I had to leave the relationship forum for my own sanity!!

yeah i had to stop watching Cheaters too and i stop watching
jerry springer and Maury povich a long time ago.. it was just to much:ohwell:

sometimes we just need to pull away for a while.. take a break ! (fresh insight) i know i did and it felt great...:spinning::yep:
hello, i'm came in here to look for some spiritual guidance and stumbled across this thread. thank you for trying to reach me via pm - i've never posted on a forum before and i have no idea how to get or send pm's. i'm trying to work it out.

i felt really bad after reading the posts here because i felt like i was spreading my unhappiness and misery to other people over the internet. i don't have anyone at all to talk to IRL and i was desperate for some opinions and advice on what to do. i certainly never meant to depress or upset anybody. the ladies over there have given me a lot of comfort and support and it means the world to me - i felt extremely alone.

if things were going well in my marriage, i probably wouldn't want to be reading about cheating men all the time either.

just wanted to explain why i posted.


Hey Almondruby,

No no no! Please dont think that you have to hold back or think that you have caused any problem. I think its just that when some of us (myself included) read about all the negative things that can happen, we get discouraged whether we are in a relationship or hoping for one someday (that's me). BUT, that does not mean that we dont need to listen to and encourage each other. Please continue to post and reach out. I think this thread just speaks to how easy it is to get into a negative mindset when exposed to things which may seem discouraging.

But take a look at Bunny's post above. Instead of discouraging her, she allows what she reads to be a lesson on what and what not to do. Honestly, your post (in reference to being eager to marry) reconfirmed for me that it is best not to jump into a relationship due to availability. That is certainly not to rain on you for deciding to enter the relationship. But by sharing your thoughts it taught me something too. I didnt comment in that thread but I certainly said a prayer for you and will be praying for you.

I plan to fight discouragement. That's why, when I started feeling down, I went straight to my Bible based relationship studies which certaily uplifted me. Sometimes I do need to step away from some things(depending on the state I am in). But that's my battle. No one else is responsible for keeping my good mindset but me.

So don't fret.

I will be praying for you!
I had to hurry up and get out of that forum with all of that talk about cheating, men having female friends, myspace, 5 months preggers. It was getting to be too much for me. I have been through some tough times in my marriage and things are starting to slowly get better. I don't need things like that filling my head up. It was starting to make me angry all over again. I felt like the devil was trying to attack my mind. There is a young lady who is going through something right now and I want to talk to her and give her some info, but I don't feel comfortable with sharing it with the rest of the posters on her thread. It says that she can't receive pm's. I pray that she can get a hold of me or vice versa. I just had to come in here and vent.

Yes, I have tried to read that forum and it weakens my heart. I cannot let that feed my soul. All the cheating, sex and just all of that just hurts my heart. I rarely visit that forum.
Sometimes you have to step away from certain environments to keep your head on straight. I hope no one was discouraged about reaching out after this slight disagreement or whatever. I hope everything works out for both these ladies.
I had to hurry up and get out of that forum with all of that talk about cheating, men having female friends, myspace, 5 months preggers. It was getting to be too much for me. I have been through some tough times in my marriage and things are starting to slowly get better. I don't need things like that filling my head up. It was starting to make me angry all over again. I felt like the devil was trying to attack my mind. There is a young lady who is going through something right now and I want to talk to her and give her some info, but I don't feel comfortable with sharing it with the rest of the posters on her thread. It says that she can't receive pm's. I pray that she can get a hold of me or vice versa. I just had to come in here and vent.


Please forgive me for making light of this. But I understand where you are coming from and I agree. It can be a bit overwhelming. I will admit I have frequent the Relationship forum but I only post there a few times. But not as much as OT and Christian forum. Sometimes you have to step away from it to maintain your sanity but at the same time you would want to reach out to someone in need especially when they can't talk to anybody else so they come here.

I hope the OP on there gets the help she needs, though.
OT can be crazy too. When I first started to frequent LHCF's other forums, I would always be in the celeb. gossip one, ot and relationship. Then I made a resolve to stay out of those three specifically and I was like "how am I going to do that..its going to be so hard". I was addicted. But! As I've been drawing closer to God this year, its like...I go in to those forums and I read the threads and no offense, but its pure idleness like...I'm not even interested in anything there anymore. I say to myself "shouldnt you be catching up on the read your bible in 90 days challenge...or even cooking" I mean sometimes there are really good threads there that make you think, or are very informative, but other times its just like...from a christian stand point..its not really the best food for your mind.
Hi Almondruby,
I could not have said it better than SmartAlek, so I just decided to quote her. If it helps, I only just now read your post, so my comments (and probably many others) are based on the overall tone of the relationship board, not from your one particular post. You and your family are in my prayers, and please continue to reach out to us here. You mentioned that in real life you don't have the chance to talk with a lot of people about your situation, so LHCF can be your refuge.....believe me, it is a refuge for a lot of us!

Hey Almondruby,

No no no! Please dont think that you have to hold back or think that you have caused any problem. I think its just that when some of us (myself included) read about all the negative things that can happen, we get discouraged whether we are in a relationship or hoping for one someday (that's me). BUT, that does not mean that we dont need to listen to and encourage each other. Please continue to post and reach out. I think this thread just speaks to how easy it is to get into a negative mindset when exposed to things which may seem discouraging.

So don't fret.

I will be praying for you!
hello, i'm came in here to look for some spiritual guidance and stumbled across this thread. thank you for trying to reach me via pm - i've never posted on a forum before and i have no idea how to get or send pm's. i'm trying to work it out.

i felt really bad after reading the posts here because i felt like i was spreading my unhappiness and misery to other people over the internet. i don't have anyone at all to talk to IRL and i was desperate for some opinions and advice on what to do. i certainly never meant to depress or upset anybody. the ladies over there have given me a lot of comfort and support and it means the world to me - i felt extremely alone.

if things were going well in my marriage, i probably wouldn't want to be reading about cheating men all the time either.

just wanted to explain why i posted.

It takes a 'villiage' to raise a child. And it takes each of us to create the villiage. We don't live in this community alone. Therefore, when one of us 'hurts', we all share in the healing process, and we do so in love.

Almond Ruby, we're here to love you and it's not a burden. We're only sad because you're sad. And when you're happy, we're happy too.

Welcome Precious Sister. Welcome into our hearts and into our lives. We're not going to run away from you. We have a new life to celebrate...yours. :kiss: :grouphug2: