I finally made a decision

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5% of me wanted natural, 40% wanted a texturizer, 45% wanted a relaxer.

I decided to go onto NP.com to get some information on being natural, but that site seemed more like a cult that had no room for those who are indecisive. Maybe it was just the day I went, but I didn't feel comfortable.

Anyhoo, the whole texturizing thing came mostly from Model_Chick with her gorgeous hair. Both CH and TripleP can vouch for that I also wanted a texturizer for added manageablity.

With 45%, I decided to go with a relaxer because that was initially what I wanted and I had only planned on stretching my relaxer out, and I did just that....I stretched to 9 months!! I went to the dominican place to get my relaxer and it had to be pulled through because of all the newgrowth. I don't think I'll ever go there for a relaxer again because they are so unorganized. I really think I would have gotten the texturizer if the place was more organized. Carmen runs around like a chicken with her head cut off. She not once touched my hair, and I was there for her. 4 people total worked on my hair and it cost me $85.
I now have swinging hair again

I'm sorry I had to leave the small amount of transitioners Hairlove
Jennifer you hair looks beautiful! What a huge accomplishment transitioning for so long. What's your hair type? Also I wanna see a length pic
. I know your hair must be a brasatrap by now
Hey Jen....I am sure you will make the best decision for you and the health of your hair....However, I would definitely not go back to that salon.....I cannot stand that assembly line concept.....everybody gets to add a part to the finished product....Plus they charged too much...My sister goes to a salon where 3 people work on her hair...not me...I will wait longer if I have to for just one stylist......
Thanks micarae and Armyqt, I'm 4a/b. A length pic is coming soon, but I did a mini chop shortly after I got my braids because of major uneveness. With the mini chop my hair was thicker and healthier lookin'. The thing I'm mostly happy with my 9 months of no relaxer and braids is that it gave a chance for my back area (ears and below) to catch up with the rest of my hair. My problem was very similar to Leejure and I did the same chop she did like a month ago.
Thank you ladies! Supergirl...you got me wanting to buy all the triple moisture products to give me my first experience with newly relaxed hair.

But I caved in and brought the Motions Oil Moisturizer shampoo and conditioner two weeks ago. I refuse to become a PJ
Hi JenniferMD! I am also trying to decide whether I want to transition to natural, continue to get relaxers or get a texturizer. I don't get to participate much on this board, but today I decided to check out the topics and saw your post. I love your pics!
Your hair texture kind of looks like mine. I have no idea what my hair type is, do you know yours?

I had a touch-up done about four weeks ago. I am still debating about whether I will get another touch-up when my 12-16 weeks roll around again. I enjoy the flexibility of the relaxer but sometimes I think my hair seemed a lot thicker and fuller when I was just getting it pressed. I try to wear mainly up-do styles, braids and other protective styles throughout the relaxer. I may wear it down during the first week or two weeks after my touch-up but that is the only time it's worn down. I would like some advice on what to do about the thinning area near the nape of my neck. My hair is quite healthy but it needs some type of moisturizer to keep it from being dry feeling and dry looking. I normally use Wondergro hair grease that is made of shea butter and other herbs. Any advice would be greatly appreciated from you.
Hi Sunnydey

My hair texture is 4a/b. I stretched out my relaxer by mistake in the beginning, but when I found this board I wanted to see how long I could go. I think while stretching out my relaxer I began to question why I got relaxers in the first place. It seemed as though I was doing fine with my own texture...but that wasn't all true. Just because my hair wasn't falling out doesn't mean I was doing fine; I couldn't wear the styles I was use to and I turned into a protection style freak (not me). My hair was getting harder to manage so I decided to get braids to give me more time with making my decision. I put nubian twist in my hair (looks just like the kinky twist) for 3 months. After I took my braids out my hair was ultra thick and required even more time and effort to control it. I nearly cried when it took 2 hours just to comb through my hair and make sections for blow drying. I decided to go to the dominican salon to see how my hair would look with a blowout and I was amazed. I left that place knowing that I would never relax again but just get blowouts every two weeks. Well, I could have, but I didn't factor in water...rain, sweat and moisture in the air. After I got my blowout it rained for the next three days and I had to carry around an emergency scarf everywhere I went. My hair would swell up and look a mess, I would tame it back down at night, but it really looked a mess. I washed my hair myself after the blowout and it took me 4 hours after washing to blowdry and flat iron. Even after all that, my hair still wasn't very manageable. That's when I made up my mind that I wanted a relaxer.

I say all of that to say you might want to go through a long stretch to make the right decision for yourself.

I have the same problem with my nape area and what's really helped is combing/handling this part of my hair by itself. Comb it separately, apply moisturizers separately and make sure your protective styles don't strain that area. I really like soft sheen finishing lotion as a moisturizer(make sure you apply this to the length of your hair and double up on the ends). Grease and my hair don't get alone very well.
sassygirl125 said:
You made the best decision for your hair and I'm happy for you.
You look great!

[/ QUOTE ]

I absolutely love your avatar. I don't think I've said that. Love it!
Jayne Kennedy w/ a 'fro? When I saw the pic, I said, "I... must.. have... that...
The little girls are borrowed
from the "Kids Talk Hair" book. They are too cute! I'll probably keep that one forever!

sassygirl125 said:
You made the best decision for your hair and I'm happy for you.
You look great!

[/ QUOTE ]

that sounds like the perfect choice for you. for many transitioning is a nightmare making naptural hair seem utterly scary.

have fun with your newly relaxed hair!
Thank you so much for your response, Jennifer! I have been trying to stretch out my relaxer time to 3 to 4 months apart, but I am afraid I may cause severe breakage if I try to stretch it to 9 months. The new growth is kind of hard for me to comb and manage as it gets thicker. My hair has become more healthier now that I have been stretching the relaxer time from the old 6 or 8 weeks to new 12 to 16 weeks for about two years now. I may try this summer to see how my hair reacts to the hot humid weather and that will be the true test of whether I will transition to natural or not.

Also I would like to know what brands of shampoo and conditioner are you currently using? Have you ever had your hair cut in long layers? If so, how do you feel about layered styles? I am also thinking about getting my hair cut in long layers to give it a different look and to have more volume. You are so right about hair grease, it does not moisturize my hair at all but it sure does weigh it down and make it limp.

Thanks for the tip on wearing protective styles that won't cause breakage to the nape area. I feel sometimes that I am defeating the purpose of wearing these styles whenever I find breakage in the nape area. It really disappoints me when I see the breakage in this area but I am not going to let it cause me to give up on having shoulder length or longer hair.

One more thing, what's the name of the relaxer that was used for your touch-up and what strength was used? I apologize for such a lengthy post. Thanks in advance for your reply.
Thank you ladies for the wonderful comments, I really do think I made the best choice.

Sunnydey- "What brands of shampoo and conditioner are you currently using?" -- Well, you have Supergirl, Armyqt and Allandra to blame because I have no idea anymore. Three weeks ago it was Moisture Thearpy by Barry Fletcher, two weeks ago it was Motions Oil moisturizer and this week it will be Neutrogena Triple Mositure!!!

I've never had my hair cut in layers and I don't think I ever will because I love for hair to be all one length. I would think that cutting your hair in layers would lessen volume, but I may be wrong.
I used Affirm Lye Mild relaxer on my hair.
your hair reminds me of my friends. her hair just grows and grows. i wish she stopped going to her hairdresser as keeps chopping off her lenghth.
youhave nice hair. i hoping i can achieve a nice length with natural hair
AFashionSlave said:
Your hair looks beautiful & Nappturality is not a cult!

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It just seemed like it to me! Maybe I just went on the wrong day. The tone I got was GO NATURAL or else