I feel so dumb...


Well-Known Member
OK, I'll try to describe the situation in a short story :lol:. There is this guy I like a little. I just got out of a 1.5 year relationship and I'm not interested in getting back in one so soon but he's cute and a sigma, I kinda like them :lol: Anyways, my sorority is having a banquet this Saturday and we're allowed to bring dates. I had been debating about asking him for a few weeks but since we only communicate on FB, twitter and instagram (I didn't have his number), it would have been weird to just DM him like that :lol:

Last Saturday, I go to this party with my sorors and he's there. So we just hug and say hi. Later on (we're both drunk at this point, very important to remember :lol:), he sees me and asks if I'm still with my boyfriend. I say no, and he asks for my number. So I program my number in his phone (I left my phone in my car and didn't tell him to text me so I could had his). I still have a little liquid courage and ask him to be my date to the banquet and he says yes. :grin:

A few hours later, I've sobered up and realize I don't have his number, and wonder if he was too drunk to remember what happened. So I get his number from a soror. The next day, he tweeted about the party. I tweet him back and ask him if he remembered what he asked me, and he said yup sure do.

It's now Wednesday and I haven't heard from him. Should I assume he's still coming? I have to RSVP by tomorrow and don't know if I need to respond for 1 or 2. Should I just wait for him to text me or should I text him and say, "I got your number from A. Was still wondering if you were going since I hadn't heard from you."
Ask him. U need to rsvp

Dont assume he thnks u want more than that.
And dont feel dumb. Its ok for u to want to get to know someone
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^^^Agreed. Just call or text to confirm. He may have forgotten especially since he was tipsy.
Yes. Ask him. Especially since YOU asked HIM out. Since you initiated this one, the onus is on you to keep it going, keep him reminded, etc etc.

Have fun!
He may remember that he's going with you, but he doesn't know that you need to RSVP by a certain date. Ask him to make sure.
He's coming :lol: He even asked me what the attire is. :yep: But um.... do I pay for him? I know that the person doing the asking pays, but I've never actually had a guy let me pay for him. So should I ask him if he wants me to pay or be prepared to pay and see if he says no at the event?
You invited him, you pay. However, when I've done that in the past dudes quickly shut me down and paid instead. :D

I know it breaks tradition for many here, but...you did ask him...
I agree:yep:, you ask, you pay. Hopefully he will offer to pay but if not, that's okay:yep:. Now let him take the lead from here.
Well, I was stood up. I texted him before the dinner and asked if he was close. Now it's the morning after and still no communication. On to the next one I guess. Think I'll delete his number.

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BGT said:
Well, I was stood up. I texted him before the dinner and asked if he was close. Now it's the morning after and still no communication. On to the next one I guess. Think I'll delete his number.

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Wow what a douche! I am sorry Op just read this thread now had I seen it before I would have discouraged you from contacting him as he didn't make that much effort with you. Each and every time I have made more effort than a guy it has never worked out to my benefit I am sorry to say, delete his number, ignore him and unless he has a great excuse ie hospital do not entertain him when he inevitably gets in touch. Bastid.
Aww BGT!

I hope the ticket wasnt too expensive. Whatevr it cost, im sure it was a hell of a lot cheapr than findg out his true colors aftr u got involvd and him breakg your heart.

Yes, delete his numbr
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Wow what a douche! I am sorry Op just read this thread now had I seen it before I would have discouraged you from contacting him as he didn't make that much effort with you. Each and every time I have made more effort than a guy it has never worked out to my benefit I am sorry to say, delete his number, ignore him and unless he has a great excuse ie hospital do not entertain him when he inevitably gets in touch. Bastid.

Me too. That's why I stopped.

and sorry about that BGT . On to the next one.
Reading the OP made me immediately think of the "The Rules". I wish I had seen this before as well. I would have been on the don't ask him and don't pay for anything advice train. Live, learn, and grow.

And don't let him call you later trying to explain anything or waste your time. He's shown his stripes already.
BGT I'm sorry that things didn't work out. Don't feel bad for putting yourself out there. I think it was something you had to do. Unfortunately most of the time when a woman takes the initiative and asks a man out, it doesn't work out. But every now and then it does and the guy is thrilled. For the most part it seems that smiling and flirting is enough to get the ball rolling. If the guy doesn't pick up the ball and take it from there he is usually attached, not that interested, or a punk :look:. But I think sometimes lessons are learned best from experience vs. from listening to other people. Keep your happy spirit, look cute, smile, and flirt. Don't let that one silly sigma affect you.
You dodged a bullet.

I like to know that even if a man asked me out, he wouldn't stand up a woman that he agreed to see. I think it says something about their character.

If a man can't pick up the phone, or text to say he can't go after all or he was just being drunk and silly, I doubt he is considerate to the women he picks either. He also lied to you and asked about the attire:spinning:

Cowardly, liar, timewaster, no manners.
I deleted his number and our text conversation so i won't be tempted. And you know what? I really should not have been surprised because I know he's an a**hole. :look: I know he is. I don't really know what I was thinking. He's misogynistic, sexist, bitter and a pot head. He has no redeeming qualities besides his looks and alleged thick crayon :look: I know if anything were to happen I'd be dickmatized for life :lol:

I'm more upset that I wasted an invite on him when there were other guys I could have asked and would have gone, including this very gentlemanly cutie I asked first who definitely would have gone if it weren't for his brother's graduation at the same time. :nono: Oh well, I know his true colors now.

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I deleted his number and our text conversation so i won't be tempted. And you know what? I really should not have been surprised because I know he's an a**hole. :look: I know he is. I don't really know what I was thinking. He's misogynistic, sexist, bitter and a pot head. He has no redeeming qualities besides his looks and alleged thick crayon :look: I know if anything were to happen I'd be dickmatized for life :lol:

I'm more upset that I wasted an invite on him when there were other guys I could have asked and would have gone, including this very gentlemanly cutie I asked first who definitely would have gone if it weren't for his brother's graduation at the same time. :nono: Oh well, I know his true colors now.

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See there! Women know the deal ahead of time but it is easy to get caught up. Luckily he showed his behind sooner rather than later. Girl if he had put that D on you, you would've been through! :nono: :lol:
Well, I was stood up. I texted him before the dinner and asked if he was close. Now it's the morning after and still no communication. On to the next one I guess. Think I'll delete his number.

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Butt hole.
Sorry the dude was an arse--that you suspected anyway! But I dont blame you BGT. The bolded would have had me curious too!! :giggle::drunk:

I deleted his number and our text conversation so i won't be tempted. And you know what? I really should not have been surprised because I know he's an a**hole. :look: I know he is. I don't really know what I was thinking. He's misogynistic, sexist, bitter and a pot head. He has no redeeming qualities besides his looks and alleged thick crayon :look: I know if anything were to happen I'd be dickmatized for life :lol:
I'm sorry girl, but this post says so many negative things about YOU. :nono: You should've left this out.:lol:

I deleted his number and our text conversation so i won't be tempted. And you know what? I really should not have been surprised because I know he's an a**hole. :look: I know he is. I don't really know what I was thinking. He's misogynistic, sexist, bitter and a pot head. He has no redeeming qualities besides his looks and alleged thick crayon :look: I know if anything were to happen I'd be dickmatized for life :lol:

I'm more upset that I wasted an invite on him when there were other guys I could have asked and would have gone, including this very gentlemanly cutie I asked first who definitely would have gone if it weren't for his brother's graduation at the same time. :nono: Oh well, I know his true colors now.

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I'm sorry girl, but this post says so many negative things about YOU. :nono: You should've left this out.:lol:

:lol: I didn't add that to look good. Young girls like myself can easily get swindled by good looking, charming and big crayon swinging dudes. Gotta know what to look for. :yep: Maybe another girl like me can see this thread and not get caught up with a no good fool.
I'm so sorry you were stood up. I know you must have been disappointed. Did you go to the dinner anyway? Did he ever contact you?
I'm so sorry you were stood up. I know you must have been disappointed. Did you go to the dinner anyway? Did he ever contact you?

Of course I did. :lol: Went out afterwards too and had a good time :yep: I'm still talking to my other cutie so I'm not worried about this guy. He was just extra. :nono: