Well I have thin hair to and I just went from natural to relaxed. My hair has thickend up alot but I also take vitamins and I don't use heat. i used the mazini butter blends for sensative scalp and I had no problems. I am going to try and stretch for 12 weeks with my relaxers. I noticed before I got my relaxers every 6 weeks and my hair stayed thin especially around the hair line and that is why now my edges are almost bald I relaxed them first.

I will be pryaing for your hair.
I have very very very thin hair too, but their are things you can do to make your hair "appear" to be full.
1) Cond Wash
2)Black Color Rinse
4)air dry after you Cond. Wash--(the best)

I also follow a few of the member methods because they too have thin hair. I personally know "Patiencevirtue" and her hair has grown and look thicker within one year. PM her and she will anwser any question!!!

I like "Kinikakes" Hair Methods, below you can read more about how she maintains her hair!! Very VEry informative!!!!
Hair Journal
Healthy Hair 101
My Aphogee Experience
My Henna Experience
My Blog/Webzine

I hope this was helpful!! I am still learning and girl I have a ways to go!!!! PM anytime!!!
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have you ever considered not relaxing?

Not directed at you, but I always wondered why people with baby fine hair relax in the first place?:confused:

I know i did that all through high school and college. My stylist was the 1st to bring that up and i permed twice a yr... then i stopped all together.

I got a weave in may for a play i was in and if there is a little humidity in the air - poof ball-

so i texlaxed... now im thinking that wasn't a good idea
I feel your pain, I too have thin hair. I went to a stylist recently who told me that I should consider going natural, beecause my hair would thicken up, and if I simply must I should only texturize 2 times a year...go figure. I'm still on the fence about it.

I really appreciate the prays and advice. I think on the 31st I will get a really good trim and then on aug 1st start and stick to a good regemin

I also think yall right w/ the stress. I don't think i will ever get braids again either.

I will embrace what God gave me and pray that it will be thick and healthy.:yep: