i finally told my mom i think i have a stalker and it became real!!!!


Well-Known Member
i wanted to start this post off by saying i have a mental disorder (schizoaffective bipolar type) so i took the little signs as just my mental disorder but something happed when i was manic and i just couldnt shake it.

My dad died 4 yrs ago august. After that i went bat S#*t crazy.... We ended up moving from my house to an apt because my mom couldnt afford the house payments after my dads death.

Thats where it began. When we first moved into the apt there would be times that someone would just open my front door and leave stuff. The most memorable was a shoe rack. I heard the door open( we have an alarm that beeps when the door opens) and a boom like someone dropped a big package on the floor. I go out there and look and its this weird wooden and metal square. I look at it and examine it but can't fig out what it is. It looked like a shoe rack but an unuseable one. I just move it to the corner and didn't think about it.

Then i hear the door open and close again. I think its my brother the whole time so I'm not stressing. I go back and it looks llike a functioning shoe rack. I tell my mom she says its my brother.

I started thinking something was wrong when i went out into the living room area one day and something caught my eye. In the kitchen there was a huge knife sitting there on the counter. I asked my mom where it came from. She said she must have been using it and left it there.

I WAS SHOOK.. I go through bouts where my mental disorder takes over and i think i'm psychic. I thought i was edgar cayce(thats the delusion) I called the A.R.E (edgar cayce's institute) and told them I was edgar cayce. They transfered me to someones voicemail.. I left a bunch of prob random voicemails but (GET THIS) there was one point i wanted cigarettes and asked her to give me some.... I FOUND THEM IN MY TOP DRAWER FOR DAYS!!!!! I thought i manifested them...

Cut to moving out on my own..... I have an electronic lock. U get in through an app on ur phone. I think he can unlock it. I kept finding the door unlocked. I just thought i was forgetting to lock the door and didnt worry. IT stopped for like a few months... then all of a sudden one day i look and its unlocked. i heard someone messing with the lock one day too.

Okay so heres the scary part. I went manic around july/aug and thought i was psychic again. I saw someone in my bathroom. I thought it was a spirit but i was nervous. I closed the bathroom door and tried to let it go but i couldnt shake the idea i just saw someone. I thought it was George Floyd. He was tall, skinny, black, long face, maybe 20's-early 30's, wearing round gold/silver glasses.

I was afraid to be in the house so went outside. I live in the city so i went to the area where people chill and just sat out there. Some older black lady sat next to me and we talked. I was really out of it. I finally got the courage to go back in my apt and no one was there. I thought i saw george floyd and left it at that. I'm finally sane for the first time in a min and i'm in shock at whats been going on right under my nose. i told the police and they wrote a report. i finally got up the courage to tell my mom yesterday and she said we're gonna get one of those door stops for the door so u cant open it from the outside.

i'm so sorry this is so long. i just had to get that off my chest. am i doing this right. i dont know what to do. i had social anxiety and agoraphobia for the last 17 yrs. i secluded myself severely because of it. I'm finally on the right combo of meds and i'm free from the fear of what people think of me but i'm waking up to this. there was a man in my house!!!!!
Wow! Thank you for sharing your struggles with your mental health. From your post I cannot decipher if your stalker is a real flesh and blood stalker or not. But, either way, I know for sure he is real for you and it ”sounds” really scary. We are here to help and support you however we can and know how to. Hopefully, together we will be able to figure out if your stalker is a physical and mental stalker or just a stalker that is being mentally manifested.
i wanted to start this post off by saying i have a mental disorder (schizoaffective bipolar type) so i took the little signs as just my mental disorder but something happed when i was manic and i just couldnt shake it.

My dad died 4 yrs ago august. After that i went bat S#*t crazy.... We ended up moving from my house to an apt because my mom couldnt afford the house payments after my dads death.

Thats where it began. When we first moved into the apt there would be times that someone would just open my front door and leave stuff. The most memorable was a shoe rack. I heard the door open( we have an alarm that beeps when the door opens) and a boom like someone dropped a big package on the floor. I go out there and look and its this weird wooden and metal square. I look at it and examine it but can't fig out what it is. It looked like a shoe rack but an unuseable one. I just move it to the corner and didn't think about it.

Then i hear the door open and close again. I think its my brother the whole time so I'm not stressing. I go back and it looks llike a functioning shoe rack. I tell my mom she says its my brother.

I started thinking something was wrong when i went out into the living room area one day and something caught my eye. In the kitchen there was a huge knife sitting there on the counter. I asked my mom where it came from. She said she must have been using it and left it there.

I WAS SHOOK.. I go through bouts where my mental disorder takes over and i think i'm psychic. I thought i was edgar cayce(thats the delusion) I called the A.R.E (edgar cayce's institute) and told them I was edgar cayce. They transfered me to someones voicemail.. I left a bunch of prob random voicemails but (GET THIS) there was one point i wanted cigarettes and asked her to give me some.... I FOUND THEM IN MY TOP DRAWER FOR DAYS!!!!! I thought i manifested them...

Cut to moving out on my own..... I have an electronic lock. U get in through an app on ur phone. I think he can unlock it. I kept finding the door unlocked. I just thought i was forgetting to lock the door and didnt worry. IT stopped for like a few months... then all of a sudden one day i look and its unlocked. i heard someone messing with the lock one day too.

Okay so heres the scary part. I went manic around july/aug and thought i was psychic again. I saw someone in my bathroom. I thought it was a spirit but i was nervous. I closed the bathroom door and tried to let it go but i couldnt shake the idea i just saw someone. I thought it was George Floyd. He was tall, skinny, black, long face, maybe 20's-early 30's, wearing round gold/silver glasses.

I was afraid to be in the house so went outside. I live in the city so i went to the area where people chill and just sat out there. Some older black lady sat next to me and we talked. I was really out of it. I finally got the courage to go back in my apt and no one was there. I thought i saw george floyd and left it at that. I'm finally sane for the first time in a min and i'm in shock at whats been going on right under my nose. i told the police and they wrote a report. i finally got up the courage to tell my mom yesterday and she said we're gonna get one of those door stops for the door so u cant open it from the outside.

i'm so sorry this is so long. i just had to get that off my chest. am i doing this right. i dont know what to do. i had social anxiety and agoraphobia for the last 17 yrs. i secluded myself severely because of it. I'm finally on the right combo of meds and i'm free from the fear of what people think of me but i'm waking up to this. there was a man in my house!!!!!
Also, sorry for your loss in regards to your dad. I lost mine 11 years ago and I went off the rails mentally. Had to be hospitalized. So I totally empathize. XXXXXXX
Wow! Thank you for sharing your struggles with your mental health. From your post I cannot decipher if your stalker is a real flesh and blood stalker or not. But, either way, I know for sure he is real for you and it ”sounds” really scary. We are here to help and support you however we can and know how to. Hopefully, together we will be able to figure out if your stalker is a physical and mental stalker or just a stalker that is being mentally manifested.
thanks alot for the support. I'm not going to let it control me (if real or imagined). I'm getting a chain lock for my door and calling it a day. I'm so glad i posted it because honestly u made me feel alot better. I was going to keep it to myself but i'm finding talking about this stuff is best. I need to stop keeping things in.

My dad was my world and seeing him die of parkensons killed me inside but i can say after all these yrs God gave me a second chance at life and I'm taking it. In a way I feel like if he's still here spiritually he is my guardian angel along with my uncle lee. So they're not really gone just not here physically.
i wanted to start this post off by saying i have a mental disorder (schizoaffective bipolar type) so i took the little signs as just my mental disorder but something happed when i was manic and i just couldnt shake it.

My dad died 4 yrs ago august. After that i went bat S#*t crazy.... We ended up moving from my house to an apt because my mom couldnt afford the house payments after my dads death.

Thats where it began. When we first moved into the apt there would be times that someone would just open my front door and leave stuff. The most memorable was a shoe rack. I heard the door open( we have an alarm that beeps when the door opens) and a boom like someone dropped a big package on the floor. I go out there and look and its this weird wooden and metal square. I look at it and examine it but can't fig out what it is. It looked like a shoe rack but an unuseable one. I just move it to the corner and didn't think about it.

Then i hear the door open and close again. I think its my brother the whole time so I'm not stressing. I go back and it looks llike a functioning shoe rack. I tell my mom she says its my brother.

I started thinking something was wrong when i went out into the living room area one day and something caught my eye. In the kitchen there was a huge knife sitting there on the counter. I asked my mom where it came from. She said she must have been using it and left it there.

I WAS SHOOK.. I go through bouts where my mental disorder takes over and i think i'm psychic. I thought i was edgar cayce(thats the delusion) I called the A.R.E (edgar cayce's institute) and told them I was edgar cayce. They transfered me to someones voicemail.. I left a bunch of prob random voicemails but (GET THIS) there was one point i wanted cigarettes and asked her to give me some.... I FOUND THEM IN MY TOP DRAWER FOR DAYS!!!!! I thought i manifested them...

Cut to moving out on my own..... I have an electronic lock. U get in through an app on ur phone. I think he can unlock it. I kept finding the door unlocked. I just thought i was forgetting to lock the door and didnt worry. IT stopped for like a few months... then all of a sudden one day i look and its unlocked. i heard someone messing with the lock one day too.

Okay so heres the scary part. I went manic around july/aug and thought i was psychic again. I saw someone in my bathroom. I thought it was a spirit but i was nervous. I closed the bathroom door and tried to let it go but i couldnt shake the idea i just saw someone. I thought it was George Floyd. He was tall, skinny, black, long face, maybe 20's-early 30's, wearing round gold/silver glasses.

I was afraid to be in the house so went outside. I live in the city so i went to the area where people chill and just sat out there. Some older black lady sat next to me and we talked. I was really out of it. I finally got the courage to go back in my apt and no one was there. I thought i saw george floyd and left it at that. I'm finally sane for the first time in a min and i'm in shock at whats been going on right under my nose. i told the police and they wrote a report. i finally got up the courage to tell my mom yesterday and she said we're gonna get one of those door stops for the door so u cant open it from the outside.

i'm so sorry this is so long. i just had to get that off my chest. am i doing this right. i dont know what to do. i had social anxiety and agoraphobia for the last 17 yrs. i secluded myself severely because of it. I'm finally on the right combo of meds and i'm free from the fear of what people think of me but i'm waking up to this. there was a man in my house!!!!!
Thank you for sharing. I think @Ganjababy articulated beautifully. I'll just say 'ditto'. Everybody needs support at some point in their lives. It takes courage to talk about oneself when one is vulnerable. It makes me feel more courageous. Be safe. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt. Do what you must do to stay on your new path.
thanks alot for the support. I'm not going to let it control me (if real or imagined). I'm getting a chain lock for my door and calling it a day. I'm so glad i posted it because honestly u made me feel alot better. I was going to keep it to myself but i'm finding talking about this stuff is best. I need to stop keeping things in.

My dad was my world and seeing him die of parkensons killed me inside but i can say after all these yrs God gave me a second chance at life and I'm taking it. In a way I feel like if he's still here spiritually he is my guardian angel along with my uncle lee. So they're not really gone just not here physically.
My father's death made me realize that life is short.

I left my fear and followed my dream to live in France. While here alone and still not strong in the language, I was told I had cancer and I had to make a decision about my life. During that time waiting for the exploratory surgery, I smelled my father's cigars. Folks smoke cigarettes here in France, not cigars. The odors are very distinctly different. I also walked into a 'cloud of perfume' that my Auntie, who passed on, used to use. I too felt and feel that they are not really gone, just not here physically. It turned out that the world renowned surgical oncologist was wrong about that diagnosis.

Keep us updated about you, please.
My father's death made me realize that life is short.

I left my fear and followed my dream to live in France. While here alone and still not strong in the language, I was told I had cancer and I had to make a decision about my life. During that time waiting for the exploratory surgery, I smelled my father's cigars. Folks smoke cigarettes here in France, not cigars. The odors are very distinctly different. I also walked into a 'cloud of perfume' that my Auntie, who passed on, used to use. I too felt and feel that they are not really gone, just not here physically. It turned out that the world renowned surgical oncologist was wrong about that diagnosis.

Keep us updated about you, please.
in a manic state i felt like my father was with me when i moved here on my own. I was agoraphobic and he said we're gonna take a lil walk... that was one of the first times i got the courage to step out by myself. I was going to get cigs and he said the store would be closed but take the walk.... he suggested i go to mcdonalds but i was afraid so went to the store instead (because i was familiar with it). It went amazing. It was so relaxing. They were playing jazz music on the speakers outside of mcdonalds and u could hear it softly playing on the whole block. From that day on i started breaking my fear of people by going for walks to the store. I have the chair i bought for him one christmas in my apt now. I sit on it all the time. It reminds me of him.

I also have my soulmate cross from my aunt flourance (who i never met) in my closet. my mom gave it to me. So i def think he is with me and its of no surprise.... i was a daddys girl and had him wrapped around my little finger. It was so funny because when he was alive he would always make sure i had everything i wanted and needed. After he died i would need something (like chapstick, etc...) and i would find it in his drawers.

Its those little things that still mean something to me to this day.

U are so strong @Chicoro to do something like move to france on ur own. i would be too afraid. sometimes when something big happens we just need to start over. i am SO GLAD THEY WERE WRONG ABOUT UR DIAGNOSIS!!!!!! Sis we can't have u struggling like that. We've all been through enough.

I will keep u all updated about whatever goes on....
OP you should put cameras up inside your apartment. That’s the only way you’ll know for sure what’s happening and it’ll be evidence you can give to the police.

I’m really sorry you’re dealing with this.
i dont have the money but maybe when i change cable services in spring of next yr my mom can get me an xfinity subscription.... thats what we had in the apt b4 i moved here alone. They have a security feature...

OHHHHH WAIT i can get like a ring system or something. i need to look into that. GREAT ADVICE!!!!! I'm tired of being scared. If anything for the peace of mind i need to do something. This is getting serious.

I've had visual hallucinations but this was so real. When u have a stalker its like ur mind cant compute its real. u make excuses for the weird stuff going on and i am crazy so how can i trust myself, its just he looked so real..... i was scared to go home but never called the police or told anyone because i thought it wasnt real.

I will also say when i was younger and first moved to va in my old house around 2005 or so i started getting letters from someone that they left at my door. I was secluding more and wouldn't go out so someone would leave notes saying how sorry they were i was getting sick and they hope i feel better etc... I thought it was from a guy i met that worked on a house in the area and talked to so didnt stress it. If this is the same guy he could have started stalking me at like 20-21yrs old.
i dont have the money but maybe when i change cable services in spring of next yr my mom can get me an xfinity subscription.... thats what we had in the apt b4 i moved here alone. They have a security feature...

OHHHHH WAIT i can get like a ring system or something. i need to look into that. GREAT ADVICE!!!!! I'm tired of being scared. If anything for the peace of mind i need to do something. This is getting serious.

I've had visual hallucinations but this was so real. When u have a stalker its like ur mind cant compute its real. u make excuses for the weird stuff going on and i am crazy so how can i trust myself, its just he looked so real..... i was scared to go home but never called the police or told anyone because i thought it wasnt real.

I will also say when i was younger and first moved to va in my old house around 2005 or so i started getting letters from someone that they left at my door. I was secluding more and wouldn't go out so someone would leave notes saying how sorry they were i was getting sick and they hope i feel better etc... I thought it was from a guy i met that worked on a house in the area and talked to so didnt stress it. If this is the same guy he could have started stalking me at like 20-21yrs old.
I just saw this on Amazon. Very affordable. It doesn't show the reduced price below but there's a limited time deal for $29.99 that includes 2 indoor cameras.

Amazon product ASIN B09N6QBMTW
i ended up getting a door stopper type thing and i feel much better. Honestly i think its the maintenance man. I run into him all the time and he's always the one that works on stuff in my apt. He looks like the guy i saw in my bathroom in july but he was wearing glasses. I guess to disguise himself. He's some young kid ( like 20's)... He always seems skittish when i see him.

Someone messed with my toilet recently... The water wouldnt come out to flush it so i started flushing it with a bucket. I hate calling maintenance with a passion. I started researching on google and found that someone shut off the valve.

I have a smart lock on my door (we all do in this building) and maintenance can come in with a code. I hate that lock.

Anyways I talked to the cops about it and they filed a report. I feel less afraid though.
i got a message on my phone on tuesday saying maintanence just finished a work order on my apt and they're removing access from my apt. I didn't ask for anything to be fixed... how long have they had access....