I Found Her!


Well-Known Member
When I first moved to SC I started going to a local hair stylist and she worked a miracle on my hair. The humidity here in SC did nothing for my hair and this stylist was able to work with my hair. Everytime I came back she would ask "How did your hair hold up" If my wrap did not last 2 weeks she would try a different product that would help it last. My hair was in the best condition ever with her.

Well as time went on I had to stop going (you know life) and when I start up again she was gone. That was 4 years ago.

For months I would asked a co-worker of mines about her (since she lived in the same area as her) but I could not remember her last name. Well this week I was going thru some old checks and found one that I wrote to her and was able to get her last name.

Once I told my co-worker she called a friend and asked about her and turns out it was her friends cousin :eek: ! This was Tuesday and my old stylIst only works on Friday's and Saturday's. Well I call her yesterday and asked it she used to work at the old shop and it was her :D !

She is one of the good ones, you know, you tell her what you want and she actually give it to ya!

My hair is so excited! I just had to share!
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Thank you Shunta! I always said if I ever found her again I will never leave her again. I hope she is still as good as and has the same attitude.

zzirvingj said:
Sooo.....what is the stylist's name???? And what part of SC do you live in???

OT I LOVE your hair! Has anyone ever told you that you look like Jada Pinkett Smith!?!?!:eek: I mean, the resemblance is almost FREAKY!:eek:

I took this "celebrity match" est and aparently I'm supposedly a Gabrielle Union look-a-like:D Suuuuuure, one can only dream!:lachen:
Yay for you! Congrats! I know how hard it is to find a good stylist and I know how far I would go to keep her so Congrats and happy growing!
Thank You Ladies!

I was planning on getting cornrows next weekend but I may skip it and start going to her. When I first started with her (years ago) I went once every week for about 4 - 6 weeks then I went every other week after that. This really got my hair back in business.

I my try this again as my hair really needs it. My hair has come a long way since finding LHCF but I need the extra help right now.

This time I will take note on what products she uses. Whatever she used b4 work great for me. I think it was Design or Affirm. I really need to know!!!!!

Thanks Again!
Congrats! I've been with the same stylist for 8 years. She does good work, is so pleasant and doesn't tolerate any kind of "ghetto" behavior in her shop. I know how hard it is to find The One. Glad you succeeded! :)
Thanks Again Ladies! I'm really hoping she is the same if not better concerning her techniques.

I know a lot more about hair now so I will keep my eyes open and if she is still all that (and I really believe she is) I'll be sure to let you Ladies know about my experience.
