Taste And See That the Lord is Good!


New Member
I dedicate this devotion of praise to my Father God and Lord Jesus Christ, and also to a dear sister in Christ, iiBlackBarbieii, and all the dear sisters in Christ here on the forum! I pray it is a blessing to all who read it!


"O taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man that trusteth in him." -Psalm 34:8​
-Psalm 34:8

It is so good to be able to walk in the newness of life that the Father has given to us! He has truly blessed His children "with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus" (Ephesians 1:3). Spiritual blessings from God are the greatest blessings to receive. They are delightful to our souls and they satisfy richly!

They are expressions of the Father's love for us and are freely ours for the taking! It only takes a moment to notice the beauty of nature all around us: the delightful blue sky, the eagle that peacefully soars high above the clouds, and the bright stars that glisten at night. His love is also expressed in the smile of a stranger, a note of encouragement from a friend, and an unexpected but timely hug from your child! There are expressions of the Father's love around us, if we take the time to stop and notice. He's very much involved in our lives and in the earth working His wonderful & sovereign will and purposes all for the sake of reconciliation of man back to Himself, and it all started with the greatest expression of His love to mankind ever given through His son, Jesus Christ! What an awesome & loving God we serve!

Even though it's possible to have intellectual knowledge of God, it still leaves our spirits hungry. We must be fed the manna from on high so that we truly know the LORD in spirit and in truth. Receiving testimonials and teaching from others can be beneficial, but the LORD would have us to taste Him through intimacy and fellowship with Him and know for ourselves that He is truly good! Let us prove His Word to be so in this!

Christ tells us if we are to have His life within us, we must eat His flesh and drink his blood (John 6:56); this means we are to take in the presence of Christ by faith, and as we do this, we become like lights shining brightly to a darkened world. This is not done through popularity or power. It is through suffering, weakness, and ultimately death to our selves.

There is a brand of Christianity that promises riches, ecstasy, and popularity. But no, this is not Christianity, but pseudo-Christianity. It is "another" Gospel. Remember, it is the devil who offers the rewards of food, fame, and the pleasures of the world; it is Satan who promises popularity, publicity and power. He did so during the great temptation of Jesus in the wilderness, and he still tries to lure the followers of Jesus with the same promises. However, Jesus offers something better!

Through death of self, we will develop a hunger and a thirst for righteousness (Christ), and will be satisfied by Him to the full! We then come to know the power of Christ and His resurrection. We can see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living: "I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. "Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart; wait I say on the Lord!" (Psalm 27; 13-14)

I see the goodness of the Lord in my brothers and sisters who minister to me in many ways whether it be by email or in person, but I praise the Lord that I mostly see His goodness in my immediate family. My sweet loving husband and children are a constant daily reminder of His goodness and I am so thankful to the Lord for ministering to me through them. It is my strength from day to day. When you feel weak and discouraged, take all to Him and wait on Him to strengthen your heart. Take courage in His ability to strengthen and keep you; for He will in the most unexpected ways!

Christ said if any man would open the door and let Him into their heart, He will come in and sup or fellowship with them. Their spiritual eyes will be opened by, revelation, to see the goodness of God! This new life in Christ is greater than anything the world has to offer! We gladly suffer for the sake of knowing Him more.

We can experience the assurance of knowing the Father's great love from day to day unfailing and renewed! He is a faithful God to all who hope in Him. It is His nature to be good, and we can trust always in His unfailing love!

"Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. The LORD is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him." (La. 3:22-23,25)​
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This is a beautiful message, thank you so much for posting it.
It brought tears to my eyes, and is exactly what I needed to lift me up this morning.
Praise God! I'm so glad to see how the Father is speaking to others through His word. THIS brings tears to my eyes!! He's so good Ladies. This is wonderful fellowship!!