I finally have a natural hair album! Come see!

Your hair looks very nice, thick and healthy! Thanks for sharing them.:)

(I was going to leave a comment but that feature isn't on)
Isis said:
Your hair looks very nice, thick and healthy! Thanks for sharing them.:)

(I was going to leave a comment but that feature isn't on)

Thanks! I just turned the feature on.
Lovely hair. I love the texture and the rope-like twists. Nice length and beautiful twistout! Rock on with your bad self (damn, I need to create an album).
HairPhoenix said:
Your thick twists look great. That's how I want mine to look when my transition is complete. Did you do them yourself?

Thanks so much. I do my twists myself. I've had my twists done by others and they looked great but I didn't like how they would comb my hair.
Thank you sooooo much ladies. You all have beautiful hair that I admire and so it's wonderful to get compliments from you.