I find co washing to be disgusting? But am I doing it wrong?

Luscious Locks

New Member
Hi, girls. I've tried cowashing three times over the past 4 months, and I really must say that I find it to be very gross. I can't for the life of me achieve clean hair without shampoo. I've tried various conditioners, and I've really tried to make it work for me, but my hair is telling me no.

Here's what I do: I apply conditioner to my dry hair for ten minutes while I mosey around, then I hop in the shower and rinse very well. Then I apply conditioner again and leave that on for about 2-5 minutes. I then detangle and rinse.

My hair feels a bit gritty after that. Not quite clean. And I'm wondering is it my technique? Or is it possible the products I use during the week? Like should I not be using certain types of products? Can I still use oil to moisturize?

Help me because I have no clue, and I'm about to give up on this co washing thing.
I think co-washing is to add moisture not to clean...if you want a cleaner feeling try adding a little baking soda to the condish...
I co-wash like i wash. I apply it rub it in and rinse and repeat. When I do "wash" I now wash with a diluted shampoo that I apply directly to my scalp with a pointy-tip color applicator bottle (got that tip from mane and chic blog). So I feel like I'm getting a "cleaner" scalp but lessen the damaging sulfates. And I do this for the first wash and co-wash after.
I think it may be the technique. Here's why... if you're putting conditioner on dry ("dirty") hair and sitting around and then rinsing that out and just applying conditioner and rinsing it may not be really "working" to get your hair clean. My hair has never felt "gritty" after a conditioner wash.

I'd start by getting into the shower and rinsing (this will remove most of the oils, dust, etc that may be sitting on your hair shaft)... rinse well, atleast give it a full 60 seconds or more. Then saturate your hair with conditioner and use your finger tips to gently massage your scalp loosening up any debris/dirt that may be there... allow to sit, and rinse for another 60 seconds or more. Apply a last helping of conditoner and allow that to sit undisturbed while you shower. Rinse again and detangle with your Jilbere comb (if you detangle in the shower which I HIGHLY recommend), but rinse thoroughly. I think you may not be rinsing enough. Try that and let us know how it works out for you.
It can be the products...

Do you "personally" feel that hair is not clean unless u are using shampoo?

when i first heard of the co-washing thing i thought my hair could be clean and moisturized with co-washing. but now after this last attempt i don't feel that it's cleansing in even a mild degree.

Could anyone suggest a favorite for co-washing. I used my pantent randn mask. it was all i had. was that too thick perhaps?
when i first heard of the co-washing thing i thought my hair could be clean and moisturized with co-washing. but now after this last attempt i don't feel that it's cleansing in even a mild degree.

Could anyone suggest a favorite for co-washing. I used my pantent randn mask. it was all i had. was that too thick perhaps?

Try Suave Tropical Coconut conditioner. It's cheap and really moisturizing and detangling.
Thanks, Carmella, I'll do just that. I washed on wednesday so I might try it tonight, but I'll certainly try it Saturday and report back.
Seems like you're just letting the conditioner sit on your head and then rinse it out. You're not actually using the conditioner to wash your hair.

Also, co-washing isn't for everyone.

And then on another note. Here's a little tidbit for ya. You should be a bit more mindful of your descriptors. This is a board full of women who LOVE to co-wash. Stating that you find it disgusting can be off putting and offensive.

With that said, I say try to actually wash your hair with the conditioner. If that doesn't work try something else. You don't HAVE to co-wash if you don't like it.
when i first heard of the co-washing thing i thought my hair could be clean and moisturized with co-washing. but now after this last attempt i don't feel that it's cleansing in even a mild degree.

Could anyone suggest a favorite for co-washing. I used my pantent randn mask. it was all i had. was that too thick perhaps?

No... I think co-washing needs tweaking for everyone. I kinda started cowashing when I was texturized and wanted a wash and go look. I would wash my hair in the summer and substitute deep conditioner for gel. Then I just started using conditioner more and more. With each tweak- in conditioner, technique, or amount- you become better. Sometimes, you might find a certain conditioner is not great for cowashing- but it all takes time.

I would suggest wetting your hair, rinsing it, and using conditioner like you would shampoo.
You can condition twice if you wish. I do that. However, you should use the conditioner like you would shampoo massage the scalp with your finger tips. I'm wondering if its the type of conditioner you are using that could be the issue.

Most of us use cheapie moisturizing conditioners like Suave coconut or Herbal Essence Hello Hydration or Long term relationship or VO5. I do not recommend using something like ORS Mayo or anything heavy with proteins if you are that could explain the gritty feeling you are getting..
there is the condition-wash-condition method. But it may not work for u. It may produce too much buildup on ur hair. Or like the other poster stated. RINSE FIRST. Then proceed with ur CWC....i only condition once cuz my fine hair cant take 2 in the same wash. products also play a huge part
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I think it's your technique. I co-wash the same way I wash with shampoo. I wet my hair pour condish over hair, rub it into scalp like you would shampoo (same movements-everything), rinse, and then do it again.

A co-wash is just that-- you're washing your hair except with no shampoo. This is probably why you feel that your hair isn't clean.

Also, co-washes are usually done with cheap, light conditioner- not thick DC'S. Suave, White Raine, and V05 conditioners are the most popular choices. They get the co-wash job done and cost under $2 a bottle.

Hope that helps!
I was also put off my co-washing and was recently converted. The key is to RINSE RINSE RINSE. I do ayurveda, so I put gritty pastes in my hair beforehand so it's absolutely necessary for me to do lots of lots of rinsing and "scritching" and repeating. I go: paste, rinse for about two minutes, put a bunch of Aussie Moist in my hair and work it through my hair and scalp, rinse for two more minutes, put MORE Aussie Moist and do the same thing, then I continue with my regular DC routine. If you're not doing ayurveda you may not have to rinse for quite as long, but it is very important that you rinse a great deal and reeeally work the conditioner through your hair and scalp, even more so than you would with a shampoo just for the simple fact that you're using conditioner and not shampoo. Aussie Moist is a great conditioner for co-washing, but I hope you find something that works for you! Your hair will be so much more moisturized if you minimize shampoo in your regimen!
My cowashing technique is:

1. Wet hair and apply a generous amount of conditioner (in my case - suave humectant or herbal essences hello hydration) all over scalp and hair.
2. Wet hair a little more and 'wash' with conditioner - i.e. massage scalp. I do this for at least 2 minutes then I rinse out the conditioner.
3. I always DC after I cowash because I prefer the way my hair feels after.

As seen in the previous comments, people have different cowashing techniques. Most people can cowash without DC'ing, others apply conditioner, shampoo wash, then cowash after... it took me a while to figure out what worked for my hair.
Seems like you're just letting the conditioner sit on your head and then rinse it out. You're not actually using the conditioner to wash your hair.

Also, co-washing isn't for everyone.

And then on another note. Here's a little tidbit for ya. You should be a bit more mindful of your descriptors. This is a board full of women who LOVE to co-wash. Stating that you find it disgusting can be off putting and offensive.

With that said, I say try to actually wash your hair with the conditioner. If that doesn't work try something else. You don't HAVE to co-wash if you don't like it.

I use the the word disgust because I mean it. More specifically I mean it in regards to my hair--not the actual process. I can see how the title can be misunderstood but I also posted that I initially thought it could be great for me. I'm really glad that it works for some ladies. More power to you, and that's why I'm here asking the girls that know what they're doing. I know that I don't have to go wash, I never said that I MUST co-wash, but I'm also allowed to try things to see if they work for me, and that is exactly what I'm doing. Just as some people may jump on a bandwagon and try out a product: they need to use the product consistently for a certain time period to know if it's truly effective or useful. That is what I'm doing.
I think it's your technique. I co-wash the same way I wash with shampoo. I wet my hair pour condish over hair, rub it into scalp like you would shampoo (same movements-everything), rinse, and then do it again.

A co-wash is just that-- you're washing your hair except with no shampoo. This is probably why you feel that your hair isn't clean.

Also, co-washes are usually done with cheap, light conditioner- not thick DC'S. Suave, White Raine, and V05 conditioners are the most popular choices. They get the co-wash job done and cost under $2 a bottle.

Hope that helps!

I will definately go out and get a cheapie conditioner. I finished my mask anyway, and my Mizani is too precious.
I am kinda on the same page as the OP...it did not feel quite disgusting but my hair felt weighed down...I will try it again with some Nexxus Ensure and see how that goes...thanks for the tips!!!

Did not mean to hi-jack OP!!!
Nexxuss ensure could be good because it's more acidic than most conditioners. Let me know how it makes your hair feel, sqzbly1908. I have fine tresses and need a good balance of moisture and protein or my hair goes limp really quickly.
It can be the products...

You should try a cleansing conditioner like WEN or Hair One. You can co-wash and still get your hair clean. I am a WEN user and my scalp and hair have never been cleaner. I remember using commerical poos and my scalp gets flakey within a couple of days. I haven't had dry scalp since using WEN:grin:
I agree with a previous poster. I rinse as much gunk out as I possible can before I use the conditioner to wash my hair. No dirty or smelly hair here.
I think co-washing is to add moisture not to clean...if you want a cleaner feeling try adding a little baking soda to the condish...
That sounds like a good idea.. I will try that next time

I agree with a previous poster. I rinse as much gunk out as I possible can before I use the conditioner to wash my hair. No dirty or smelly hair here.

I think you will only get clean hair if the products previously on your hair are water soluble and can be rinsed out easily. I only cowash when i use products containing water-soluble silicones. If im using heavy moisturizing products that contain non water soluble silicones (e.g. ORS lotion) then i would need to use shampoo to get clean hair. I will try adding baking soda and see how it goes.
You have to rinse your hair really well and I think that is what you are not doing. If you want to put the conditioner on dry hair first, thats fine but make sure you are rinsing your hair for a long time to get everything out. I personally go in, wet my hair and pretty much finger detangle it before I even put any conditioner on my head. It can take about 5 minutes+. Sometimes I don't even use conditioner because my hair is already rinsed and soft and the curls are clumping. I've even used conditioner even after feeling that way and the conditioner left my hair feeling stripped as opposed to before I put it in. I then squeeze out the excess water, put the conditioner in and then shower. Then I grab my comb, put one half of my head in the water stream and comb it out, then do the other side.
Hi, girls. I've tried cowashing three times over the past 4 months, and I really must say that I find it to be very gross. I can't for the life of me achieve clean hair without shampoo. I've tried various conditioners, and I've really tried to make it work for me, but my hair is telling me no.

Here's what I do: I apply conditioner to my dry hair for ten minutes while I mosey around, then I hop in the shower and rinse very well. Then I apply conditioner again and leave that on for about 2-5 minutes. I then detangle and rinse.

My hair feels a bit gritty after that. Not quite clean. And I'm wondering is it my technique? Or is it possible the products I use during the week? Like should I not be using certain types of products? Can I still use oil to moisturize?

Help me because I have no clue, and I'm about to give up on this co washing thing.

Luscious Locks,
Conditioner washing isn’t for cleaning the hair. (Although some will claim that a clarifying conditioner works just as good as shampoo.) There is many different ways to conditioner wash. What I do is: I run my hair under water until the water runs clear. (Make sure you work the water through your hair like you are shampooing) Next I apply the conditioner, I comb out my hair. I leave the conditioner in my hair until I am done washing my body. Then I rinse, I like to leave a little of the conditioner in my hair. (My hair is thick I need all the conditioner I can get.)
Giirrrlll when I first started to condition wash it was the nastiest thing in the world but it helps me manage my hair like no ones business.
I hope this helps.
The first couple times I did it I was used to that squeaky feeling and it felt a little gross. I would end up shampooing also in the end, but eventually I just soldiered it out and now I don't know what I would do with out conditioner washes. Although I find I am doing less during the week, but still.
I actually feel the complete opposite...shampooing makes my hair feel disgusting! It makes it so dry, matted, and tangled. Even if conditioner may not necessarily "clean" the hair, I would choose it any day over shampoo! I co-wash daily and I've only been shampooing once every two weeks and my hair is def at it's best!
It didn't work for me either. I gave it a six month try. My scalp never got really clean and it smelled funny. I washed the scalp well with conditioner. I now use a non SLS natural shampoo bar.