Your hair is beautiful...I can't wait until I can finally make a decision with my hair. The perms I tried really broke my hair off in the back are. area. I started to go to a Dominican salon as well (I live in the DC area) too. And the result was horrible,,,the blowouts became very stressful on my relaxed hair. I had started to stretch my perm to 6 months. Which I happy to see the new growth, because my hair was really thinning.
My perm hair is touching my shoulders, but I barely wear it down due to the thinning. I would try braids for a while, but afraid that it would break off the hair that is thin. Whew…all this makes a sista want to give up on reaching her goal. So now I just simply let my hair be. I normally where is up in a protective style, without using any heat, brushing, or perms. Do you have any suggestions on how I can achieve thicker hair?
Again your hair is very beautiful.
Take care