worrying about things you can't change.
I feel your pain OP! It sucks to have thin hair.

For those who commented that they don't understand why people with thin hair relax in the first place, it's hard to figure out what to do with your thin hair, especially if your hair is not super long.

Alot of natural styles (depending on your length) do not look right on thin hair.

For me, they make my hair look shorter than more unhealhy than it really is. And I'm getting tired of my lf's. Right now I'm rockin a phony afro pony, but I'm scared that wearing it too often may start breaking off my hair. I can't find anyone that I trust to do a weave that won't be harmful to my hair, and I'm scared that braids might break my hair off ,too. I'm going to start using Mega-Tek as soon as I can get my hands on some, maybe you should try it too :yep:
@ the bolded...you are so right. :yep: I've lived the 'relax' -- don't relax phases of my hair journey. Relaxing ruined my hair and made it feel like straw and I was using a 'kiddie' relaxer. But you go through these trials and errors not knowing what to do or what will make it better.

I'm natural because I've accepted that my hair was not meant to be straight via chemicals. I was nearly bald when I first came to this forum and I was desperate and so depressed about my hair. I didn't have any hope at all, because I felt as if I'd done everything and still failed.

In my natural state I've learned to love what I have and let God lead me in its care. It works. :up: Here in this forum, I've found what works and what to stay away from.

It took me two years here at LHCF to reach bra strap and thicker hair, but it was worth it. :amen: