I feel like crying


Island Gyal
my nape has gotten worse and all I have been doing is babying it for the last 2 months..... Like the whole nape broke off. The rest of my hair is fine..... thick and SL so thankfull it covers the back so no one can see my nape.....

I don't use heat on it..... I leave it alone, I wash my hair once a week and cowash once a week. I use the root stimulator thing from profectiv but it doesn't seem to be working. The rest of my hair is growing but the nape isn't

as least it doesn't seem to be.
are you using protein on it?
when my nape was breaking off i used Aubrey Organics GPB and when I deep conditioned I made sure that area was saturated with conditioner

also make sure you moisturize it everyday and try not to use clips or bobby pins in that area
Gigantic:bighug:for you!!

I'm so sorry about the breakage, Val!! Ok, let's see if we all can find the reason for your breakage.

Is your nape rubbing on your clothes, car head rest, scarves etc?

You said that you used the profectiv. Have you been increasing the moisture level too?
I can't say the last time I used bobby pins or clips in my hair. I use protein on it....I use ORS hair mayo to DC and I apply my DC the way i would a relaxer....making sure my entire head is saturated. I also have a high protein diet.
are you keeping it moisturized?

Gigantic:bighug:for you!!

I'm so sorry about the breakage, Val!! Ok, let's see if we all can find the reason for your breakage.

Is your nape rubbing on your clothes, seat, etc?

You said that you used the profectiv. Have you been increasing the moisture level too?
I usually use moisturizer once a week..... I use ORS olive oil moisturizer..... should I increase that? I don't want to weigh my hair down.
Are you wearing it up a lot? I know we are supposed to protective style and all, but I really thing that wearing your nape up is damaging because it is going in the opposite of its natural direction.
Aw, I'm sorry. Are you going through a lot of stress? I know when I am stressed for a long period of time my hair would suffer and only my nape area.
You may not be getting enough moisture and you may have protein overload.

My crown needs a lot of moisture and very little protein or else I get breakage severely. I would def increase the moisturizing dcs to 3-4 times a week and invest in a light moisturizer like NTM. Apply it 2x a day.
sometimes, when hair is damaged, it will break until all of the damaged parts are gone - thus the need for trimming. two months is not so long - keep doing the good things you're doing, and make sure you baby that nape. it will stop breaking and it will grow back.
Val, have you tried the cornrow nape technique? I can't remember what poster first mentioned it, but it has really helped me grow my nape out from relaxer damage.
Aw, I'm sorry. Are you going through a lot of stress? I know when I am stressed for a long period of time my hair would suffer and only my nape area.
no I'm not stressed at all...... well actually the nape thing is stressing me now
You may not be getting enough moisture and you may have protein overload.

My crown needs a lot of moisture and very little protein or else I get breakage severely. I would def increase the moisturizing dcs to 3-4 times a week and invest in a light moisturizer like NTM. Apply it 2x a day.
how do you know when you have protein overload?
sometimes, when hair is damaged, it will break until all of the damaged parts are gone - thus the need for trimming. two months is not so long - keep doing the good things you're doing, and make sure you baby that nape. it will stop breaking and it will grow back.
well I hope that's what it's doing
Val, have you tried the cornrow nape technique? I can't remember what poster first mentioned it, but it has really helped me grow my nape out from relaxer damage.
it's too short to cornrow
Is it too short to pin it up just in case it is because of friction?

I remember reading an update thread from a lady who said that she improved her nape by only relaxing it every other relaxer. Maybe you could do a long term stretch in that area to give it time to catch itself.
girl I have the same problem, but it's not as bad as I thought it was, I just put a lot of moisturizer and try not to bother it at all....and I try not to wear my buns and ponytails so tight, I'mma order some OCT to put back there......I feel ya pain girl......I hope something works for you!
Is it too short to pin it up just in case it is because of friction?

I remember reading an update thread from a lady who said that she improved her nape by only relaxing it every other relaxer. Maybe you could do a long term stretch in that area to give it time to catch itself.

yes it's too short to pin up

I remember the poster...... she actually gave me some advice.... but the nape still not growing

can one be stressed and not know it? I don't feel stressed but my sis says i might be as I'm wrapping up school and job hunting
Awww honey. :hug2:

Do you wear a necklace or chain around your neck or sweaters?
Do you tie your scarf with the knot in the back?

Are you rinsing out any chemicals or products completely in that area?
Do you mess with the nape a lot? Could be over manipulation or mechanical breakage. Do you comb that area a lot?
I think i keep relaxing mines too instead imma just plait it up and leave it out next time i relax to see if its the pullpit.Mines feels rough too everytime i wash my hair it feels hard/rough
I used the keep the very bottom of my nape shaved (the first time I got my hair braided in HS they did it so I just kept it up) I just started letting it grow out about a year ago. It's too short to braid, but I do a very small flat twist and tuck the end, or use a clip b/c it's too short to fit into my bun.

When I had nape damage, LOTS of moisture and protective styling is what helped me through it. The friction from wearing it down and over processing made it break. I understand that you don't want your hair weighed down, but keeping the hair supple and heavily moisturised + protected could really help with your retention. :yep:
It may be stress. TRUST ME, school and job searching can be incredibly stressful mentally even though you show no obvious physical signs. It seems like you're doing everything else right. . .and, since you are doing nothing different to it than you do to the rest of your hair (which is flourishing), I'm thinking that is the only logical explanation. Protective styling helps a lot.

Maybe you should try yoga a couple times a week or do some quiet time during the day to help relax your mind from all your tasks in addition to trying some of the other suggestions. HTH and good luck, boo :)
Are you relaxed? If so, was youre last touch up done at a salon? If so, did you make sure she rinsed your nape well. Sometimes the chemical residue from the relaxer gets on the neck rest and if your stylist is not diligent in wiping that off after she rinses your nape your hair will wipe it off. I know a lot of relaxed heads that have breakage at the nape due to stylist not rinsing the relaxer off of the nape properly.
Are you relaxed? If so, was youre last touch up done at a salon? If so, did you make sure she rinsed your nape well. Sometimes the chemical residue from the relaxer gets on the neck rest and if your stylist is not diligent in wiping that off after she rinses your nape your hair will wipe it off. I know a lot of relaxed heads that have breakage at the nape due to stylist not rinsing the relaxer off of the nape properly.

You may not be getting enough moisture and you may have protein overload.

My crown needs a lot of moisture and very little protein or else I get breakage severely. I would def increase the moisturizing dcs to 3-4 times a week and invest in a light moisturizer like NTM. Apply it 2x a day.

This is exactly what I was thinking. I DC once a week but try to apply moisture twice a day. I use a blend of Rosewater and glycerine (5-10% glycerine to rosewater ratio) and HELTR leave in. It made a huge difference with my breakage.

Hope it works out. Don't stress, you'll get it. :yep:
Awww honey. :hug2:

Do you wear a necklace or chain around your neck or sweaters?
Do you tie your scarf with the knot in the back?

Are you rinsing out any chemicals or products completely in that area?
Do you mess with the nape a lot? Could be over manipulation or mechanical breakage. Do you comb that area a lot?
I usually self relax and I'm very thorough with rinsing out and neutralizing. The only thing I can think off it that the relaxer may be on that section of hair for too long, as the back is my starting point.

I used to tie my scarf back there but I've stopped for a few months now
you tried using
no I haven't..... someone on here mentioned to me that it does more harm that good...... what do you think?
It may be stress. TRUST ME, school and job searching can be incredibly stressful mentally even though you show no obvious physical signs. It seems like you're doing everything else right. . .and, since you are doing nothing different to it than you do to the rest of your hair (which is flourishing), I'm thinking that is the only logical explanation. Protective styling helps a lot.

Maybe you should try yoga a couple times a week or do some quiet time during the day to help relax your mind from all your tasks in addition to trying some of the other suggestions. HTH and good luck, boo :)
thank you....
This is exactly what I was thinking. I DC once a week but try to apply moisture twice a day. I use a blend of Rosewater and glycerine (5-10% glycerine to rosewater ratio) and HELTR leave in. It made a huge difference with my breakage.

Hope it works out. Don't stress, you'll get it. :yep:
you do mix that and keep it in a spray bottle?
Are you relaxed? If so, was youre last touch up done at a salon? If so, did you make sure she rinsed your nape well. Sometimes the chemical residue from the relaxer gets on the neck rest and if your stylist is not diligent in wiping that off after she rinses your nape your hair will wipe it off. I know a lot of relaxed heads that have breakage at the nape due to stylist not rinsing the relaxer off of the nape properly.
yes and yes....... it's quite possible that she didn't rinse it off properly..... I remember having to fix myself a couple times because i couldn't feel the water getting to my nape. At the time I already had breakage back there but it has since gotten worse.