For those seeking a closer relationship w/ God

Beautiful testimony! Just recently I have cut down on watching tv and listening to certain music. I have noticed a clearer mind and a more hunger for His Word. I have a tv in my room, and when I get home from work, I wouldn't even turn it on. I sometimes lay in my bed and meditate and I feel like I talk to God. I sometimes grab my Bible if I find my mind wandering or thinking evil. It's neat how when you turn your eyes and ears away from garbage, you feel more clarity and peace in your mind and you can feel the spirit of God more.
I have a question for the married ladies..

I find it difficult to do a fast with hubby who may not be on one at the time. For example, If I am about to go to bed and I am doing a media, TV etc fast and hubby comes in, turns on the tv to catch his favorite show, what do u do? It is not right to make him do a fast if God didn't call him to do one. u know?

Am I supposed to go sleep in the guest room or ask him to turn it off?

I'd hate to cause any problem in the home. That will just throw my whole spirit off. ANY suggestions????
I have a principle : NO TV in the bedrooms!

I am not a big fan of TV. So, with a TV in the bedroom, I would be a victim (I've had this problem au debut). This situation has been corrected in keeping TVs out of the bedrooms.

May God guide you!
Maybe earplugs while you're reading your Bible or noise cancelling headphones if you have the Bible on CD or mp3?

I have a question for the married ladies..

I find it difficult to do a fast with hubby who may not be on one at the time. For example, If I am about to go to bed and I am doing a media, TV etc fast and hubby comes in, turns on the tv to catch his favorite show, what do u do? It is not right to make him do a fast if God didn't call him to do one. u know?

Am I supposed to go sleep in the guest room or ask him to turn it off?

I'd hate to cause any problem in the home. That will just throw my whole spirit off. ANY suggestions????
I have a principle : NO TV in the bedrooms!

I am not a big fan of TV. So, with a TV in the bedroom, I would be a victim (I've had this problem au debut). This situation has been corrected in keeping TVs out of the bedrooms.

May God guide you!

Thank you!! That is a great idea also! We need to get into a habit of not watching tv too much. It is a distraction. Dont' know how hubby will see it, but its worth a shot! Thanks Crown!

Maybe earplugs while you're reading your Bible or noise cancelling headphones if you have the Bible on CD or mp3?

I do have the new testiment on mp3. Thats a great idea also. I have been saying i want to get some really good ear plugs as hubby plays video games and watched sports center. Thanks for the tips ladies!!!!!!