I feel like crying

my bad if someone already asked this, but when you sleep does your hair have elastic, like a sleep cap? Or do you wear half wigs that have teeth? My sister hair is broken in the back because of the teeth of her wig..
no I use a scarf but I've stopped tying it at the back for some time now.... and I don't have any wigs with the comb attachment..... even so, I haven't worn a wig in over 6 months
I usually self relax and I'm very thorough with rinsing out and neutralizing. The only thing I can think off it that the relaxer may be on that section of hair for too long, as the back is my starting point.

I used to tie my scarf back there but I've stopped for a few months now

no I haven't..... someone on here mentioned to me that it does more harm that good...... what do you think?

Actually most people
don't understand a little
goes a long way.
when you have the desired results
stop usage.
Plus when I use mine
I make sure its diluted
with avocado oil and rosemary/cedarwood essential oil mixture.
I have used it on my edges,
twice a week
and I'm loving the results.
Hope I helped..
Actually most peopl
don't understand a little
goes a long way..
when you have the desired results
stop usage.
Plus when I use mine
I make sure its diluted
with avocado oil and rosemary/cedarwood essential oil mixture.
I have used it on my edges,
twice a week
and I'm loving the results.
Hope I helped..

btw your sig
is cracking me up :grin:
my nape has gotten worse and all I have been doing is babying it for the last 2 months..... Like the whole nape broke off. The rest of my hair is fine..... thick and SL so thankfull it covers the back so no one can see my nape.....

I don't use heat on it..... I leave it alone, I wash my hair once a week and cowash once a week. I use the root stimulator thing from profectiv but it doesn't seem to be working. The rest of my hair is growing but the nape isn't

as least it doesn't seem to be.

Okay. The rest of my hair (albeit in layers is mostly MBL). The nape is between apl and bsl. But it was less that 1/2 an inch. Mostly I had graves, and even when the rest of my hair was growing back from when I buzzed off my hair the nape..., it was breaking. My hair was still recovering from grave's disease but I just couldn't whip the nape in shape. This is what I did. I washed it and conditioned and deep conditioned like everyone else. THen I left some conditioner on it, applied some amla olive creme by qhmet and sealed with coconut oil. I used braid spray to keep it moist. When it got long enough I corn rowed it horizontally. I continued to wash and dc like normally and sprayed away. I never let it be dry. I used the rest of my hair to cover it until it grew out. It's growing super fast now. HTH

I'm natural BTW and I still had the problem w/ breakage.
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thanks for your in put.... so moisture is really the key huh
It was for me.

I think if you need protein it's a different story but I found that my nape needed WAAAAY more moisture to thrive. I still cornrow it sometimes. It's usually protective styled even when my hair is down because who's going to notice . Even in a ponytail if it's low no one knows. I'll probably have it out only if I wear a high ponytail. Right now I'm in braids so it's still protective styling.
My daughter had this problem and she used Dr. Miracle. It seemed to work a miracle too! Her nape area is all filled in and growing quite well now.
I'm sorry to hear that but I think that it might be chemical.

NEVER relax the nape first. Always relax it last. Try relaxing it every other relaxer, make sure the relaxer is rinsed/neutralized properly, there's no pins/scarfs to break it off, keep it moisturized and I think it will flourish.:yep:

Your hair looks nice in your siggy!!
Skip the nape the next time you relax, you need to give that area some time to heal.

I used to have the same problem as Val. I know one of the issues was not properly rinsing my relaxer. Once I got that straightened, I would only do my nape every other touch up. And that really made a difference! I actually had a bald patch back there and I ended up with it the same length as the rest. I would moisturize it as needed, which was at least twice a day. If it needed moisture, moisture it got. When I started using Megatek and OCT, it really thickened. I made a mix of MT/OCT and some Hydratherma Naturals Moisturizing Growth Lotion and Oils. :yep: It worked great for me!! It took a while to get my hair back in shape. It was so dry and scraggly that I ended up trimming some of that dead mess off. Hang in there, though. It will work out. :grin:
I used the keep the very bottom of my nape shaved (the first time I got my hair braided in HS they did it so I just kept it up) I just started letting it grow out about a year ago. It's too short to braid, but I do a very small flat twist and tuck the end, or use a clip b/c it's too short to fit into my bun.

When I had nape damage, LOTS of moisture and protective styling is what helped me through it. The friction from wearing it down and over processing made it break. I understand that you don't want your hair weighed down, but keeping the hair supple and heavily moisturised + protected could really help with your retention. :yep:
:yep::yep: This is exactly what I did to recover my nape from taco meat to the big ole chia pet it is now.

~stopped applying heat to it
~stopped forcing it into ponytails/buns etc
~relaxed it absolutely last and didn't smooth it
~moisturized it daily just like the rest of my hair
~I was picking at my taco meat without realizing it causing more damage. I stopped that.

Once I got some length to it, I started flat twisting it and securing it with a bobby pin. No one will ever notice it. I'd take it down every couple of days to moisturize and seal and twist it right back up.