I got a powerful word from the Lord today

yes. I struggle with the same 1 or 3 things...*Sigh... I need a breakthrough...

As I was reading your post, I was thinking, "Fasting and prayer...that's part of your breakthrough."

Now, I wasn't going to post this but The Holy Spirit said, "I want you to tell her that."

So, here I am telling you that whatever you are dealing with needs some componets or ingredients to be properly handled.

That would be to that if you are lowly and contrite, really seeking deliverance to continue to worship God, praise Him, fast, pray, fill youself on His word and continue to have faith. Walking in obedience and crying out to Him when you are tempted and asking him to help you. To lead you away from things that would tempt you.
Hello Everyone,
I am a newbie and a long time lurker. This Christian board has been a tremendous blessing to me. I had to chime in and say: "Yes indeed Sister". Your revelation from Christ is so timely. I also feel in my spirit that He is calling His children to purify their hearts, clean our houses, and get ready for what ever is coming. He has been urging me to pray, fast, and read His word like never before. Something is definitely happening in the spiritual realm. He is coming back for a bride without wrinkle or spot. Thanks for sharing your enlightening word.

I was thinking, "How funny is it or what a coincidence that I would come past and read your post." Then I thought, "No, this isn't a coincidence but an orchestration by God Almighty." And The Holy Spirit affirms that and said, "You are right," and also "You hit the nail on the head."

I feel like this is a time where God as Victory said, is really shaking things up. I don't know what's getting ready to happen but I believe He is preparing his people for something great and unfortunately, those who aren't submitting or allowing God to shape them will be left out on something big. It is our duty to pray for those who have backslidden from the faith and for The Body of Christ as a whole because I hear The Holy Spirit sayin that the time is short but The harvest is plentiful and the workers are few. We are the workers and there may not be many of us, but just as in the New Testament only a small amount of Godly men turned the world right side up. And how did they do it; by the annointing and God's power equipping them to spread the gospel and be fishers of men. It's not necessarily the number, that is why God is saying, "Whosoever will...let him take the water of life freely." We are willing to obey and He is going to use us.

I'm praying for power, faith, a greater and fresher annointing so that God may use me abundantly.

There is something happening in the atmosphere and The Holy Spirit just said to me, "I am taking you through boot camp." I said to myself, "bootcamp?" I feel this may be happening to many who are allowing Him to do so.:yep:
God is really speaking to me on this one... Its the same thing SO text me this morning.We're struggling with purity at the moment- please pray for us. Thank you sp much for sharing this OP. God Bless you all x

Right there with you :wallbash: I'll definitely be praying for you and your SO as I pray for my SO and I!

And hank you for sharing this text Q!
First let me say whenever I get a word from the Lord, it's usually a wake up call to me first. Kind of like when your parent used to say, "keep it up." But like so many people, it is easy to fall into the traps of living in this world. We get comfortable and don't stay on things like we should. That's why it's extremely important for us to fellowship with other believers and have people who will pray for us, and help us to stay on track. I thank God for all of the women here. We may not always agree, but I know we all have the heart and desire to serve the Lord.

35For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.
So many people live in this world simply for the world. They go to school, get married, have kids, and make money to have the life they want to have. One of the main reasons why we Christians struggle is because we are trying to save the lives we have built for ourselves. We live the majority of our days doing what we want to do and then have the nerve to get mad at God when He makes a request of us. It amazes me how people complain and whine about what they have to give up but yet they don't realize how much they still have. If you were to write down everything you did for a day, you would see how much of your life is focused solely on You and the others around You. When Jesus is speaking here, He is not just talking about your physical life, but the life you live. So many people hold on to things, people, and situations when God has told them to let go. They want so much to save the life they have created here but not knowing they are being disobedient which will lead to them losing their eternal life in heaven. The bible even says "obedience is better than sacrifice."

Our priorities are mixed up and yet we wonder why we deal with some of the issues we have. Too many people are quick to blame the devil when really the enemy that is usually keeping you back is YOU!!! We sit and plan, and do all of the things so our hair can look right, nails are nice, and clothes are tight. But yet, we complain when we are asked to fast, or set aside time for prayer. We spend all of this time in the world and doing things in it but hardly any in the presence of the Lord. Then when it comes to the Lord's day, we complain about church being long and huff and puff. We'll sit and watch a 2 hour movie but we'll start looking at the clock if service is over an hour long. We have pushed God to the side or we try to squeeze Him in when we can. When really, He should be the main focus. We need to put our priorities in proper order, God first and then everything else.

36For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
37Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
How much is your eternal life worth to you? What in this world can you give in exchange for your life? Nothing!!!! We can't keep using the "God knows our heart" line anymore. Because if you really look at your heart, it ain't pretty and you may not want to be judged on it. Don't kid yourself into thinking you can fool God because He not only knows your heart, but He knows your mind. He knows what your true intentions are. We have all the power we need to stop sinning. But we choose not too. We've let the world convince us that certain things are okay and we've convinced ourselves that it's okay as long as we ask for forgiveness afterward. We half step with God but fully expect Him to come all the way with us. Imagine if Jesus only halfway died for our sins, or only halfway defeated death. So if we are followers of God and created from Him, shouldn't we be more like Him in all of our ways and not just the ones we pick and choose?

Don't be discouraged when you see those who "seem" to have it all. A lot of people have literally sold their souls in exchange for the things of this world. So many people have been tricked into thinking they are good because of the world's standards. They have money, fame, friends, and nice houses. So they have no need for God. Unlike a lot of people, I smile to myself when the devil attacks me because I know I am on the right team. I don't envy anyone the devil chooses to leave alone. There is no need for him to bother with them because he has them already. But once you start serving the Lord, once you start trying to count his ways as holy, the attacks start. We all have the power to defeat and overcome them. But I know in the end, I will have eternal life not just a great life here on earth. I would rather spend eternity in heaven praising the Lord, than to have all the money in the world for a few decades!! There should be nothing on earth that is worth caring for more than serving the Lord. You should be ready to drop anything and everything to do His will. Q
Victory, you must've been in church with me Sunday.. :lachen:

First let me say whenever I get a word from the Lord, it's usually a wake up call to me first. Kind of like when your parent used to say, "keep it up." But like so many people, it is easy to fall into the traps of living in this world. We get comfortable and don't stay on things like we should. That's why it's extremely important for us to fellowship with other believers and have people who will pray for us, and help us to stay on track. I thank God for all of the women here. We may not always agree, but I know we all have the heart and desire to serve the Lord.

35For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.
So many people live in this world simply for the world. They go to school, get married, have kids, and make money to have the life they want to have. One of the main reasons why we Christians struggle is because we are trying to save the lives we have built for ourselves. We live the majority of our days doing what we want to do and then have the nerve to get mad at God when He makes a request of us. It amazes me how people complain and whine about what they have to give up but yet they don't realize how much they still have. If you were to write down everything you did for a day, you would see how much of your life is focused solely on You and the others around You. When Jesus is speaking here, He is not just talking about your physical life, but the life you live. So many people hold on to things, people, and situations when God has told them to let go. They want so much to save the life they have created here but not knowing they are being disobedient which will lead to them losing their eternal life in heaven. The bible even says "obedience is better than sacrifice."

Our priorities are mixed up and yet we wonder why we deal with some of the issues we have. Too many people are quick to blame the devil when really the enemy that is usually keeping you back is YOU!!! We sit and plan, and do all of the things so our hair can look right, nails are nice, and clothes are tight. But yet, we complain when we are asked to fast, or set aside time for prayer. We spend all of this time in the world and doing things in it but hardly any in the presence of the Lord. Then when it comes to the Lord's day, we complain about church being long and huff and puff. We'll sit and watch a 2 hour movie but we'll start looking at the clock if service is over an hour long. We have pushed God to the side or we try to squeeze Him in when we can. When really, He should be the main focus. We need to put our priorities in proper order, God first and then everything else.

38Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.

Don't ever be ashamed to speak the word of God even if it hurts. It's supposed to. The bible refers to the word as a sword. A sword cuts. It will cut away all of the things that are not of God and for those who refuse it, it will cut them off from eternal life. Never be ashamed to say who you belong to. The same people we try to impress will one day have to bow to the same God we serve. We need to stop living as though we have all the time in the world to get right, and instead make an effort to do right, NOW!!! Our goal is to serve the Lord and spend eternity in heaven. Earlier we discussed how Jesus gave 3 key points, 1)deny yourself, 2)pick up your cross, and 3)follow me. There is no way around it. We can't skip over one and 2 and think we are just going to cross our fingers, turn around 3 times and make it into heaven. Jesus is saying here, to quote my Pastor, "if you want what I got, you gotta do what I do." If you want power, if you want the victory, if you want to make it to heaven, you have to do what is required of you.

Phil 2:13For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
14Do all things without murmurings and disputings:
15That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;
16Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.

This week is my last on the forum. I'm not making a big announcement anywhere and I know a lot of people won't see this so that's why I'm putting it here. This word I received is a call to action. Our world is going through so much right now and God is preparing His people to be elevated. The stuff we see going on the financial world may be hard to hear at times but know God is still in control. We need to be ready for the blessings that will come out of all of this. Think about this, the money that has been lost all over hasn't left the world, it's still here. So who has it? Who has control over it? Understand that God's word never returns to Him void. It is time for His righteous people to receive the wealth the wicked has held on to for so long. I know that is shouting news!!! But aside from that, we should serve the Lord simply because He is. He doesn't have to do another thing for us, He is still God and He deserves nothing less than our all. I pray this is not just a moment in time where you are excited and encouraged and slowly drift back into your old ways.

Examine your life and take inventory of the things you do, the stuff you watch, what you listen too, who you are around, and what you say. Live your life as if Jesus is sitting right next to you watching, and listening. If there are things you would be ashamed for Him to see you do, then stop doing them. He sees you anyway!!! Stop making excuses and trying to cut corners because it won't work. Everyday you need to find more ways to serve Him. Everyday you need to deny yourself. Everyday you need to pick up your cross. Everyday you need to follow Him. Everyday you need to let the Love or Christ shine through you and on others. This fire, this determination, the drive you have within you right now reading this, keep it going, don't stop, and add to it. Be blessed!!! Q
38Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.

Don't ever be ashamed to speak the word of God even if it hurts. It's supposed to. The bible refers to the word as a sword. A sword cuts. It will cut away all of the things that are not of God and for those who refuse it, it will cut them off from eternal life. Never be ashamed to say who you belong to. The same people we try to impress will one day have to bow to the same God we serve. We need to stop living as though we have all the time in the world to get right, and instead make an effort to do right, NOW!!! Our goal is to serve the Lord and spend eternity in heaven. Earlier we discussed how Jesus gave 3 key points, 1)deny yourself, 2)pick up your cross, and 3)follow me. There is no way around it. We can't skip over one and 2 and think we are just going to cross our fingers, turn around 3 times and make it into heaven. Jesus is saying here, to quote my Pastor, "if you want what I got, you gotta do what I do." If you want power, if you want the victory, if you want to make it to heaven, you have to do what is required of you.

Phil 2:13For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
14Do all things without murmurings and disputings:
15That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;
16Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.

This week is my last on the forum. I'm not making a big announcement anywhere and I know a lot of people won't see this so that's why I'm putting it here. This word I received is a call to action. Our world is going through so much right now and God is preparing His people to be elevated. The stuff we see going on the financial world may be hard to hear at times but know God is still in control. We need to be ready for the blessings that will come out of all of this. Think about this, the money that has been lost all over hasn't left the world, it's still here. So who has it? Who has control over it? Understand that God's word never returns to Him void. It is time for His righteous people to receive the wealth the wicked has held on to for so long. I know that is shouting news!!! But aside from that, we should serve the Lord simply because He is. He doesn't have to do another thing for us, He is still God and He deserves nothing less than our all. I pray this is not just a moment in time where you are excited and encouraged and slowly drift back into your old ways.

Examine your life and take inventory of the things you do, the stuff you watch, what you listen too, who you are around, and what you say. Live your life as if Jesus is sitting right next to you watching, and listening. If there are things you would be ashamed for Him to see you do, then stop doing them. He sees you anyway!!! Stop making excuses and trying to cut corners because it won't work. Everyday you need to find more ways to serve Him. Everyday you need to deny yourself. Everyday you need to pick up your cross. Everyday you need to follow Him. Everyday you need to let the Love or Christ shine through you and on others. This fire, this determination, the drive you have within you right now reading this, keep it going, don't stop, and add to it. Be blessed!!! Q

AMEN. A BIG THANKS for sharing and speaking the truth. You will definitely be missed.
As I was reading your post, I was thinking, "Fasting and prayer...that's part of your breakthrough."

Now, I wasn't going to post this but The Holy Spirit said, "I want you to tell her that."

So, here I am telling you that whatever you are dealing with needs some componets or ingredients to be properly handled.

That would be to that if you are lowly and contrite, really seeking deliverance to continue to worship God, praise Him, fast, pray, fill youself on His word and continue to have faith. Walking in obedience and crying out to Him when you are tempted and asking him to help you. To lead you away from things that would tempt you.

Thanks I'm actually convinced that you are right. I appreciate your post.
Examine your life and take inventory of the things you do, the stuff you watch, what you listen too, who you are around, and what you say. Live your life as if Jesus is sitting right next to you watching, and listening. If there are things you would be ashamed for Him to see you do, then stop doing them. He sees you anyway!!! Stop making excuses and trying to cut corners because it won't work. Everyday you need to find more ways to serve Him. Everyday you need to deny yourself. Everyday you need to pick up your cross. Everyday you need to follow Him. Everyday you need to let the Love or Christ shine through you and on others. This fire, this determination, the drive you have within you right now reading this, keep it going, don't stop, and add to it. Be blessed!!! Q

Thanks Q stay blessed
I have enjoyed your posts and will miss you. Sorry to see you go.. :(

I appreciate and take to heart your message below.

God bless you!
Examine your life and take inventory of the things you do, the stuff you watch, what you listen too, who you are around, and what you say. Live your life as if Jesus is sitting right next to you watching, and listening. If there are things you would be ashamed for Him to see you do, then stop doing them. He sees you anyway!!! Stop making excuses and trying to cut corners because it won't work. Everyday you need to find more ways to serve Him. Everyday you need to deny yourself. Everyday you need to pick up your cross. Everyday you need to follow Him. Everyday you need to let the Love or Christ shine through you and on others. This fire, this determination, the drive you have within you right now reading this, keep it going, don't stop, and add to it. Be blessed!!! Q