I gotta PUT YOU ON BLAST!!!!!!!!!!(SqrpioQutie)

Yes SqrpioQutie has made inspirational hair growth.

I remember when she was natural(twa), and I think she got a texturizer, and now I'm so amazed at her growth!

Keep Up the great work!!! :up: :up:
Yall are so sweet.... i got my blowout today (posted some initial pics in my fotki and updated the siggy) ... i *THINK* that i'm APL now... i'm going to have my friend take a pic of my hair in the back tomorrow so i'll know for sure... **crossing fingers**
SqrpioQutie said:
Yall are so sweet.... i got my blowout today (posted some initial pics in my fotki and updated the siggy) ... i *THINK* that i'm APL now... i'm going to have my friend take a pic of my hair in the back tomorrow so i'll know for sure... **crossing fingers**

i was like look at all that hair.. my hands want be all up in it girrrl!
CONGRATULATIONS, your hair is growing fast. ON POINT girlie, ON POINT:p You will def be popping ya brastrap reallllllll soon;)
Oh My Gosh. I just saw your henna pics in the henna thread and my mouth was wide open. Your hair is growing like crazy! And the color the henna gives is beautiful! Girl you're hair is FLYYYY! You are such an inspiration. You know I'm gonna stalk your album now right. :look:
Well move over cuz she's gonna have another album stalker! :lol: :sekret:

Sqrpio, your hair is simply DIVINE! To think that you've gotten to this point in less than 2 years is nothing short of awesome and inspiring. :)

locabouthair said:
Oh My Gosh. I just saw your henna pics in the henna thread and my mouth was wide open. Your hair is growing like crazy! And the color the henna gives is beautiful! Girl you're hair is FLYYYY! You are such an inspiration. You know I'm gonna stalk your album now right. :look:
I agree with everyoe else! I was stalking your album last night! Such wonderful progress! It looks so thick and healthy too!
Oh my! Her hair is.... I'm just so jealous right now.... I can't take it -running out of the room-
your hair is sooo flippin gorgeous! Color and everythin!- You are at my goal length too! Great inspiration