i feel like crying,screaming,punching ! wth

Post here or just start a new thread. Went to the Eiffel Tower yesterday and I was shocked at how aggressive those men were trying to sell trinkets. I finally had to tell one guy, " You better back up off me!". So not surprised at the arm grabbing:nono:.
OP, I know how you feel. I just had my own salon experience this weekend. I'm staring to HATE salons. She cut 2" off my hair. That's all my progress straight down the drain.
Ouch.That salon experience sounds downright terrible. Can't believe she had the nerve to say you were a "difficult client" because you wanted to keep hair on your daggone head!... I must admit the end result is very nice though.
Aww, yodie! That straight-up sux! But thanks for reminding me why I have been avoiding the salons; daggone SHS's beeeyotches! Back to the OP, your braids are gorgeous, but I'm sorry your salon experience was unpleasant. At least it wasn't a bad experience and a HAM, though!
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Your cornrows look very nice...I'm sorry that you went through all of that trauma, though!
Your hair looks great but you shouldn't have had to fight her about every little thing, she wasn't professional at all. Sorry you had that experience.
So sorry about that woman. She totally went against rule number one - the customer is always right.....she should have listened to what you were telling her. Sorry she was so daft.

Upside: Your hair turned out beautifully!!!!!!! The braid out from that will be brilliant.
so ladies! im back when i took out the braids um.....i could tell that the stupid hairdresser did mess up my hair (in the middle especially) BUT...;its still grrowing, i think im not gonna let anyone do my hair again! ive just finished my extension braids today (took 5 hours)cool! its my second time, with more practice they'll be prettier.
im gonna now focus on my ends cause since a year its like i only grew 4 inches! i guess the ends are the problem,cause when i have braids in the growwth is specctacular;so i dont get it
thanks for the update. i am glad to hear they didn't ruin your hair.

yeah, i did lose some hair as she pulled it out and i saw it on the comb,but let me just focus on doing this stuff myslef or findin someone who does hair correctly!!!!!!maybe i wont get to apl this year but....i'll get there some day.